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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-11-28 05:25





The presidential election


Making a U-tahn


No third-party candidate has won a state since 1968. Could that be about to change?


Oct 29th 2016 | SALT LAKE CITY | From the print edition


WITH the Gothic spires of the Salt Lake Temple looming behind her, Diane, who works for the Mormon church, grimaces as she considers her political choices. “Well, Trump wants to be king, not president. And Hillary lacks integrity. I would vote for Mickey Mouse before I voted for either of them.” The only candidate she can stomach is Evan McMullin, a 40-year-old Mormon who served in the CIA.



MrMcMullin announced his candidacy as an independent in August. He began with near-zero name recognition and made the ballot in just 11 states. Yet recent polls put him in a dead heat with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in his native Utah. An Emerson College survey on October 19th gave him a four-point lead, and betting markets put his chances there around 30%. No third-party candidate has won a state since the segregationist George Wallace swept the Deep South in 1968.


  • ballot: n.选票总数,选举

  • dead heat: 势均力敌,不相上下

  • segregationist: n.种族隔离主义者

Before the campaign of 2016, Utah seemed the least likely place in the country to give a Republican headaches. Republicans have won it by at least 18 percentage points in 12 straight general elections; both George W. Bush in 2004 and Mitt Romney took over 70% of the vote. The main source of the party’s dominance is the state’s Mormon population. They make up over 70% of the electorate, and lean more Republican than any other religious group.


  • electorate: n.全体选民

Mormons were not always stalwart Republicans. Before the 1960s, Utah’s politics were more balanced. But the Democratic Party’s support of abortion rights alienated Mormon voters, and they were strongly influenced by conservative figures like Ezra Taft Benson, who served as secretary of agriculture under Dwight Eisenhower before returning to Utah and leading the Mormon church. In 1974 Benson declared that any Mormon who “was living the gospel and understood it” could not be a liberal Democrat. In devout Mormon circles, the Democratic Party remains taboo. Crystal Young-Otterstrom, the chair of LDS Democrats, said that when she first switched from being a Republican, she told her parents and friends she was a communist because, “that was easier, somehow”.


  • stalwart: adj.忠实的,健壮的

  • gospel: n.福音


 Nonetheless, Mormons have developed a unique brand of conservatism. Last year the church helped pass a law that prohibited discrimination in housing and employment on the basis of sexuality. Utah has accepted over 60,000 refugees since the end of the Vietnam war; in recent years it has had one of America’s highest refugee-resettlement rates. Yet the Mormon aspiration to “secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life”, plus the emphasis on each individual being responsible for their own fortune, have kept them in the Republican fold.


Mr Trump’s relatively weak showing in Utah is partly explained by the strength of the state’s economy. Utah’s unemployment rate is only 3.4%, 1.6 points below the national average. The poverty rate is 2.3 points below the nationwide mark, and incomes are more equal than in any other state. But it mostly reflects Mormon values, which include decency, kindness and humility. The emergence earlier this month of an 11-year-old tape, which showed Mr Trump bragging that he could grope women and get away with it, caused several prominent Utah Republicans, including the state’s governor, Gary Herbert, to drop their support. Jon Huntsman, a former governor who had surprised many by endorsing the Republican nominee, went a step further and urged him to drop out of the race. And the Deseret News, a newspaper owned by the Mormon church, broke an 80-year tradition of neutrality to implore Mr Trump to quit.


  • decency:n. 正派;体面;庄重;合乎礼仪;礼貌

  • get away with:逃脱惩罚

  • go a step further: 更进一步

Even before October, though, this election was unusual for the role played by the usually apolitical Mormon church. It responded to Mr Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim immigration by posting on its website two quotes about religious liberty from Joseph Smith, the faith’s founder. “Many members of the Mormon church feel like refugees, having been chased from place to place,” says Jeff, a church employee. “Many of us have done missions to foreign places and fallen in love with the people there.” A walk around the campus of Brigham Young University, a place so Mormon that even the sodas in the campus store are caffeine-free, revealed stickers and luggage tags on students’ backpacks and cars that read “I


  • caffeine-free:无咖啡因的,脱咖啡因的


Do Mr Trump’s struggles in Utah signal the end of its long run as a near-one-party state? Greg Hughes, the Republican Speaker of the Utah House of Representatives, who continues to support Mr Trump, says the Republican Party will remain dominant. It currently boasts 87 lawmakers in Utah’s legislature to the Democrats’ 17. “No matter what happens, I just don’t think there’s going to be such a big impact down-ticket,” he says. Richard Davis, a professor at Brigham Young University, isn’t so sure. “Once people start disassociating from their usual party, it will probably be easier for them to do so in the future.”

特朗普目前的困难是否表明犹他不再是那个一直以来的“一党之州”了呢?继续支持特朗普的犹他州众议院共和党发言人Greg Hughes表示,共和党仍将保持领先优势。目前,共和党在犹他州议会里有87名立法委员,而民主党只有17名。杨百翰大学教授理查德·大卫说:“无论发生什么情况,我认为像上面说的那样票数直线下降的局面不会出现。”但他又不确定的说道:“一旦人们不再支持他们以往支持的政党,今后这种不支持的局面就更容易出现了。”

Greg Hughes

If MrMcMullin does triumph, the effects will reverberate far beyond Utah. It is conceivable, though vanishingly unlikely, that he could become president: if no candidate secures 270 electoral votes, the House of Representatives would pick the victor from the top three finishers, and he might emerge as a compromise candidate. Far more plausibly, he could pave the way for future challenges to America’s political duopoly. Although Ross Perot took 19% of the vote in 1992, he did not come close to winning any states. MrMcMullin’s surge suggests that third-party candidates should focus on cultivating a strong regional base. In a close election, that could potentially make one a kingmaker.



翻译 ▍政治第一组

审核 ▍砺石

编辑 ▍毛毛


Try to translate 

If MrMcMullin does triumph, the effects will reverberate far beyond Utah. It is conceivable, though vanishingly unlikely, that he could become president:

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