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小米国际副总裁 Hugo Barra 离职:北京雾霾大,我回硅谷啦

爱范儿  · 公众号  · 科技媒体  · 2017-01-23 16:50


1 月 23 日下午,小米国际副总裁 Hugo Barra 在自己的 FaceBook 主页上发布公开信,在感谢三年半小米工作经历的同时,表示自己由于身体健康原因,决定从小米离职,回到硅谷生活。
随后林斌在 Facebook 上回复,感谢 Hugo Barra 为小米国际做出的贡献,表示 Hugo Barra 将会在未来成为小米公司的顾问。而小米的高级副总裁王翔将接替 Hugo Barra,负责小米在国际市场上的生意。在 2017 年 CES 前夕的小米发布会上,王翔就已经代表小米主持新品发布会,而 Hugo Barra 并未在发布会上亮相。

在 2013 年 8 月底,负责 Android 产品的 Google 高管 Hugo Barra 突然宣布离职,加盟小米。在离开 Google 加盟小米之前,Hugo Barra 是 Android 产品管理部门高级副总裁,曾在 Google I/O 上多次露面,两代 Nexus 7 和 Nexus 10 平板就是由 Hugo Barra 一手揭开面纱。
2008 年加入 Google 前,Hugo Barra 曾在语音识别公司 Nuance 待过一段时间。Barra 加入 Google 后升职很快,从最早的产品经理一路攀升至 Android 产品部门副总裁,成为 Google 的一线高管。

小米林斌和 Hugo 是很多年的同事,曾多次向雷军推荐 Hugo,后来雷军和 Hugo 多次见面并沟通后,认为 Hugo 在 Android 生态圈影响力的确是世界级的,力邀他加入小米,Hugo 经过考虑之后,愿意到北京工作,并表期待这个挑战。加盟小米后,Hugo Barra 担任小米的副总裁,负责小米的国际业务。

印度是小米目前国际市场的重点目标,根据研究机构 IDC 发布的 2016 年第三季印度智能手机市场报告称,小米今年在印度市场势头强劲,首次杀入前五名就位列第四位,与印度本土品牌 Micromax 只差了 0.1 个百分点,第三季度小米在印度的销量环比几乎翻番,同比更是增长了 1.5 倍。小米今年在印度市场发力,销量大幅提升。对于这样的成绩 Hugo Barra 可以说是功不可没。
在今年年初的 CES 上,小米第一次正式亮相 CES 展会,展示了自家的新款手机和全系米家产品。这也是继 2016 年小米在美国市场正式开售充电宝、耳机等周边产品后,小米将更多自家旗下新产品在美国发售。
以下内容为 Hugo Barra 在 Facebook 发布的公开信原文及翻译:
THANKS FOR A GREAT 3.5 YEARS, MI FANS — When Lei Jun and Bin Lin came to me nearly four years ago with the opportunity to help turn a young rockstar startup into a global player, I embarked on what has been the greatest and most challenging adventure of my life.
I moved to Beijing, 6,500 miles out of my comfort zone in Silicon Valley, to build from scratch a startup team within a bigger startup. This journey has been nothing short of spectacular in every way, and I can proudly say that Xiaomi Global is the first baby I helped bring into the world 。
我搬到了北京,离我硅谷的家 6500 英里,在小米这个大创业公司里开始建立一个初创团队。这个过程非常伟大,而我也可以骄傲的表示,小米国际是我带到这个世界上的一个婴儿。
But what I've realized is that the last few years of living in such a singular environment have taken a huge toll on my life and started affecting my health. My friends, what I consider to be my home, and my life are back in Silicon Valley, which is also much closer to my family. Seeing how much I've left behind these past few years, it is clear to me that the time has come to return.
As I thought about this late last year, I concluded that Xiaomi is in a very good place on its global expansion path, and if there was ever going to be a good time for me to come back home, that time is now — when I can confidently say our global business is no longer just an in-house startup.
正如我在去年年底所想的那样,我的结论是,目前小米在其全球扩张道路上前景光明,如果我有时间回家,那么现在是时候了 - 可以自信地说,我们的全球业务不再只是一个简单的内部初创项目。
We turned India from a dream into Xiaomi’s largest international market with $1 billion in annual revenues, faster than any company in India's history. We expanded into Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and more recently 20 other markets including Russia, Mexico, and Poland.
我们将印度从一个梦想变成了小米最大的国际市场,年营业额为 10 亿美元,比印度历史上任何公司都快。 我们扩展到印度尼西亚,新加坡,马来西亚,以及最近 20 个其他市场,包括俄罗斯,墨西哥和波兰。
We teamed up with Google to launch our first official product in the US, and with our successful debut at CES 2017 — where we won 3 prestigious awards — the world now sees that Xiaomi is a global player changing the tech industry through our simple promise of bringing innovation to everyone.
我们与 Google 合作推出了我们在美国的第一个官方产品,凭借我们在 2017 年 CES上的成功亮相 , 我们赢得了 3 个着名的奖项。让 世界目前看到,小米是一个全球性的企业,而我们也承诺为每个人带来创新。
More importantly, we now have a team of some of the most remarkable and enthusiastic people I have ever worked with, and leaving them all behind is without doubt the most difficult part of stepping away. At the same time, I know I’ll be leaving them in very good hands. Xiaomi now has a strong, globally-minded executive team who will continue to drive the momentum we began together.
更重要的是,我们现在有一个由我所经历的最杰出和热情的人组成的团队,他们是我离开小米最难以割舍的一个因素。同时,我离开后他们也会做的很好。 小米现在有一个强大的,全球化的管理团队,将继续推动我们一起开始时的愿景。
I want to thank the Xiaomi founders, and particularly our CEO Lei Jun, who has been a mentor and a friend. It has been both humbling and uplifting to work with a man whose vision is redefining the role technology plays in all of our lives, and the role the China tech industry plays in the world.
我要感谢小米创始人,特别是我们的 CEO 雷军,他是一个导师和朋友。 与一个人的工作一直谦卑和振奋,他的愿景是重新定义技术在我们所有生活中的角色,以及中国科技产业在世界上的作用。
As a friend and shareholder of the company, I am honored that he has been very supportive of my transition and has asked me to remain an advisor to Xiaomi indefinitely, as we continue to extend our reach around the world.
For me, as for many people in China, the Spring Festival brings new beginnings, and I will be transitioning out of my role at Xiaomi in February after Chinese New Year. I will take some much-needed time off before embarking on a new adventure back in Silicon Valley.
对我来说,同时也对于中国的很多人来说,春节带来了新的开始。我将在春节后的 2 月份转变我的角色。 我将需要一些急需的时间,然后开始在硅谷的新冒险。
To my Xiaomi colleagues in China and India: as I leave our home in Beijing and Bangalore, please be assured that I will remain your loyal and grateful Mi fan 虎哥. I will be watching diligently from the sidelines and rooting for you guys all the way! And, of course, a very special shout-out to all our Mi fans around the world, who have won my heart for life!
我在中国和印度的小米同事:当我离开我们在北京和班加罗尔的家,请放心,我会继续你的忠实和感激的米粉虎哥。 我会为你们加油! 当然,也感谢我们在全球各地的米粉。
Stay in touch guys :)
I'll be seeing you,