专栏名称: 投资圈女混混
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老张投资笔记  ·  亏钱不是什么坏事,就怕一开始就赚钱 ·  1 周前  
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投资圈女混混  · 公众号  · 投资  · 2017-04-03 21:47


第三章 务求简单

 KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)

There's this guy I know named Joe, and his motto is KISS. It's not an expression of his amorous nature. It translates into,“keep it simple, stupid,” which aptly describes Joe's extremely successful approach to futures trading.

我认识一个人,他叫乔,他的座右铭是KISS。这并非表示他喜欢谈恋爱。KISS其实是keep it simple, stupid的缩写,也就是务求简单,简单到不必用大脑的意思。乔交易期货之所以那么成功,靠的就是这一点。

In early October 1985, Joe had been taking good profits on the long side of sugar and the short side of beans. Most of the markets had old and established trends then and were pretty crowded with commission house speculative long positions with a substantial quantity of sell-stop orders below the market. Under these conditions, Joe felt that the markets were pretty vulnerable to a bear raid by professional operators. Accordingly, he didn't fancy sharing the same side of the markets with a predominance of what he considered weak long holders. He was looking for a new and less crowded market to play in, and his attention was increasingly drawn to coffee. Joe characteristically avoided trading coffee - matter of fact, he didn't even drink the stuff! Between the sharp practices of the producing nations, powerful trade houses, and professional floor traders, Joe felt that the outside coffee speculator was playing in a game with a loaded deck.


But events that were shaping up convinced Joe to take a second look at this volatile market. Recent price action revealed the major trend was sideways, with the market finding strong support on setbacks to the 134.00 level (basis December) and resistance on rallies into the 140.00 to 141.00 zone. This broad sideways trading range had been ongoing since mid-July; in fact, Joe had made a few countertrend trades, buying on reactions toward the bottom of the trading range and selling on rallies toward the top. During the last few months, Joe had reaped some small but meaningful profits. The more Joe studied the technical aspects of this coffee market, the more he came to focus on the significance of an eventual breakout from this 134.00 to 141.00 sideways trading range (see Figure 3-1).


图3-1 1985年12月咖啡豆 (文字:多头市场开始)

【Between July and October 1985, futures were locked within a tight range from 134.00 to 141.00. Astute technical traders premised that a breakout (on close) in either direction would set the stage for the next big move, and they were right. On October 10, the December future closed at 141.65 - the bull market had begun! The market ultimately reached the 270.00 level, basis nearest future, before the move ran its course.


But in which direction would it pop? Joe didn't know. But he did project that, once it closed outside of this range, there would likely be a big move, and he intended to be in on it.


During the week of October 7, the market became very quiet. Like the calm before the storm, this suggested that something big was about to happen. Joe left open orders with his broker to buy a quantity of Decembers at 141.60 stop and to sell at 133.40 stop; in the event of either order being filled, he would cancel the other one. This meant that he would remain on the sidelines while prices were locked within this broad trading range but he would get aboard as soon as the market popped out of the range in either direction.


Joe didn't have long to wait. On the morning of October 10, the December coffee future opened at 138.80, traded within a 300-point range during the session, and closed at 141.65 - up 229 points from the previous close. That was what Joe had been waiting for, and he bought a substantial long line for both his clients and himself between 141.60 and 141.80.


Joe was pretty comfortable with this position because the market had broken out of a broad base area trading range and now looked much higher. The next area of resistance was at the level of the 1984 highs around 160.00 (basis weekly close, nearest future). He would be buying more on stop just above this 160.00 level. But most of his clients were nervous about the position, and, during the following days, they let him know it. Just about all the Street's market letters and advisory services were bearish, including some prominent and presumably well-connected fundamental reviews. And here was Joe, plunging on the long side.


His clients' inquiries ranged from very curious to mild panic, but his stock reply was, “It's a bull market.” In mid-November one of his larger accounts, who had apparently read one of these bearish reports recommending shorts, demanded to know why Joe had plunged on the long side of coffee. Joe realized that any simplistic technical analysis would fall on deaf ears and that the caller wanted to hear something that he would understand and could logically relate to the current market situation. Gazing out his window during much of this conversation, Joe could see the bleak, cold skies of an impending cold front - and the logical explanation was then revealed to him! Joe matter-of-factly informed his client that, since we were approaching winter, the first serious frost would damage the trees and reduce the crop. Joe wanted to be long because the frost would put the market up. The pieces did logically fit and seemed to satisfy his client, so Joe decided to use the same story on anyone else who called.


The market did follow Joe's bullish scenario and began a good advance up and out of its broad sideways trading range. On the following weekend when Joe was idling about, he suddenly recalled that Brazil, being south of the equator and in the southern hemisphere, would be enjoying balmy summer weather in December. Winter… frost… crop damage … indeed!


Having bought his original line of Decembers between 141.60 and 141.80-and having pyramided twice on the advance-Joe had the distinct pleasure of watching the market soar to over 180.00. Profits were over $14,000 per contract when they expired in December. And the market didn't stop advancing till it reached the 270.00 level, basis nearest future, before falling. That's the end of Joe's “simple”story.


