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The Tsinghua-INSEAD Dual Degree Executive MBA Programme

哈佛商业评论  · 公众号  · 商业  · 2017-08-16 08:00


Dear Prospective Applicants:

We hope you are well. The Tsinghua-INSEAD Dual Degree Executive MBA Programme (TIEMBA) offers both Eastern and Western approaches to prepare you for global, senior management roles.


Being the true partnership between Tsinghua and INSEAD, the programme offers you the advantage of the global credibility of both institutions, and an EMBA experience that's twice as valuable.


Should you be interested in joining the programme in 2018, those are the application deadlines:

  • For mainland Chinese applicants: 29 September, 2017

  • For Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan applicants:1 February, 2018

  • For non-Chinese applicants: 20 April, 2018


While those dates are approaching, don’t be deterred. With the right attention, admission to the programme is not out of reach. We invite you to submit your CV for review. Please send it to [email protected]


We will be happy to provide feedback on your profile, share application insights and essay tips, and discuss the Admission Test, which is the alternative to the GMAT.


We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

TIEMBA Office 

School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

Tel: +8610 62796317/62795799/62796274

Email: [email protected]





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