专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
据统计,考研英语文章90%来自国外的《The Economist》,《Times》,《Science》等杂志。本地持续更新。。。
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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-03-05 06:05





那么一小段时间,人们对美国可能在气候变化问题上取得的成就充满信心。2008年4月,已经在离开白宫路上的乔治·W·布什总统断言,人类活动正在导致全球变暖,并发誓说,“美国人民的足智多谋和进取心”将帮助我们战胜这个问题。 而奥巴马总统在2008年晚些时候以下述承诺赢得了白宫的宝座。他发誓说今后4年将因下述情况而被人们记住:“海平面的上升开始减缓,我们的星球开始康复。”他的这个承诺如今变成了其共和党竞争对手取笑的对象。 从那以后,美国没采取任何重大举措来应对气候变化。政治领导人除了偶尔义务性地提到此事,不再关心这个问题,主要原因在于选民也不关心这个问题。 在国际上,情况也好不到哪儿去。尽管对2009年在哥本哈根召开的联合国气候变化大会进行了大肆宣传,但并没有达成任何有约束性的国际协议来限定美中两国的碳排放量。

We need a Ladybird book of climate change deniers | Patrick Barkham


Prince Charles has been signed up by the publishers to write an expert's book. But maybe readers nowadays prefer spoofs.

Patrick Barkham | 667 words


'Our affection for perhaps the most perfectly packaged objects in publishing has been reawakened by the satirical Ladybird series for adults.' Composite: handout


  • Satirical:讽刺的,名词satire

My twins are "studying" Jack and the Beanstalk, and I've just packed them off to school with my battered copy of Ladybird's Well-Loved Tales.


I've collected a few old Ladybirds from car boot sales because they are beautiful and nostalgic , hailing from a time when truths were simpler and there was faith in the future. My favourite is The Story of Newspapers, a Ladybird Achievements Book that is testimony to the speed of terrifying technical obsolescence - and welcome progress. A drawing of a newsroom where all 14 journalists are men shows the past wasn't always lovely.


  • car boot sales:旧物集市

  • nostalgic:怀旧的

  • hail from:出生于

  • testimony:证据,证明,证词

  • obsolescence:过时,淘汰,废弃

Now our affection for perhaps the most perfectly packaged objects in publishing has been reawakened by the satirical Ladybird series for adults. Like more than a million others, I received one - The Dad - for Christmas. The next Ladybird relaunch sounds like another spoof: Prince Charles is co-writing a book explaining climate change, the first in a new Expert series.


While Ladybird's spoofs clock in at about 800 words, the Expert range, covering topics from evolution to the Battle of Britain, are 5,000 words. Charles' co-authors are the polar scientist Emily Shuckburgh and the environmental campaigner Tony Juniper, and Penguin stresses that their words have been peer-reviewe
