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【文献情报】|Sci. Total Environ.|冲积盆地地下水砷活化过程中硼同位素特征及其指示意义!

R语言与水文生态环境  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-09 00:02


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  • 期刊: Science of the Total Environment

  • 中科院分区: 1区 环境科学与生态学

  • 影响因子(IF):8.2

  • 第一作者:Chenbo Lei

  • 通讯作者:Huaming Guo

  • 第一作者单位:State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China

  • 原位连接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177931

  • (1)硅酸盐矿物的不一致溶解导致了冲积扇中较高的δ 11B;

  • (2)B和As的解吸增加了过渡区地下水中B和As的含量;
  • (3)平坦平原区As和B的释放导致Fe ( III )氧化物的减少;
  • (4)二次Ca沉降增加了δ 11B,促进了As的富集。
高砷地下水广泛分布于世界各地,严重威胁人类健康。由于类似的化学性质,硼( B )将被用来理解高砷地下水的形成机制。在河套盆地西北部冲积扇、过渡区和平原区沿水流路径采集了30个地下水样品。地下水As浓度总体上沿程呈增加趋势。δ 11B值变化范围为3.36‰~ 26.19‰,呈现先减小后增大的趋势(从冲积扇到过渡区;第一阶段)。硅酸盐矿物不一致溶解释放的硼和次生粘土矿物吸附的硼导致了冲积扇低砷地下水的高δ 11B值,其中As被吸附固定在Fe (Ⅲ)氧化物或粘土矿物上。在阶段Ⅰ,由于B的解吸,B浓度略有增加,δ 11B值降低。As浓度与δ 11B值呈负相关关系,说明解吸是As富集的重要过程。在第Ⅱ阶段,有机质的降解和Fe (Ⅲ)氧化物的还原溶解增加了B和As的浓度。然而,B / Cl的降低趋势和δ 11B的增加趋势表明,B和碳酸盐的共沉淀去除了地下水中的B。As与SI方解石+白云石之间的正相关关系支持二次Ca沉淀通过直接将As从Fe (Ⅲ)氧化物中分离出来,从而降低了As的吸附,促进了As的富集。本研究为地下水中As和B富集相关的水文地球化学过程提供了见解。

Fig. 1. Locations of the study area, water sampling sites and hydrogeochemical zonation in the study area.

Fig. 2. Piper plot of water samples in the study area.

Fig. 3. Box-Whisker plots of TDS (a), ORP (b), NH4 +(c), Fe(II) (d), HCO3 −(e), SO 4 2 −/Cl−(f), As (g), B (h), and δ 11 B values (i) in groundwater in the different zones.

Fig. 4. Plot of δ 2 H versus δ 18 O in water samples in the study area (LMWL: the local meteoric water line ( Yang et al., 2009 ); GMWL: the global meteoric water line ( Craig, 1961 ); the legend is same as shown in Fig. 2 ).

Fig. 5. Plot of Ca/Na versus Mg/Na (The carbonate, silicate, and evaporite end numbers were reported by Gaillardet et al. (1999) ) (a), and mineral equilibriumdiagrams of Na+-H+-SiO 2 (b) and Ca 2 +-H+-SiO 2 (c) system at 25◦C (phase boundaries are plotted using thermodynamic data of Liu et al. (2020b) and Wang et al.(2009) ), Gibbs plot (d), relationships between (Na++ K+-Cl−) and B (e), and between 1/B and δ 11 B (f) (the legend is same as shown in Fig. 2 ).

Fig. 6. Relationships between B and HCO3 −(a), Na+/Ca+(b), Fe(II) (c), and NH4 +(d) in groundwater (the legend is same as shown in Fig. 2 ).

Fig. 7. Box-Whisker plot of groundwater B/Cl, Sr/Ca, SI calcite , SI dolomite , and SI siderite in groundwater from the different zones.

Fig. 8. Schematic plot showing that δ 11 B values were controlled by a combination of B removal by co-precipitation and B release from Fe(III) oxide dissolution and desorption. The averages for each zone are shown for reference. We assume that B release (step 1; blue line) was followed by B removal (step 2; green line). The open circles represent the 1/B versus δ 11 B before co-precipitation.

Fig. 9. Relationships between As and δ 11 B value (a), HCO3 −(b), Na+/Ca+(c), Fe(II) (d), NH4 +(e), SI calcite + dolomite(f) in groundwater (the legend is same as shownin Fig. 2 ).

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