24H1E revenue up 5% yoy on growth spike in services; profit hit a new high
Top line:
JD Health (JDH) announced unaudited 24H1E results recently with revenue at RMB28.34bn, up 4.6% yoy (vs RMB27.1bn), comprising:
•Direct sales at RMB23.91bn (up 3.2% yoy); and
•Service revenue at RMB4.43bn (up 12.5% yoy).
•Gross margin widened 0.7ppt yoy to 23.6% in H1E, mostly on a shift in revenue mix;
•Profit arrived at RMB2.03bn, an increase of 30.2% yoy;
•Non-IFRS net profit was RMB2.64bn, up 8.5% yoy (vs RMB2.44bn).
Operational metrics:
•YAU: 181m annual active users (YAU) in the 12 months to 30 June 2024, with 12m net additions yoy (vs 169m YAU);
•Consultations: averaging more than 480,000 daily online consultations in 24H1E.
Divisional analysis: direct product sales vs platform, retail and medical services
Direct sales:
JDH’s direct sales of pharma and health care products amounted to RMB23.91bn in 24H1E, up 3.2% yoy. YAU net increased yoy by 12m users to 181m as of 30 June 2024. Looking ahead, we believe JDH’s mature operating model integrates well its direct business, online platform and instant retail operations. We anticipate it will increase market share in core categories as it continues to consolidate an omnichannel supply chain advantage to drive up user penetration and purchase frequency.
we expect JDH’s service segment will keep growing as its integrated O2O services improve and mature. The company’s health care platform, advertising and other services drove incremental profit in H1E on revenue of RMB4.43bn, up 12.5% yoy:
•It had 80,000 third-party merchants as of 30 June, up more than 100% yoy.
•Its offline medical care business opened two new directly-operated hearing centers; the one-stop services allow clients to buy hearing aids online as well as offline fitting consultations.
•JDH rolled out a Nutritionist Consultation service upgrade at the 618 promotions this year, which provides access to China’s largest online service team of certified dietitians.
2024年上半年,公司實現毛利67億元,同比增加8%,毛利率由2023年上半年的22.9%上升0.7pct至23.6% (2023年爲22.2%),主要系收入組合變動所致。Non-IFRS淨利潤達26.4億元,同比增長8.5%,淨利潤率達9.3%、創半年度業績新高。期間,公司履約/銷售/管理/研發費用率分別爲10.4%/ 5.0%/ 2.4%/ 2.3%,同比變化+0.9pct/ +0.6pct/ -0.8pct/ +0.00pct。我們認爲,隨着第三方生態體系的完善進一步豐富商品種類和服務供給,京東健康的運營效率或仍有提升空間。
Margin analysis: H1E GPM bounced back as profit set a new half-year record
JDH made gross profit of RMB6.7bn in 24H1E, up 8% yoy, on a 0.7ppt yoy gross margin increase to 23.6% (vs 22.9% in 23H1 and 22.2% in 2023), mainly due to a shift in revenue mix. Non-IFRS net profit was RMB2.64bn, up 8.5% yoy, and net margin was 9.3%, another new half-year record.
Expense ratios:
fulfillments expense ratio came to 10.4% (up 0.9ppt yoy) in H1E, sales 5.0% (up 0.6ppt), administrative 2.4% (down 0.8ppt) and R&D 2.3% (+0.00ppt). We believe that the company’s improvements in the 3P merchant ecosystem will continue to enhance product range and service supply, which would expand growth potential in JDH’s operational efficiency.
截至6月30日,京東買藥秒送已在北京、上海、東莞開通“網上買藥醫保個賬支付”服務,其中在北京成爲首個開通此服務的平臺,接入超350家醫保定點零售藥店。上半年,京東健康即時零售業務“京東買藥秒送”,實現 “平均28分鐘、最快9分鐘”送達,覆蓋全國超490個城市,合作藥房超15萬家。我們認爲,京東健康已形成“自營+在線平臺+即時零售”相融合的成熟運營模式,隨着線上醫保購藥陸續放開,公司有望打開中長期增長空間。
Multi-city rollout of online pharmacy service with designated insurance payment
JDH’s user traffic is set to grow on the opening of a designated online pharmacy service with medical insurance account payment services across Beijing, Shanghai and Dongguan as of 30 June. Beijing was the first platform and it links more than 350 retail pharmacies designated for medical insurance payments. JDH’s instant delivery service (which it touts will deliver as fast as 9 minutes and 28 minutes on average) covers more than 490 cities across China and more than 150,000 cooperative pharmacies. We believe JD Health has a mature operating model which integrates direct sales with an online platform and instant retail. We see medium to long-term growth potential for the business as it optimizes online pharmacy services designated for medical insurance.