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饥饿英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-05-01 12:55




The maps illustrate how Bridge Town developed between 1700 and 2000.

There was a road crossing this region with a bridge over the river running in a totally different direction. The marketplace lying next to the road remained in the same place, while the built-up area had expanded significantly over this 3-century period. As a result of this dramatic change, the farmland on the south bank of the river disappeared.

Another major development was the construction of a railway line running parallel to the road mentioned above. The woods in the northeastern corner did not experience any change, but a new school had been built in the place of a castle. Apart from this, a bypass had also been built on the edge of the built area, allowing residents to get around easily.

Overall, it is clear from these two maps that this region had seen the considerable expansion of the built-up area  as well as the addition of a new bypass and a railway.




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