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故事串5月part2 新题-打篮球

饥饿英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-05-12 18:13


打篮球 play basketball


打篮球可以提高耐力 build endurance

可以提高身体的平衡度 improve balance and coordination

提高专注度 develop concentration

玩篮球要自律,要练习,譬如说如何传球 pass the ball, 运球 dribble the ball, 拦截别人 block the opponent

打篮球要有战术, tactics, 要有团队精神 team spirit


要学会面对输赢 winning and losing ,能够让人更加成熟 emotionally mature



describe a sport game you’ve watched

When did you watch it

Where did you watch this game

Who did you watch it with

And explain why did you watch it with

喜欢的一件衣服 (球衣)

describe your favorite piece of clothing

What it is

When you wear it

What it look like

Why you like it

喜欢的连续剧 (描述一个篮球明星的连续剧)

describe a television series or drama you enjoy watching

What it is

What it’s about

When did you first watched it

Why you like watching it

改变生活的发明 (电视,不用现场看球)

describe an important invention which has changed our life

What it is

What it does

Why it is popular in all ages

How people feel about it


describe a helpful person in work or study

Who the person is

What kind of person he/she is

How this person help you

Why do you think this person is helpful

拥挤的地方 (篮球馆)

describe a time you went to a crowded place

When you went there

Where you did there
