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特步國際: 聚焦健康成長

天风国际  · 公众号  · 体育  · 2024-09-13 17:22


本文介绍了特步国际控股有限公司(Xtep International Holdings)的半年业绩报告。该公司收入稳定增长,净利润增长13%。关键业务指标包括品牌收入、产品收入、毛利率和净利润等方面的表现。此外,公司还介绍了线下门店数量和电商业务增长情况,以及聚焦跑步战略和品牌建设的举措。最后,提供了投资建议和风险提示。


关键观点1: 公司收入和净利润增长


关键观点2: 品牌和产品表现


关键观点3: 线下门店稳定,电商增长迅速


关键观点4: 聚焦跑步战略和品牌建设


关键观点5: 投资建议与风险提示



Xtep International Holdings

(1368 HK)


24H1E takeaways: net profit rose 13% on stable mass market and pro sports; watch for a healthy growth profile

BUY (maintain)

投資要點/Investment Thesis

投資要點/Investment Thesis

24H1收入同增10.4%,歸母淨利潤同增13%。 公司發佈半年報,24H1收入72億同增10.4%,主要由主品牌穩健表現與新品牌中國內地的強勁增長帶動;其中特步主品牌57.9億同增6.6%,專業運動分部(索康尼、邁樂)收入5.9億同增72.2%,時尚分部收入(蓋世威、帕拉丁)8.2億同增9.7%,其中中國內地佔時尚分部收入39%,同增85.7%。



24H1E: revenue up 10.4% yoy and net profit up 13% yoy; HK15.6 cents DPS

Top line: Xtep International released unaudited 24H1E results with revenue at RMB7.2bn, up 10.4% yoy, driven mostly by its XTEP core brands and other brands’ growth in the mainland of China market. Segmental revenue perspectives are as follows:

Brand revenues:

•XTEP brands contributed RMB5.79bn in H1E, up 6.6% yoy.

•Athleisure brands (K-Swiss and Palladium) generated RMB820m, up 9.7% yoy; mainland of China grew 85.7% yoy with an athleisure revenue share of 39%.

•Professional sports (Saucony and Merrell) brands shot up 72.2% yoy to RMB590m.

Product revenues:

•Footwear contributed RMB4.45bn in H1E, up 14.3% yoy (61.7% of the total).

•Apparel contributed RMB2.61bn, up 4.3% yoy.

•Accessories contributed RMB150m, up 11.8% yoy.

Bottom line: net profit came to RMB750m in H1E, up 13% yoy, with professional sports brands contributing RMB32m.

DPS: the company set H1 dividend per share at HK15.6 cents, a 50% payout ratio.




Profitability: gross margin up 3ppt yoy to 46%; net margin up 0.2ppt yoy to 10.4%

Gross margin increased 3.1ppt yoy to 46% in 24H1E, mainly due to a bigger contribution from the higher-gross-margin direct-to-consumer (DTC) business. Gross margin performance by brand:

•Professional sports brands: 56.8% gross margin, up 14.8ppt yoy, mainly because the company acquired the entire stake of the Saucony and Merrell JV in H1.

•Athleisure brands: 53.4% gross margin, up 11.4ppt yoy, due to a bigger contribution from the DTC-model China market and less DTC inventory clearance.

•XTEP brands: 43.9% gross margin, up 0.8ppt yoy, mainly because ecommerce expanded in gross margin and revenue share.

Operating margin was 15.2% in 24H1E, up 0.1ppt yoy, and net margin was 10.4%, up 0.2ppt yoy. Looking at expense ratios, key employee costs as a percentage of revenue showed a marked increase, as staff costs rose on business expansion and acquisitions of stakes in Saucony and Merrell JVs.




Sales network: stable physical store count; growing ecommerce platforms

Retail stores: the company maintained its physical store count:

•XTEP Adults: 6,578 stores around the world at end-24H1, a net increase of 7 from the beginning of the year.

•XTEP Kids: 1,706 stores in mainland of China, a net increase of 3 from the beginning of the year.

•Saucony: 128 stores in mainland of China, a net increase of 18.

Ecommerce sales expanded more than 20% yoy in 24H1E, contributing over 30% of XTEP brand revenue. The growth areas were:

•Livestreaming and ecommerce social media platforms: retail sales via Douyin, Dewu and WeChat video accounts shot up more than 80% yoy.

•Running sports products: this year’s 618 promotions saw total online sales rising 50% yoy, while XTEP brand sales grew 40% yoy.



Fine-tuning running sports focus: XTEP ecosystem and Saucony brand building

•XTEP brands consolidated the running sports ecosystem and strengthen R&D capabilities. New launches in H1 included the 360X carbon-fiber-plate shoe collection, which had positive feedback from consumers.

Saucony stepped up brand promotions on top of product innovations, channel upgrades and event sponsorships in H1. It also signed on a brand ambassador in July. The brand aims to drive up growth, widen the product matrix and speed up the opening pace of its new-image stores in China’s upper-tier cities.

Merrell expanded its product line with upgraded trail running and outdoor specs.

投資建議/Investment Ideas




Valuation and risks

We are bullish about XTEP brand prospects and expect the cost-effective products will maintain their market leadership. We expect company financials will improve with the strategic divestiture of KP Global Investment (K-Swiss and Palladium). This would streamline the business toward a running sports focus. We reckon group resources will gravitate toward professional sports brands Saucony and Merrell to accelerate their growth, and maximize brand and product payoff.

Valuation: we forecast revenue will arrive at RMB16bn/17.9bn/19.8bn in 2024/25/26E; and net profit at RMB1.21bn/1.41bn/1.65bn; implying RMB0.46/0.53/0.63 EPS and 11x/9x/7x PE. We maintain our BUY rating.

風險提示: 市場競爭加劇;新品市場接受度不及預期;終端消費不及預期風險等。

Risks include: intensifying competition; weaker-than-expected market acceptance of new products; and lower-than-expected end-market consumption.

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