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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-04-25 15:30


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This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English . com .

这里是 bbclearningenglish . com 英语六分钟节目。

Callum : Hello I'm Callum and this is 6 Minute English . With me today is Neil , hello Neil .


Neil : Hi Callum


Callum : In today's programme we're going to be looking at an interesting story of war , secret messages , codes and


Neil : And , and what ?


Callum : Pigeons .


Neil : Pigeons ?


Callum : Yes , pigeons .


Neil : Those birds that are everywhere in London ?


Callum : That's it .


Neil : Well , what do they have to do with war , secret messages and codes ?


Callum : Well , we'll find out after today's question . A question about codes . Who is the first person recorded using written codes to keep his or her communications secret ? Was it Roman emperor , Julius Caesar , English king , Harold or Egyptian pharaoh , Tutankhamun ?


Neil : I have no idea whatsoever . So I'm going to go for the English king , Harold . For no reason at all .


Callum : OK . We'll find out if you're right at the end of the programme . Now , back to the pigeons .


Neil : Yes , I am intrigued .


Callum : It all started when a man was cleaning out the chimney of his house in the south of England . In the rubbish from the chimney he found a pigeon's leg . Attached to the leg was a small container and inside the container was a message written in code . From details on the paper it was clear this was a military message from the Second World War .


Neil : Were birds really used to carry messages during the Second World War ?


Callum : Well here's BBC security correspondent Gordon Corera answering that question and also explaining why . What reason does he give ?

下面是 BBC 安全记者戈登·科雷拉的回答,以及他对该问题的解释。他给出的理由是什么呢?

There were important messages carried by pigeon . Particularly , the theory is , that this might have been an army unit , in Europe , on the move , and it was on the move and basically it was moving so fast it couldn't put up an aerial for a wireless transmission to be sent so they would quickly release a pigeon with a quick message .


Callum : So why would they use a pigeon , rather than the radio ?


Neil : He says that when an army unit was moving fast they might not have had time to put up an aerial and it would have been quicker just to release a pigeon with a message . Of course pigeons can be trained to fly back to a particular place .


Callum : That's right and in fact the military used over 250, 000 pigeons to send messages during the Second World War .


Neil : So what was the message that the pigeon was carrying ?


Callum : Ah , well , the truth is , they don't know , they have no idea .


Neil : What , even with all the power of modern computers and the best minds .


Callum : Yes , here's Gordon Corera again talking about the message . What word does he use to describe the process of understanding a code ?


They've been looking for a few weeks , the truth is that it was designed not to be cracked easily .


Callum : What word does he use , Neil ?


Neil : He says the code was designed not to be 'cracked' easily . We use the verb 'to crack' when talking about codes .

他说这个代码并不容易被 'cracked' (破解)。当我们说到代码时,经常用 'to crack ' 这个动词。

Callum : So , the code is designed not be cracked easily . Let's hear a little bit more about what kind of code it might be . Here's more from the BBC's Gordon Corera who mentions one of the ways this code might have been created .

所以这个代码不容易被破解,那我们再来深入了解一下这个代码吧。 BBC 记者戈登·科雷拉提到了创建这一代码的一种方法,我们一起来听听。

One is using something called a one - time pad which is a technique where you apply a random key to a code and if you keep that secure and it's truly random , it is basically unbreakable .


Callum : What kind of code is he talking about here ?


Neil : A code created with what's called a 'one - time pad' . As I understand it , if you think of a code like a lock , what do you need to open a lock ?

是一种被叫作 ' 单次密本 ' 的代码。我理解的是,如果你把一个代码想象成一把锁,那么你需要用什么开锁呢?

Callum : Well you need a key to open a lock .


Neil : That's right , and if you don't have the key and there is no record of what the key was like or who made it or where it was kept , you're going to have a problem .


Callum : You won't be able to open the lock .


Neil : Exactly . With a code created with a one - time pad there is only one key and it's only used once . After that , it's destroyed . Without the key you can't crack the code it's an uncrackable or unbreakable code .


Callum : Gordon said that key should be random .

Gordon 说破解代码的方法是随机的。

Neil : That's right . If something is 'random' , it means there is no pattern to it . It's not predictable or repeatable . And , if the key is truly random they'll never be able to crack the code .

是的,如果某样东西是 ' 随机的 ' ,那就意味着它无规律可循,也无法预测或复制。所以,如果破解方法真的是随机的,那这个代码就真的无法破解了。

Callum : Unless they find the key ! And that's what they are hoping . Gordon Corera again . What information are they hoping to find to help them


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