“装逼,摆出什么什么的样子”,到底英文怎么表达?正儿八经教大家一个拿得上台面的词组,叫做virtue signalling!比如
A: George has changed his profile picture to show his support for refugees.
B: Has he donated money or time? Is he making a room available? He's just virtue signalling.
A: 乔治改了他的头像,以示对难民的支持。
B: 他捐钱捐时间了吗?提供救济住所了吗?他只是好屌的样子。
A: George has changed his profile picture to show his support for refugees.
B: Has he donated money or time? Is he making a room available? He's just virtue signalling.
A: 乔治改了他的头像,以示对难民的支持。
B: 他捐钱捐时间了吗?提供救济住所了吗?他只是好屌的样子。