But it's not the end of mine. The very graphic lesson here is that we are traders dealing in a difficult and leveraged speculative environment, and success will come only to those who keep it simple in a disciplined, pragmatic, and objective manner. Like Joe, I would rather be right for the wrong reasons than wrong for the right ones.


It is particularly important for traders to keep things simple because just about everything you read or hear about the markets appears to be so complicated. The crosscurrents, contradictions, and contrasts that seem to confront commodity traders these days are more confusing and ambivalent than at any time in my memory. So what's a trader to do?


In December 1985 - just when we had accepted the fact that inflation was on the wane - the leading business daily told us that worldwide inflation had actually intensified rather than eased. And then, just as the leading commodity chart service had convinced us that commodity prices were positioned for a gradual across-the-board increase, we read the following in Newsday (December 4, 1985):


A growing oversupply is likely to depress commodity markets until the end of the decade...a U.N. report said. Though prices may rebound, the overall recovery in demand will remain weak in major industrialized countries at least through next year.


“At least through next year” - what happened to “until the end of the decade” in the very same paragraph? What's a trader to do?


Every time soybeans have a strong rally, we are informed that the drought in Brazil is worsening, causing unspecified damage to its soybean crop. Predictably, whenever the bean market declines, we are informed that rain or good growing weather is expected in Brazil or our Midwest. Ditto for coffee, which has thrilled agile traders with both a major bull and bear market in rapid succession, both far surpassing anyone's most optimistic forecasts. And what about sugar, another high-flying rollercoaster market. The commentators inform us that rallies are caused by increased demand for sugar plus the likelihood of smaller crops; and that reactions are caused by reduced demand for sugar and the likelihood of larger crops. What's a trader to do?


I can tell you what this trader does under such ambivalent circumstances. He goes back to the drawing board, which, in this case, means the charts, both daily and long term historical studies of seasonal price tendencies, and his trusty old Kroll/Wilder Long Term Computer Trading System. Combined with these technical tools is a strong conviction, born out of nearly 30 years of practical experience, that a rigorous, objective trend-following analysis, coupled with the discipline to believe in and adhere to the projections derived from that analysis, is clearly the best way to play the markets. The overriding objective of this strategy is to make more on your winning trades and lose less on your losing ones. Pragmatic analysis and trend projection of markets plus a viable strategy are absolutely essential. This was well articulated by Jesse Livermore when he said, “There is only one side of the market, and it is not the bull side or the bear side, but the right side.”


On the subject of “the right side,” I recently traveled to Los Angeles to conduct a weekend seminar on futures trading strategy in conjunction with long-term trading systems. My presentation was divided into two segments - first, a discussion concerning long-term trading systems whose objectives are capital appreciation within the bounds of acceptable risk and capital drawdown; second, the trading strategies that should be utilized in conjunction with trading systems to achieve these objectives.


To say that the two dozen investors at my seminar were sharp and well-prepared would be an understatement. I was kept on my toes for the entire two days and was constantly impressed with the dedication and sophistication that these nonprofessional speculators clearly demonstrated. By and large, they knew their computers and the various logistics of opening and managing their trading accounts. They were receptive and eager to learn all they could about trading systems and concomitant strategies.


After teaching them the technical aspects of how to use the computer in conjunction with trading systems, I dealt with the other half of the equation - the strategy of successful operations. Here I stressed the importance of sticking to simple and basic tenets of sound money management. Personal discipline, self-sufficiency, and pragmatism are the crucial characteristics of the successful speculator, but they are the most difficult virtues to teach. And, after you learn them, they are still the most difficult virtues to practice.


Part of the equation of successful speculation requires the operator to undertrade, both in terms of the size of his position and the frequency of turnovers. Excessive trading involves additional costs of commissions and breakage. Even more onerous, it places the operator in a mental and emotional position totally at odds with the imperative of sitting with winning positions for the full duration of the favorable move. I hold that it is irrelevant to think about the length of staying aboard a position solely in terms of its time duration. “Do you hold a long-term position two months, three, four?” I have frequently been asked. “Nothing like that,” is my typical response. You hold a position for as long as the market continues going your way; you let the margin clerk, the trading system you are using, or an objective chart analysis tell you when the market has turned against you (more on this important topic in later chapters).


Clearly, if you can develop the technique and the strategy of sitting with profitable positions for the major move, and have a system or technical method to get you out of adverse positions before the losses get onerous, you don't have to start with a huge amount of capital in order to have the potential for profitable results. Traders who stress accuracy of trade timing, both entry and exit, can start with as little as $15,000 or $20,000. This modest opening equity leaves very little room for error. Nevertheless, the market has always functioned as the great equalizer of wealth, rewarding the patient, disciplined, and able players while punishing the careless and inept ones, regardless of the size of their starting capital. It is possible to rack up a consistent and impressive score from modest starting capital, to which I can attest from personal experience. The annals of finance are replete with true-to-life stories of powerful and wealthy capital accumulations that began from small but talented operations in the futures markets.







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