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BMWsky宝马会  · 公众号  · 汽车  · 2016-10-01 10:30










“We've had a 540i with M-Sport package installed on show. Color was some new shade of silver, and a lot of options were ticked and on display. I've been rather skeptical about the new 5er, especially after seeing the updated E-Klasse's interior, which looked like a scaled down S-Klasse. Well, here I am, happy to report that 5er's interior is sort of baby 7er without the chrome nonsense. ”

“我们眼前的是一台540i M套件。车身颜色为某种银色,还有装上了许多选装件。对于新5系,我一开始是怀疑的,毕竟见过全新E级,就像小S级一样。亲眼见证过新5系内时候,我很高兴的告诉大家,5系内饰就是7系的缩小版,而且没有花里胡哨的银色镀铬!”


But first things first. The front. The render below is 100% accurate representation of production car with M-Sport package (I think we've even had the same 20" wheels on our unit):


There are no nonsense LED lights like on the 7er, everything is extremely aggressive, balanced. I've noticed how the hood was going as a single piece all until the headlights without that previous generation pedestrian safety cut-out line. They've shown us active air vents (the grills), I guess they come as standard now. I've also heard that they will ditch xenon lights altogether and instead offer either halogen as standard or LED as an option (this could vary in different markets). Oh, and car alarm will be standard. Yippie!


Car's profile (also seen in the render) was rather balanced, great-looking. The rear is something that I could not find the proper render of. It had something of 7er, but without that awful rear chrome line. Overall taillights looked awesome, there was a power trunk button present (not sure if that's been on F10). The car is said to be 100kg lighter thanks to the new OKL platform and use of carbon fiber (but you knew that already). 



Now the interior was on par with 7 series. Our sample even hard the rear infotainment system, same as 7er. Ambient lighting was present as well, and new top of the line audio system will come from Bowers & Wilkens. I've heard talks of M550d and M550i (!!) models coming up in the near future (first production cars should roll out around February, so I guess M Performance models will come around Summer), and there was a mention of 4 turbos . I've also heard some bits about MXXX cars featuring quad pipes, just like the true M cars. Sure hope it's just a rumor. Speaking of the M car, again, with a grain of salt, but there was a rumor talk of having two versions (RWD/AWD), with AWD actually being the superior performance model. 

内饰与7系不相上下。我们眼前的演示车还有后排娱乐系统。氛围灯也有出现,最新的顶级版音响由宝华韦健(Bowers & Wilkens)打造。我还听到有人说M550d和M550i的出现,而第一台量产车将于明年二月份下线,所以我猜M-Performance车型应该在夏天左右面世,而且据说还有“4涡轮”!(小编:应该指的是M550d装备最新的直六四涡轮柴油发动机。)有人还说M-Performance车型会装备四出排气。希望这只是个谣言。说到M car,可能会有两个版本的M5,一个后驱,一个四驱,而四驱的性能会更强。


iDrive (all them gestures and touch screen stuff) and instrument cluster were basically taken out of G11 and put into G30. I guess it's a good thing. I noticed that the center-console has been more driver-oriented than before. 

iDrive系统连带手势控制和触控屏,和中控设计都会下放到G30 5系上。这是好事,我留意到中控的设计比以往更偏向驾驶员了。


I believe you already know that that advanced key fob from 7er is also coming to the 5er, carrying all those options, such as remote parking. 


Overall, I came out impressed and satisfied with what I saw. This will be a solid car that a lot of people will like. They took what made 7er cool, improved the styling (I just hate those "aftermarket" looking LEDs on the front), and upgraded the interior. This is all I care about, really. 





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