专栏名称: R语言与水文生态环境
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【文献情报】|J. Hazard. Mater|揭示受污染的农业城市地下水综合管理:概率风险、源解析和人工智能相结合的协同方法!

R语言与水文生态环境  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-20 00:02


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  • 期刊: Journal of Hazardous materials

  • 中科院分区: 1区 环境科学与生态学

  • 影响因子(IF):13.6

  • 第一作者:Xiao Yang

  • 通讯作者:Chao Jia

  • 第一作者单位:Institute of Marine Science and Technology, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, China

  • 原位连接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.136514

  • (1)开发了一个新的整体框架来评估和管理农业城市的地下水;

  • (2)采用综合水质和概率健康风险对地下水风险进行了评估;
  • (3)结合PMF模型和离子比例分析识别污染源和相关性;F⁻和NO₃⁻在农业城市表现出更高的非癌症健康风险;
  • (4)地下水污染主要来源于自然过程和农业活动。
地下水对于农业城市至关重要,但集约化农业和化肥使用增加了污染风险,尤其是非致癌健康危害。本研究揭示了此类城市地下水中污染物的来源、健康影响及针对性策略。本次研究分析了115个地下水样品,地下水水化学类型主要为HCO₃- Na · Ca型。Mg ²⁺、HCO₃-、F -、总硬度( TH )和Mn均有明显超标,其中HCO₃-和Mg ²⁺在几乎所有样品中均超标。综合环境水质指数( CEWQI )平均值为100.68,表明研究区地下水水质总体较好。水质较好的区域主要分布在水库和河流附近,城市和东部地区水质相对较差。地下水不适宜饮用的比例较低。蒙特卡洛风险评估显示,F -和NO₃-对成人和儿童均存在非致癌风险,NO₃-的潜在健康风险更高。正定矩阵因子分解( PMF )模型表明,地下水污染主要是自然地质过程和人类活动共同作用的结果,农业是主要的人为因素。基于人工智能的区划策略强调工业区和高氟区是需要加强预防和控制措施的关键区域。

Fig. 1. Location of study area and groundwater monitoring points.

Fig. 2. Piper diagram of groundwater in the study area.

Fig. 3. The concentration distribution and descriptive statistics of major pollutants in the groundwater of the study area: (a) spatial distribution of fluoride (F ); (b) spatial distribution of nitrate (NO ₃⁻ ); (c) spatial distribution of manganese (Mn); (d) descriptive statistics of F , NO ₃⁻ and Mn

Fig. 4. Water quality assessment results of the study area: (a) CEWQI assessment results; (b) distribution curve of groundwater quality; (c) probability distribution diagram of groundwater quality.

Fig. 5. Irrigation water quality classification diagram: (a) USSL diagram of irrigation water quality; (b) Wilocx diagram for irrigation water quality classification.

Fig. 6. Spatial distribution characteristics of health risks of different pollutants: (a) Fluoride (F - ); (b) Nitrate (NO 3 - ); (c) Manganese (Mn).

Fig. 7. Predicted cumulative probability of non-cancer risk: (a) HI (F ) for adults; (b) HI (F ) for children; (c) HI (NO 3 ) for adults; (d) (NO 3 ) for children; (e) HI (Mn) for adults; (f) HI (Mn) for children; (g) Sensitivity analysis of HI for adults and children.

Fig. 8. Pollution source analysis results of the PMF model: (a) relative contribution of each factor to the chemical composition of groundwater; (b) pollution source analysis of each sampling point.

Fig. 9. Correlation of ions and pollution factors in groundwater.

Fig. 10. Ionic ratios of major ions in groundwater.

Fig. 11. Human activity factors in groundwater: (a) Diagram of the SO 4 2 /Ca 2 + vs. NO 3 /Ca 2 + molar ratio;(b) Diagram of the NO 3 /Cl molar ratio vs. Cl

Fig. 12. Urban groundwater clustering: (a) Consensus cumulative distribution function; (b) Delta Area plot; (c) Consensus matrix; (d) Spatial clustering partition

  • (1)学习资源

【PMF源解析】 | 地下水、土壤 | 手把手教你如何操作,适合科研小白、初学者!
