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压力大咋舒缓 闻柠檬味15分钟有奇效

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-02-13 10:55




The bright light plays across my closed eyelids and, as I breathe in, a tangy waft of citrus fills my nostrils.
But far from lounging under a Mediterranean sun, surrounded by lemon trees, I’m in a medispa in London’s Belgravia, trying out the latest 15-minute therapy for stressed-out execs who want a quick reboot.
It combines the sort of light stimulation used by lamps shown to alleviate SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder — seasonal depression, thought to be caused by lack of exposure to sunlight) with aromas scientifically proven to have an effect on the mind and body — a cross between light therapy and clinical aromatherapy.

Research established that three smells seem to have a measurable impact on how people feel and behave. ‘Lavender contains a natural anaesthetic called linalool, which is why it has a reputation for being relaxing,’ he says. ‘Citrus scents have anti-depressive effects and mint has been shown to enhance sports performance.’
Tests showed that a combination of light and smell was more effective at boosting mood than light or smell on its own — and best of all, it only took 15 minutes to create that change.
You simply sit back, relax, allow the therapist to position the lamp correctly and load up your chosen capsule. Then breathe for 15 minutes.