Abstract: Organizational scholarship on workplace sexual harassment has been dormant in recent decades. Yet, the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements—which have shed critical light on experiences of sexual harassment in organizations—suggests that renewed scholarly attention on this topic is both crucial and warranted. In the current commentary, we provide recommendations for ways that scholars can revitalize attention to this topic, extending both scholarly and practitioner understanding of this phenomenon. In addition, we encourage scholars to begin expanding the conceptualization of sexual harassment to also encompass more subtle forms of harassment. Critically, broadening our scholarly knowledge of workplace sexual harassment can inform organizational policies and procedures aimed toward reducing its prevalence and impact.
Chawla, N., Gabriel, A. S., O’Leary Kelly, A., & Rosen, C. C. (2021). From #MeToo to #TimesUp: Identifying Next Steps in Sexual Harassment Research in the Organizational Sciences. Journal of Management, 47(3), 551–566. DOI: 10.1177/0149206320980518
Abstract: We theorize that female candidates considering CEO roles will perceive greater termination vulnerability in such roles than their male counterparts. We further theorize that indicators of recent organizational distress will exacerbate female CEO candidates’ perceptions of termination vulnerability, while the presence of female leaders will mitigate these concerns. To test our arguments, we examine the initial values of newly appointed female and male CEOs’ severance agreements from 2007 to 2014. Results support our arguments and begin to shed light on the factors that influence female executives’ concerns about CEO roles and ultimately firms’ ability to appoint female CEOs.
Klein, F. B., Chaigneau, P., & Devers, C. E. (2021). CEO Gender-Based Termination Concerns: Evidence From Initial Severance Agreements. Journal of Management, 47(3), 567–596. DOI: 10.1177/0149206319887421
Abstract: When employees experience distressful events such as abusive supervision, they often rely on their workgroup for sense making and social support. However, research also shows that supervisors tend to differentially abuse members of the same group (i.e., abusive supervision differentiation, ASD). We argue that this behavior threatens an employee’s socioemotional bond with and reliance on the workgroup for support. Specifically, ASD drives negative comparisons of “self versus others” that diminish one’s socioemotional relationship with the group as a whole, particularly if one experiences more abuse than others. Drawing on attachment theory, we develop an individual-level conceptual model that links perceptions of ASD to employee outcomes through two forms of unhealthy person-group bonding—group attachment anxiety and group attachment avoidance. The results of two studies show that group attachment anxiety and avoidance uniquely explain the effects of ASD perceptions, over and above group identification. While both attachment patterns mediated the effects of ASD on psychological distress, group attachment avoidance primarily mediated the effects on quit intentions, and group attachment anxiety primarily mediated the effects on interpersonal deviance (Study 2). In addition, Study 2 demonstrates that resentment and envy towards other group members explain why ASD perceptions lead to group attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, and subsequent outcomes. Lastly, we find some evidence that the indirect effects of ASD perceptions are more detrimental when one perceives greater (vs. less) personal exposure to abusive supervision. We conclude by discussing the implications of group attachment theory and targeted emotions for understanding ASD.
Ogunfowora, B., Weinhardt, J. M., & Hwang, C. C. (2021). Abusive Supervision Differentiation and Employee Outcomes: The Roles of Envy, Resentment, and Insecure Group Attachment. Journal of Management, 47(3), 623–653. DOI: 10.1177/0149206319862024
Abstract: Workplace deviance research has expanded rapidly over the past decade. Despite the expansive body of research available, we have an incomplete understanding of the measurement, magnitude, and direction of relationships within workplace deviance’s nomological network. We draw from 235 empirical samples of data (k = 235, N = 66,990) to conduct random-effects meta-analyses of interpersonal (k = 156, N = 42,239) and organizational (k = 206, N = 60,008) workplace deviance research so we can build the solid foundation necessary to advance the conversation in this literature. We use an exploratory meta-analytic approach and the horizontal contrasting method of theory elaboration to provide a nuanced understanding of the relationship between interpersonal and organizational deviance (ρ = .67, k = 110, N = 30,426) as well as determine the magnitude and generalizability (i.e., external validity) of relationships within their nomological networks. We find some evidence of differences (i.e., heterogeneity) in the measurement and magnitude of relationships across contexts. Overall, we conduct a state-of-the-art meta-analysis that leverages contemporary meta-analytic techniques and the extensive body of empirical workplace deviance research available to improve our understanding of the measurement of workplace deviance and relationships within its nomological network. Our study instigates new debates about the completeness of our understanding of workplace deviance and provides the empirical building blocks necessary for this literature to reach its unrealized potential.
