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关于武汉冠状病毒, 最新中英文期刊上的文章都在这里

唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-01-23 19:51


本文转载自微信公众号: 计量经济圈(点击阅读原文)

2019-2020新的冠状病毒,又称武汉冠状病毒,始于 2019年12月中旬 华南海鲜市场里的小摊。 中国科学家随后分离出一种新的 冠状病毒 ,命名为 2019-nCoV ,已发现与 SARS-CoV的 基因序列 至少有70%的相似度。 截至2020年1月22日,有约400多例确诊病例,包括一些医护人员和中国境外的病例。 已有9人死亡,有证据表明人与人之间存在传播可能。




注: 具体见其专业报告(不便展示)


Dear Editor,

The occurrence of concentrated pneumonia cases in Wuhan city, Hubei province of China was first reported on December 30, 2019 by the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission ( WHO, 2020 ). The pneumonia cases were found to be linked to a large seafood and animal market in Wuhan, and measures for sanitation and disinfection were taken swiftly by the local government agency. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Chinese health authorities later determined and announced that a novel coronavirus (CoV), denoted as Wuhan CoV, had caused the pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan city ( CDC, 2020 ). Scientists from multiple groups had obtained the virus samples from hospitalized patients ( Normile, 2020 ). The isolated viruses were morphologically identical when observed under electron microscopy.

One genome sequence (WH-Human_1) of the Wuhan CoV was first released on Jan 10, 2020, and subsequently five additional Wuhan CoV genome sequences were released ( Zhang, 2020 ; Shu and McCauley, 2017 ) (Table S1 in Supporting Information). The current public health emergency partially resembles the emergence of the SARS outbreak in southern China in 2002. Both happened in winter with initial cases linked to exposure to live animals sold at animal markets, and both were caused by previously unknown coronaviruses. As of January 15, 2020, there were more than 40 laboratory-confirmed cases of the novel Wuhan CoV infection with one reported death. Although no obvious evidence of human-to-human transmission was reported, there were exported cases in Hong Kong China, Japan, and Thailand.

