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只是戴一根线在身上,对人真的有影响吗 | 萨古鲁谈 Sutra

時間的玩家TimeIsArt  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-30 21:21


時 間 の 玩 家         Time  Is Art   

这是 時間の玩家 分享的第 1168 篇文章

Can a simple thread really have an impact when worn on the body? Sadhguru offers a comprehensive insight into the tying of sutras, weaving together the tradition and lore as well as the yogic science and significance.


Sadhguru: Sutra literally means thread. The word is also used in the sense of being a formula or a basis, like the Yoga Sutras and the Shiva Sutras. Let us look at the science of it. Let’s say I held a copper plate in my hand for a minute, and then you were to touch this copper plate. If you are a little sensitive, you will feel it reverberate in a completely different way. But a plate will not be able to retain this energy. If the same copper was shaped differently, it would hold the reverberations much longer. The form and the material have a significance.


Modern science is beginning to recognize the fundamental design of things in existence. For example, there is a similarity between the patterns that flowing water forms and the patterns that happen on sand in a desert. There is also a direct connection between how a river flows and how the human system manifests. The fundamental design of everything in existence is the same. Things only differ in complexity and sophistication. Certain forms are able to hold energy much longer than others. In this context, an ellipsoid is the best form. A perfect ellipsoid is able to store energy for five to ten thousand years, which is an eternity in human experience.


Materials to Store Energy


We can energize different types of material – silk for example. If you wear a sari that has been energized in a certain way at Linga Bhairavi, it can leave you completely blissed out, just because the cloth has been at Linga Bhairavi for some time. Silk, raw cotton, and copper are very good in terms of absorbing energy. Mercury is the best. But you should only use mercury if you have the necessary level of sadhana.

我们可以给不同的材料注入能量——比如丝绸。如果你穿一件在Linga Bhairavi(灵伽贝拉维庙)以某种方式注入了能量的纱丽,它可以让你处于全然狂喜之中,只是因为这块布料在女神庙里放置了一段时间。丝绸、生棉和铜是很好的吸收能量的材料。水银是最好的材料,但只有当你有了必要程度的修持之后,才能使用水银。

Cotton thread is used as a material to hold energy because it is commonly available, inexpensive, and it works pretty well for a period of time. To enhance its ability to absorb energy, we use certain other materials, such as turmeric.


Immunity From Within and Without


The full value and magic of turmeric are yet to be understood by modern societies. One thing is, it removes minor infections from the digestive system, and a certain amount of turmeric and ghee will make the skin glow. The glow is not just of a cosmetic nature. Turmeric purifies the aura.


The immune system does not function just from within. Your immunity also depends on the layer of energy you create around you. Turmeric creates a certain vibrancy around you, which changes the nature of the aura, causes a glow, and enhances your immunity. Another aspect of turmeric is that you can transmit energy through it effortlessly. Turmeric greatly enhances a thread’s ability to absorb energy. Turmeric is what makes a thread into a sutra.


Different Purpose, Different Preparation


According to the purpose, we can create different kinds of sutras – in simple ways or complicated, sophisticated ways. It needs to be prepared in a particular way in order to function as intended. A mangal sutra for example, the sacred thread that married women used to wear in this culture, is about binding two people together. Once a month, women would smear turmeric on their mangal sutra, and once a year, they would change the thread. The thread used to be of a certain type of material and was prepared by someone who knew how to do it. Today, instead of wearing a sacred thread, they are wearing a thick gold chain. What used to be a science has become a symbolism over a period of time. What used to be symbolism has become ridiculous nonsense after some time.

根据不同的目的,我们可以创造出不同种类的sutra——以简单的方式,或复杂精微的方式。为了达到想要的作用,它需要以特定的方式准备。比如,mangal sutra(译者注:一种项链)——即过去已婚女性佩戴的圣线,是为了把两个人绑在一起。女人们每月一次把姜黄涂在她们的mangal sutra上,并且每年换一次线。这种线曾经是以一种特定材料制成的,并且是由那些熟知其道的人来准备它。今天,人们不再佩戴圣线,取而代之,他们戴粗大的金项链。经过一段时间,曾是一种科学的东西变成了一种象征。一段时间之后,曾是一种象征的东西又变成了荒谬的闹剧。

For certain other purposes, it has to be an intelligent thread that functions the way we want it to. To give a few examples – there is a thread around the Adiyogi Linga in the Adiyogi Alayam. For Linga Bhairavi, we have removed the thread. But there is always a thread around Vanashri at the Dhyanalinga, which is changed periodically. They are all made differently. The normal process of preparing a thread takes a certain period of time – sometimes thirty to forty days. If they have to be made instantly, it costs a certain amount of life. 