Mackey, J. D., McAllister, C. P., Ellen, B. P., & Carson, J. E. (2021). A Meta-Analysis of Interpersonal and Organizational Workplace Deviance Research. Journal of Management, 47(3), 597–622. DOI: 10.1177/0149206319862612
Abstract: This paper develops and tests a process model examining the sequential mediating roles of emotional exhaustion and surface acting on the relationships between employee perceptions of unfair treatment from customers and three forms of employee performance: in-role performance, customer-oriented organizational citizenship behavior (OCBC), and customer-oriented counterproductive work behavior (CWBC). In Study 1, we found support for our model demonstrating that the relationships between customer injustice and supervisor ratings of employees’ in-role performance and OCBC are each sequentially mediated first by emotional exhaustion and then by surface acting. In Study 2, using time-lagged data, we found additional support for our sequential mediation process when predicting CWBC. Moreover, we found that emotional demands–abilities fit moderated the sequential indirect effect of customer injustice on CWBC. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
Lavelle, J. J., Rupp, D. E., Herda, D. N., Pandey, A., & Lauck, J. R. (2021). Customer Injustice and Employee Performance: Roles of Emotional Exhaustion, Surface Acting, and Emotional Demands–Abilities Fit. Journal of Management, 47(3), 654–682. DOI: 10.1177/0149206319869426
Abstract: Although innovation can be a critical source of competitive advantage, research has found that debt can erode management’s willingness to invest in R&D. In this article, we employ a stakeholder bargaining power perspective to argue that this effect is most pronounced when the firm’s bonds are concentrated in the hands of bond blockholders. Furthermore, we contend that the temporal orientation of bondholders influences this relationship. Specifically, while it is commonly assumed that bondholders have a limited temporal orientation that induces them to focus on short-term value appropriation, we argue that some bond blockholders adopt a long-term temporal orientation. This orientation, in turn, makes them more inclined to support long-term value creation for the firm in the form of enhanced investments in R&D. Moreover, while agency theory suggests that there is an inherent conflict of interest between shareholders and bondholders, our results suggest that the temporal orientation of investors (i.e., both shareholders and bondholders) matters much more than whether they invested in the firm’s equity or its debt.
Ye, P., O’Brien, J., Carnes, C. M., & Hasan, I. (2021). The Influence of Bondholder Concentration and Temporal Orientation on Investments in R&D. Journal of Management, 47(3), 683–715. DOI: 10.1177/0149206320902531
Abstract: Twenty years ago, conditional reasoning (CR) was presented as a technology for assessing the implicit aspects of personality. Although this assessment method has been lauded as an advance for organizational scholarship, relatively few CR tests have been developed and validated. We argue that a major impediment to the broader implementation of this technique has been the disproportional emphasis by researchers on measurement-related issues at the expense of better describing the core theoretical processes that underlie CR—namely, justification mechanisms (JMs). In an effort to rectify this problem we (a) explain the differences between implicit and explicit individual differences, (b) introduce the key psychological mechanism associated with these implicit individual differences as conceptualized through CR (JMs), (c) describe how researchers can identify JMs, and (d) discuss how JMs may be measured with CR items. Our work is intended to serve as a catalyst for future CR initiatives by refocusing the attention of researchers on the theoretical underpinnings of CR, thus enabling researchers to build more theoretically sound tests.
Schoen, J. L., DeSimone, J. A., Meyer, R. D., Schnure, K. A., & LeBreton, J. M. (2021). Identifying, Defining, and Measuring Justification Mechanisms: The Implicit Biases Underlying Individual Differences. Journal of Management, 47(3), 716–744. DOI: 10.1177/0149206319889137
Abstract: This quantitative review systematically integrates the antecedents and outcomes of psychological ownership (PO) and examines its incremental validity and explanatory power compared with two other forms of workplace attachment (i.e., organizational commitment and organizational identification). Across 141 studies published over 20 years, our meta-analysis shows that apart from the factors related to the three traditional categories of PO antecedents (i.e., control, knowing, and investment), safety (e.g., organizational justice, trust, perceived organizational support, and relational closeness) is an emerging antecedent leading to PO. In addition, we find that PO is related not only to employees’ attitudinal and performance outcomes but also to some dark-side outcomes (e.g., territorial behaviors). Furthermore, after applying two advanced methods, that is, two-stage meta-analytic structural equation modeling and dominance analysis, to the analysis of 294 studies (including 291 primary studies and three published meta-analyses), the results reveal that PO has an incremental validity above that of organizational commitment and organizational identification in predicting employees’ in-role performance and organizational citizenship behaviors. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Zhang, Y., Liu, G., Zhang, L., Xu, S., & Cheung, M. W.-L. (2021). Psychological Ownership: A Meta-Analysis and Comparison of Multiple Forms of Attachment in the Workplace. Journal of Management, 47(3), 745–770. DOI: 10.1177/0149206320917195