专栏名称: 绿色倡议
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Okja《玉子》: Green Drinks September Film Screening 绿色畅饮九月电影放映

绿色倡议  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-09-13 14:16


Area: Jing'an

地区: 静安

Date: Thursday, September 14

日期: 周四,9 月 14 日

Time: 19:00-21:00

时间: 19:00-21:00


At Green Initiatives' 81st film screening and the 9th anniversary of the Global Financial Crisis, we are screening OKJA, a film about corporate greed, GMOs, animal agriculture, and how one girl's affection for her 'pet' takes her to another part of the world to rescue her from the hands of a giant multinational. 

绿色倡议的第 81 次电影放映活动正值全球金融危机九周年,我们将趁此机会放映影片《玉子》。它讲述了小女孩从大型食品企业的手中解救“宠物猪”玉子的惊险历程,探讨了企业的贪婪、转基因生物和畜牧业工厂化等话题。

According to The Guardian, "Okja uses the trappings of sci-fi fantasy to ask uncomfortably down-to-earth questions about where our food comes from, exposing the savage teeth of consumerism behind the friendly smile of corporate capitalism."


The film screening will be followed by a short discussion. And comes with Chinese subtitles. Light snacks and beverages will be served to our attendees.


Film Synopsis 电影简介

For 10 idyllic years, young Mija has been the caretaker and constant companion to Okja – a massive animal and an even bigger friend – at her home in the mountains of South Korea. But that changes when a family-owned multinational conglomerate Mirando Corporation takes Okja for themselves and transports her to New York, where image obsessed and self-promoting CEO Lucy Mirando has big plans for Mija’s dearest friend. With no particular plan but single-minded in intent, Mija set out on a rescue mission. Deftly blending genres, humor, poignancy, and drama, the director begins with the gentlest of premises -- the bond between man and animal-and ultimately creates a distinct and layered vision of the world that addresses the animal inside us all.

女孩美子在韩国山区家中一直负责照看她的宠物玉子—一头转基因超级猪。但美好生活很快被名为 Mirando 的跨国公司打破。他们将玉子夺回并转移到纽约,背后酝酿着更宏大的规划。在毫无准备的情况下,玉子踏上了营救伙伴的征程。通过混合不同流派的拍摄手法和表现方式,用或恶作剧或戏剧的展现形式,导演想以人类和动物的纽带为主题,展现人类自身的动物性。

Speaker 嘉宾

Jenny Tang 唐淼, Producer 制片人
Background: Jenny M. Tang is an Australian-Chinese producer based in Shanghai. She is also an animal-lover on a plant-based diet. She has previously worked on video contents, short films, and music videos, and heavily involved in social documentaries and feature films. For "Zodiac 12", she is working with Beijing-based vegan/director Jian Yi on bringing light onto the realities of animal welfare in modern China.

背景: 唐淼是一名现居于上海的华裔澳大利亚制片人。她也是一个热爱动物的植物性饮食者。之前曾从事过视频制作、微电影和音乐视频的工作,并且曾多次参与社会纪录片和专题电影的项目。《12 生肖》是唐淼与北京纯素食导演 Jian Yi 所合作的作品,目的是为了向观众展现动物福利在当代中国背景下的现实状况。

Topic: Zodiac 12 
For centuries, everyone born in China has a zodiac animal they identify with. In "Zodiac 12", the relationship between the Chinese and these animals will be the explored through the first-ever documentary with a uniquely modern Chinese narrative. For more information check out the website www.zodiac12.net.

主题: 《12生肖》
几个世纪以来,每个出生在中国的人都有一种代表身份的生肖动物。《12 生肖》将是有史以来第一部用独特的现代中国叙事风格来表达中国和这些动物之间关系的纪录片。了解更多信息,请访问网站 www.zodiac12.net。

Event Info


Registration 活动预约

+  RSVP 预约: 50 RMB 

+  Student RSVP 学生预约: 20 RMB (Vaid Student ID required 请提供有效学生证件*) 

+  At-The-Door 无提前预约: 100 RMB (Subject to availability 售完即止*)

Location 活动地址

Haworth Furnitures

Jingan Kerry Center Tower 1, 32F,

1515 West Nanjing Road,

静安嘉里中心 1 座 32 楼南京西路 1515 号

Jing'an Temple Exit 6 静安寺站 6 号出口

A non-profit organization that promotes awareness, facilitates actions, implements projects, and stimulates change toward sustainable models of growth and consumption.


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