Science and Engineering:
Chemical Engineering and Technology, Instrument Science and Technology, Optical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Naval and Ocean Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermo-physics, Mechanics, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Computer Scienceand Technology,
Intelligence Manufacturing
, Marine Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering, Food Science and Engineering, SoftwareEngineering, Geology, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Environmental Health, Nutrition and food.
Medical, Life Sciences and Pharmacy:
Neural and Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Interaction, Preclinical Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine, Medical Imaging, Medical Engineering and Translational Medicine, Public Health and Emergency Rescue, Epidemiology and Statistics, Disaster Medicine, Occupational Health, Computational Biology, Structural Biology, Chemical Biology, Synthetic Biology, Medical Biology,
Biological Manufacturing
, Biomicrofluidics,
, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Bioinformatics and Pharmacy Administration.
Management, Humanities and Social Science:
Economics, Management Science and Engineering, Business Administration, Public Administration, Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning, Landscape Architecture, Arts, Law, Language and Literature, Education, Journalism and Communication, Psychology and Theory of Marxism.
Consisted of two academic levels, which is A Class level and B Class level, Peiyang Scholars Program has set up several posts, that is, the tenured professor, tenured associate professor and non-tenured associate professor. Collaborated with attractive salary and advanced management, it aims to provide excellent talents with a favorable environment of innovation and development necessary to be connected with international circumstances, and furthermore, to recruit top-notch faculty for Tianjin University to establish “First-Class” university. The detailed compensation and benefits are as shown below.
1. A-Class:
: Full-time tenured professor
An annual salary before tax from RMB 650,000 to 700,000 (all-inclusive salary)
Relocation allowance
: RMB 2,500,000 (including national and Tianjin municipal government support), temporarily rented housing within the university is provided.
Start-up research fund
: RMB 2.5-4.5 million for science and engineering fields (including the national government support) and 0.3 million for humanities and social science fields.
Team support
: During the first employment period, 1 doctoral student and 3 master students quotasare given annually, 1 post-doctoral assistant quota is supported.
Other relevant policies
TJU will solve thechildren’s education. The spouse's employment would be settled down.
2. B-Class:
: F
ull-time tenured professor
An annual salary before tax from RMB 550,000 to 600,000 (all-inclusive salary).
Relocation allowance
: RMB 200,000-1,000,000 (including Tianjin municipal government support).
Start-up research fund
TJU will provide RMB 1 million for science and engineering fields and 0.2million for humanities and social science fields.
Other relevant policies
TJU will solve the children's education.
: Full-time tenured associate professor
An annual salary before tax from RMB 400,000 to 450,000 (all-inclusive salary).
Relocation allowance
: RMB 100,000-500,000 (including Tianjin municipal government support).
Start-up research fund
TJU will provide RMB 0.5 million for science and engineering fields and 0.1 million for humanities and
socialscience fields.
Other relevant policies
TJU will solve the children's education.
: Full-time non-tenured associate professor
An annual salary before tax from RMB 300,000 (all-inclusive salary).
Relocation allowance
: RMB 20,000-500,000 (including Tianjin municipal government support).