In research published this week in the Science of Nature, Martin Nyffeler of the University of Basel, in Switzerland, and Klaus Birkhofer of Lund University, in
Sweden, attempt to put some numbers on spiders’ dining habits. Starting with the available data on the mass of spiders found per square metre in Earth’s main habitat types—forests, grasslands, fields of crops and so on, they calculated the amount of
required in each habitat to support the weight of spiders there, based on spiders’ known food requirements per unit of body weight. That done, they
their habitat-based results to the whole planet, in light of what is known about the total areas of such habitats.
这周发表在自然科学杂志的研究中,瑞士伯尔尼大学的Martin Nyffeler和瑞典隆德大学的Klaus Birkhofer尝试在蜘蛛的饮食习惯上做标号。以现有的数据开始,在地球上主要栖息地(森林、草地、田地等等)每平方米发现的蜘蛛,他们计算了为了维持每个栖息地的蜘蛛总体重恒定不变所需要的猎物数量,因为我们已经知道蜘蛛每单位体重的食物需求量。试验完成后,根据已知的这样的栖息地的总面积,他们推测对于整个星球来说它们基于生境的结果。