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论文返修(response letter)一些很有用的套话 III

实验万事屋  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-05-16 09:12



1、Thank you foryour email dated xxxxxx[[1 June 2016]] enclosing the reviewers’ comments. We have carefully reviewed the comments and have revised the manuscript accordingly.Our responses are given in a point-by-pointmanner below. Changes to the manuscript are shown in underline/red/bold.

2、I very much appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into your comments. Your advice aboutthe formatting, structure and referencing style of my paper is most helpful.

3、Further to ourcorrespondence a couple of weeks ago, I’m attaching the revised version of my articleentitled “XXXX” I have now completed all of the changes you requested: (改格式)

The numerical style of in-text referencinghas been changed to author-date referencing in APA style.

The list of references has been arrangedalphabetically by the last names of authors instead of numerically, and otherchanges to conform to APA style have been made to the references.

The article has been restructured toinclude separate Limitations and Conclusions sections.

All headings and subheadings have beenadjusted to conform to the requirements indicated in the Journal of ChangingWeather author guidelines, including the removal of numbers.

All nonstandard abbreviations and acronymsused in the paper have been defined on first use and used consistentlythereafter.

Abbreviations used in each table have beendefined in a note at the bottom of the table.

The vertical rules/lines have been removedfrom all three tables.

The tables are now attached as a separatefile instead of embedded in the paper.

4、I hope that the changes I’ve made resolve all your concerns about the article. I’m more thanhappy to make any further changes that will improve the paper and/or facilitatesuccessful publication.

5、Thank you once again for your time and interest. I look forward to hearing from you.

6、 We thank reviewers fortheir constructive criticism, and time spent to analyze this manuscript, Theresponses, and explanations related to their comments are listed below:

7 We agree with the reviewer’s comment concerningthis issue. However, …….

8 As a response to the reviewer’s comment we ……..

9 We thank the reviewer for the kind comments.

10 we thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have corrected it to “XXXXX”

11 We agree with the reviewer. In respond to thiscomment and to a comment raised by the other reviewer, we have revised the textas follows.

12 Based on these comments and suggestions, we have made careful modifications to the original manuscript,and carefully proof-read the manuscript to minimize typographical andgrammatical errors. We believe that the manuscript has been greatly improved and hope it has reached your magazine’s standard.

13、Once again, weacknowledge your comments very much, which are valuable in improving thequality of our manuscript.

14、We are verygrateful to your comments on the manuscript.

15、We thank youvery much for your comments for pointing out this omission. Now, in the revisedmanuscript, we have corrected……

16、We are verygrateful to your comments and thoughtful suggestions. In the revisedmanuscript, we have modified……

17、In conclusion, according to the comments, we give a detailedrevision on the original manuscript. At the same time, we have thoroughlyrevised the manuscript in order to express the idea more clearly. The majorrevision are listed in the following. We believe the manuscript has beengreatly improved. Once again, thank you for the kind advice.

18、 thanks for your suggestions. We feel sorry for our poor writings, however, we do invite a friend of us who is a native English speaker from USA help polish our article. Due to our friend’s help, the article was edited extensively. And we hope the revised manuscript could be acceptable for you.

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