针对一些其它目的,它得是一根能以我们想要的方式运作的“有智慧”的线。举几个例子——在Adiyogi Alayam(译者注:位于Isha瑜伽中心的Adiyogi大殿)有一根绕着Adiyogi灵伽的线。在Linga Bhariavi(灵伽贝拉维女神庙)里,我们拿走了那条线。但是,在Dhyanalinga(迪阿纳灵伽),总是有一根线围绕着Vanashri,这根线是定期更换的。这些线全都是以不同的方式制造的。准备一根线的正常过程需要一定时间——有时是30-40天。如果它们需要被马上制造出来,就会耗费一定量的生命。

A sutra is like the body, just the physical basis – the energy is something else.


There was a particular situation a few years ago when I was travelling, and I had to create some threads without going through the regular preparation, and I did not do the necessary work with myself afterwards that needs to be done so that it would not affect me. The next day, I could barely walk, which is something that has hardly ever happened in my life. I am not someone who gets giddy anywhere, whether you put me in a giant wheel, a rollercoaster, or you spin me around. But that day, I was wobbling because I had to create the threads instantly.


Essentially, a sutra is a medium. We could use something else, but a thread is an easy and handy way to do it. It serves the purpose and lasts for a sufficient period of time. Let us say if someone is on a sadhana for six months, we will tie a certain type of thread. If I put someone on a three-year sadhana, I tie a different type of thread, because it must last three years. Otherwise, if a thread alone does not last long enough, we will add some other material to it, so that it will last longer.


A sutra is like the body, just the physical basis – the energy is something else.

 In yoga, we are using the physical only as a base, which is the nature of creation. Even your physical body is only a platform. It is not the real thing. That is the way the whole existence is made. However, in modern societies, we have fixed certain parameters which are purely physical and so we are trying to limit the whole existence to physicality.


How Shiva Created Veerabhadra


There is an incident in the yogic lore where Shiva used a sutra to create a being. Once, Daksha – the father of Shiva’s first wife Sati – was performing a yagna, a sacrificial fire. Sati was present there, however Shiva was not. During the yagna, Daksha said something insulting about Shiva. Unable to bear the humiliation, Sati went into the sacrificial fire. When Shiva came to know that she immolated herself because of the disgrace that they caused to her, he got so incensed that he pulled out one of his dreadlocks, whacked it on a stone, and Veerabhadra, a mystical soldier, came into existence.


Shiva let him loose, and Veerabhadra went and slaughtered over one thousand people who were attending the yagna and did not do anything to prevent Sati’s death. Shiva said, “My wife walked into the fire. No one thought it is even something that they should have stopped. You just sat there and watched.” He said, “Every one of you must die,” and Veerabhadra impaled Daksha.  


Different Types of Sutras


Shiva used his own hair to create Veerabhadra. If a sutra is organic, raw, and it has turmeric and is wet, then in a matter of a few seconds, you can make it like a part of your body. A sutra is a thread that puts something together. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are only the thread. According to the competence of whoever handles this thread, they may put mud beads, pearls, diamonds, or their life on it. There are many things that can be strung with a thread. Depending on what part of the body we have to tie the thread – suppose we have to put it around your waist or your neck – it has to be made in different, more elaborate ways. A sutra around the arm is the simplest thing, because it is for a very specific, limited purpose. If it has a more elaborate purpose, more elaborate preparations need to be done.


The Intelligence of Inanimate Things


Even so-called inanimate things are functioning in a specific manner. If you were to sow the same seed in different places, it would grow and turn out differently according to the quality of the soil, the atmosphere, and a whole lot of other factors. The soil may be inanimate, but it has its own characteristics. It functions the way it wants to function.


There is a different kind of intelligence in inanimate things. Modern societies understand intelligence only as intellect and thought process. But you cannot really figure out anything through the thought process. What is happening organically in your body is way beyond the thought process, but we do not recognize this intelligence. We think intelligence means only certain types of thoughts. A sutra is an intelligent thread that we can make in such a way that it functions for a certain time with a specific purpose.











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