专栏名称: 狗熊有话说
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吃屎长大的考拉?Weekly第43周 \/ 狗熊有话说

狗熊有话说  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-28 10:30


每周狗熊写的中、英文短贴里,值得再次回顾与分享的内容,都列到了这里。 这是一份我的每周零散心得与学习收获的汇总列表,只要五分钟,就可以获得我一周的收获。 请于博客 http://blog.beartalking.com 查看完整内容


奥克兰的职场有多小? 上周我老板(也就是UX主管)去参加IBM的UX峰会,50-60人左右,基本上新西兰所有中大公司的UX Lead都在了(好像除了Deloitte)。 老板说他的前老板,前老板的老板,前老板的老板的老板都在会上……

最有意思的是,他前老板(V公司,通讯业)还问他,“Bear在你们那边干得怎么样啊? 他是没选上我觉得很可惜的一个面试者呢”(我曾去面试过V公司)

所以如果你在国外找工作发展洋人职场,记得reference最为重要。 如果是读书的同学,读书第一天就得做好reference的准备。

另外的tip: be nice on social media. 你永远不知道谁会看到(特指LinkedIn和Facebook)。



Gratitude of Auckland Marathon

The most valuable thing I got from the Auckland Marathon is gratitude.

I took an Uber to the bus spot at 5am to catch the booked bus to the start point but found the road was closed. My Uber stopped 2km away from the bus spot, which made me an extra 2km running before a half marathon.

And then another drama: the last bus left. There were around 40 runners waited, so it felt not that stressful cause I was not alone. But after 20 minutes of waiting, I realized the bus would never come. The marathon would start at 6:50, it was 6:10, and the bus spot was 6 km away from the start point. I couldn't make it.

I started to walk to the start point with an Indian mate. I suggested we run, and he suggested we hitchhike. I didn't believe there would be anyone stop to pick us, but it was the only option.

Thumbed up after 10m, a miracle happened: a car stopped and picked us up. The guy, David, was going to run too, and his partner drove him to the start point. We were so lucky to meet them and arrived at 15m before it started. All was well.

That's the major reason I love NZ: the kind people who're gonna help when you need them. I do have gratitude to all the people who helped me, But what I think more important is to offer help to other people actively. After moving to NZ for 3 years, both me and my wife started to help other people while we can. You know, to pass the gratitude.

Left is David. Thx mate!


上周日我参加了2019年的奥克兰马拉松,时隔三年后重新开始跑步,再次出发,感受和以前不太一样。 录了一期vlog视频,记录一下自己的感受。 感兴趣的朋友可以在下面的链接观看:



我这个月开始专注练习英文的发音,30天的时间,前五天就是做调研,然后买了一门Udemy上的课程。 现在知识付费与教学平台那么多,如何挑出某个领域最好的课程呢? 有很多细节要注意,但我就分享一个常见原则: 如果课程是在公众平台进行宣传,平台越公开,课程的质量可能越高。 如果课程的宣传主要在封闭环境,比如朋友圈,课程的质量就可能存疑。 YouTube、微博这类属于公众平台,朋友圈属于私人的封闭平台。 至少,你在买课程前,看看作者在公开平台是否有身份,别被那些抱着手凹造型的人骗了!


Fish market与歌剧院打卡! 比起八年前第一次来澳洲,这次并没有特别的惊喜: 不是说悉尼不好,还是现代、发达且热情的城市,可能是我比起八年前,眼界与经历更丰富了吧。 和老婆聊,她也是同样的感受。


