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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-12 09:58


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,本月初巴西生铁出口报价下滑,主要受国际市场变化影响。

Brazilianpig iron export offers slipped at the beginning of the month, mainly affectedby changes in the international market, Kallanish notes.


According tomarket participants, global prices have been driven down mainly by reduced Chinese demand.

10 月初,由于中国黄金周假期,价格水平下降了 10-15 美元 / 吨,”一位市场参与者说。“不过,随着中国的需求恢复,价格应该会回到接近 9 月底的水平。”

“Levels fellby $10-15/tonne at the beginning of October as results of China's Golden Weekholidays,” a market participant says. “However, with the returning of Chinesedemand, prices should be back close to end-September values.”


According to another source, large companies are a dapting their products to the new marketreality. “Pig iron producers in Brazil are taking advantage of the goodpost-coronavirus crisis momentum of the international market to improve theiroutput capacities.”

一位消息人士评论说,随着中国的需求恢复,巴西大型企业再次商谈更高的交易水平。不过,他补充说,在 2020 12 月至 2021 1 月之前,巴西用于出口的生铁供应仍然有限。

In line withthe return of Chinese demand, large Brazilian companies are once againnegotiating higher transaction levels, a source comments. The availability of pig iron for exports, however, remains limited in Brazil until December2020-January 2021, he adds.

市场人士称,目前生铁出口均价报 350-355 美元 / fob 巴西。

According to market participants, the average pig iron export price is now reported at $350-355/tonnefob Brazil.

巴西发展、工业和外贸部 (Mdic) 的最新数据显示,巴西 9 月生铁出口量同比减少 7.2% 31.5 万吨。

The latest data fromthe Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (Mdic) showthat Brazil decreased pig iron exports by -7.2% on-year in September to 315,000tonnes



Europe Steel Markets 2020


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