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宝马客  · 公众号  · 汽车  · 2017-03-27 20:35



「  你有心灵鸡汤,暖心 ;我有车迷毒药,激情! 

《Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home》--Keira Knightley


You don't have to smile so sad

Laugh when you're feeling bad

I promise I won't

Chase you

You don't have to dance so blue

You don't have to say I do

When baby you don't

Just tell me

The one thing you never told me

Then let go of me

Hell just throw me

Maybe if you wanna go home

Tell me if I'm back on my own

Giving back a heart that's on loan

Oh maybe

You don't have to kill so kind

Pretend to ease my mind

When baby you won't

Oh sugar

You don't have to be so sweet

I know who you're going to meet

Don't say that I don't

So maybe

I won't let your memory haunt me

I'll be sleepwalking

With the lonely

If you're taking me home

Tell me if I'm back on my own

Giving back a heart that's on loan

Just tell me if you wanna go home

Tell me if you wanna go home (Cause I'm just not sure)

Tell me if I'm back on my own (How to get back there)

Giving back a heart that's on loan (And I just can't bear)

Tell me if you wanna go home (If you're not there)

(Ooh ooh ooh ooh...)


If you're taking me home

Tell me if I'm back on my own

Giving back a heart that's on loan

Tell me if you wanna go

(Wanna go, wanna go, wanna go, wanna)

Cause I'm just not sure

How to get back there

If you're not there

Tell me if you wanna go home (Cause I'm just not sure)

Tell me if I'm back on my own (How to get back there)

Giving back a heart that's on loan (And I just can't bear)

Just tell me if you wanna go home

(Wanna go, wanna go, wanna go, wanna)

(Wanna go, wanna)

(Wanna go, wanna)







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