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生态梦网  · 公众号  · 天津  · 2017-05-09 21:44


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艾毅双语幼儿园天津生态城校园,是以艾毅多元智能幼儿园天津生态城和风路校园为基础全新升级打造,提供以多元智能理论为基础的浸润式双语课程,其地理位置优越,基础设施一流,能够满足家长们日益增长的对优质幼儿双语教育的迫切需求。您可以通过下方校园详情介绍全面了解艾毅双语幼儿园天津生态城校园! 如您想进一步了解艾毅双语教育项目更多内容,请按文末方式报名参加5月21日(周日)举行的“艾毅疯狂科学亲子活动”。




校 园 环 境

  • 校园室外面积20,000平方米,小班制教学,教室舒适明亮,整体采用国际园所的开放式设计亲切温馨

  • 2017-18学年,校园共设置9个班级,每间教室均有7-9个学习中心,满足孩子们探索式学习的需求

  • 校园内还设有大型图书馆中英文阅览区,专业的足球场和适合幼儿的户外游乐设施,根据儿童特点设计的室内游泳池,现代化室内篮球馆、以及大型多功能报告厅

  • 每个班级配置1-2台Blue air空气净化器,并同时安置了空气检测器,保证空气质量

教 师

介 绍



校 园 课 程

  • 提供以多元智能理论为基础的浸润式双语课程

  • 小班授课,每日课程设有最受小朋友欢迎的中英文圆圈活动

  • 校园提供厨艺、创意美术、澳睿跑、奥尔夫,音乐、国画、花式篮球等多种特色课程



  • 校园专业的营养师、厨房人员及标准的厨房设备,每日会为孩子们提供中西结合的健康营养间点及早中晚三餐

  • 专业校医会为孩子们进行每日晨检及定期体检,关注孩子们的身体健康的发展



校园每月组织孩子们开展形式多样、内容丰富的园内外活动。其中, 中西结合的节日庆典活动也会带给孩子们丰富的文化体验。



With sixteen schools around China, things are always evolving at Ivy Education Group! The latest development is that we will be expanding our bilingual program in Tianjin!

Currently an MI Kindergarten campus, the Ivy Bilingual School Tianjin Eco-city campus is ideally positioned to meet the ever-growing demands of parents seeking a bilingual education for their child. To learn more about our bilingual program, please join "Ivy Crazy Science Parent-Child Activity” on Sunday May 21th. If you are interested in this activity, please see registration details at end of this article.

Ivy Bilingual School Tianjin Eco-city campus is located at Hefeng Road #312 in Sino-Singapore Eco-city. The campus is beautifully designed and complies with international standards. It  boasts a capacity of 1200 students, a well-stocked library, a fully-equipped swimming pool, and a spacious outdoor playground. The school has been in operation since September 2014, and provides immersion bilingual education based on Multiple Intelligence theory for children 2-6 years old.

School Environment

  • Purposely-built and designed campus including 20,000 square meters of outdoor space and complies with international standards.

  • In 2017-18 academic year, the school will feature a total of 9 classrooms with 7-9 learning centers in each class for children’s exploration and learning needs.

  • Facilities include: spacious bilingual children’s library; professional football fields and outdoor recreational facilities for children; indoor swimming pool designed according to children's characteristics; modern indoor basketball hall and a large multi-function lecture hall.

  • Each class is equipped with up to two sets of Blue Air air-purifier, and a laser egg to monitor and help ensure air quality.

Our Teachers

Each class has a full-time foreign teacher, with a wealth of early childhood teaching experience and Multiple Intelligence certification.

Chinese teachers have all graduated from early childhood education related majors, and have rich teaching experience with children.


  • Immersion bilingual education based on Multiple Intelligence theory

  • Small class size with fun fun-filled Chinese and English circle time

  • We provide enrichment classes including: cooking, sports, Orff music, Chinese painting, basketball etc.

Campus Life
