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【经济学人】囚犯与就业市场 | 2017.05.18 | 总第919期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-07-13 06:00




Prisoners and the job market


Should employers know about criminal records?


May 18th 2017 | NEW YORK


DION got his first paying job at 14—which would be admirable, except that he was selling crack cocaine . He spent much of his early adulthood bouncing between prison and the streets of Yonkers, in New York state. Then, a few months out of one four-year spell behind bars, he discovered Greyston bakery. Founded by a Jewish engineer-turned-Buddhist monk, Greyston practices “non-judgment”. To get a job, people need only provide their names and telephone numbers, and turn up on time when a vacancy arises.


  • crack cocaine:高效可卡因

Most companies are far more discerning, particularly when it comes to people like Dion. Perhaps half of America’s private-sector employers ask job applicants to declare their criminal records, and two-thirds routinely run checks before taking people on . They see it as necessary due diligence. Unfortunately, checks that individual firms believe to be prudent are collectively bad for the 7m Americans who have spent time in prison and the 70m with a criminal record—numbers that may increase if Jeff Sessions, the hardline attorney-general , pushes through tougher sentencing rules. Keeping convicts away from jobs may also be harming America.


  • Take on: 雇用

  • Hardline: 强硬的

  • Attorney-general:司法部长

Nearly half of all ex-prisoners re-offend within their first year of release—a share that might be lower if more found honest work. The Centre for Employment Opportunities, a charity, places former convicts in 75-day work programmes. Participants are paid daily and receive help to find permanent jobs. A randomised controlled trial in which 977 former prisoners who came through the charity’s doors either received the full complement of services or very few suggested that the intervention cuts reoffending by 19 percentage points.


  • Re-offend:再犯罪,再犯法

In an effort to force employers to change, 26 state and 150 municipal legislatures have adopted “ban the box” legislation that removes declarations of criminal history from job-application forms. On April 1st an executive order by Barack Obama’s administration came into effect, banning the box for all federal jobs, amounting to 250,000 jobs a year.


Don’t point


Banning the box may, however, have unfortunate consequences. Two American academics, Amanda Agan and Sonja Starr, have studied the effect of bans in New Jersey and New York. They created dummy job applicants with typically black names like Jermaine and Malcolm, and tracked how employers responded to those beside dummy applicants with typically white names, such as Cody and Scott. They found that whereas black men with invented criminal histories received more responses from companies after the change in the law, black men without criminal histories received fewer. Presumably, some employers began to interpret black-sounding names as a signal of criminality.

然而,这项举措或许也造成了一些不尽如人意的后果。Amanda Agan 和 Sonja Star两位美国学者研究了禁令在新泽西和纽约的效果。他们用典型的黑人名字比如Jermaine和Malcolm创造了虚拟的工作申请,对比用典型白人名字比如Cody和Scott制作的工作申请,然后追踪雇主的反应。 期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~ 大概是一些雇主开始把疑似的黑人名字解读为犯罪的信号。

Two things might, however, persuade employers to change their minds. First, negligent-hiring lawsuits —in which a firm is sued for employing someone who commits a crime at work—are terrifying but rare. Second, it is just possible that former convicts might be more productive than the other candidates who apply for a particular job.


  • negligent-hiring lawsuits:雇佣过失诉讼

Devah Pager, a sociologist at Harvard University, has tracked the performance of 8,000 former felons who entered the American army after passing a screening process in the years between 2002 and 2009. She finds that the ex-cons were slightly more likely to be undisciplined but were also promoted unusually quickly. Is that just a quirk of military culture? It would be worth finding out.

哈佛大学的社会学家Devah Pager追踪调查了8000位重罪犯,他们在2002年到2009年间通过筛选程序进入了美国军队。她发现有前科的人虽然都稍微较不守纪律,但是他们晋升速度却快得出奇。难道这只是军队文化造成的怪相吗?这非常值得探寻。

  • Felons:n.重罪犯

  • screening process:筛选程序

  • undisciplined:无纪律的

翻译 ▍ Bibobibo,笨小孩,下罗小柜员,陌上

审核 ▍白夜叉

图文编辑 ▍澜意

责任编辑 ▍毛毛

Try to translate

They found that whereas black men with invented criminal histories received more responses from companies after the change in the law, black men without criminal histories received fewer.

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