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经济学人双语精读  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-07-03 21:01



    6月22日, 中国银监会责令国内银行检查参与境外收购热潮的“部分大企业”所带来的“系统性风险”,这导致中国一些最具收购意识的民营企业股价大跌。

    银监会下达命令的消息传出后,房地产及娱乐巨擘大连万达(Dalian Wanda)、消费者集团复星国际(Fosun International)以及综合企业集团海航(HNA)等控股的上市公司的股票均出现下滑。


    本文题目叫 Financial risk: The rationality police,通过这一篇文章,我们将学到一下两个方面的内容:

  1. 银监会点名了哪五家企业?它们的各自情况是怎么样的?

  2. 为什么要点名这些企业?原因有哪些?


Financial risk

The rationality police

China’s “regulatory storm” hits four of its most global companies

CHEN FENG was in fine spirits as his Parisian guests, midway through a banquet of lobster and candied duck, toasted his success. The chairman of HNA, a Chinese conglomerate that began as a small airline just over two decades ago, was in France for the firm’s “international week”, featuring glitzy events ranging from a golf tournament to a fashion show. The gala on June 26th coincided with Mr Chen’s turning 64. Wearing a Chinese suit, he stood on stage at the Petit Palais (pictured), as enormous sparklers blazed on a display beside him. The revellers, aided by opera singers, offered a chorus of “Happy Birthday”.

In normal times the evening would have been notable for what it revealed about a new kind of ambitious Chinese company, eager to make a global name for itself. But the circumstances were abnormal. A few days earlier word had leaked that China’s regulators wanted banks to check their loans to HNA and three other fast-growing companies. This had caused panic among holders of the firms’ shares and bonds. Analysts wondered whether the companies’ global shopping spree would screech to a halt. The good cheer displayed by Mr Chen and his colleagues seemed designed to reassure people that in HNA’s case, it would not.

The three other big companies named by the banking regulator were Dalian Wanda, a property developer that is building an entertainment business; Fosun, a health-to-tourism conglomerate; and Anbang, an insurer that has made a series of high-profile overseas deals. The regulator also mentioned a lesser-known entity, Zhejiang Rossoneri, an investment company that bought AC Milan, a football club.

The regulator’s instructions were simply that the banks take a closer look at loans to these companies to guard against risks. But analysts looked for possible hidden meaning. The regulator often asks banks about their exposures to various industries, but it was unusual for it to specify firms by name. Rumours spread that banks were responding by halting loans to the companies and even selling their bonds. The firms denied this was happening, which may have helped the prices of their shares and bonds to recover somewhat.

Several of the companies have connections to the ruling elite. This has led some observers to speculate that the regulator’s order might be related to factional struggles, or that it might signal an attempt by China’s president, Xi Jinping, to tighten his grip on the economy by toppling tycoons. But trying to take down so many business leaders at the same time would be an assault of unprecedented magnitude, even by Mr Xi’s standards.

There is a better explanation, namely that the action is part of a broader campaign over the past six months to clean up the financial system: a “regulatory storm”, as many have described it. Officials have worked to close loopholes, to stamp out insider trading and to cut reckless borrowing. They have targeted predatory investors, describing them as “financial crocodiles”.

How do HNA, Wanda, Fosun and Anbang fit in? They have been China’s most aggressive investors abroad. Of the $230bn of overseas deals pursued by Chinese companies since the start of 2016, these four groups account for more than $60bn, according to S&P Capital IQ, a data provider. This poses two risks. First, the cash exodus has piled pressure on the yuan and forced the central bank to eat into its foreignexchange reserves to support the Chinese currency. Second, much of the investment has been funded by domestic borrowing. If the overseas assets perform poorly, the companies could be left with crippling debts at home.


Financial risk

The rationality police

China’s “regulatory storm” hits① four of its most global companies





① Hit ,原意指“击打”,文中引申为“打击、对...构成冲击”,除了"hit",我们还可以用以下表示:deliver a blow to / pinch / weigh heavily on;表示“受到影响、受到冲击”,我们可以说:feel the pain / feel the pinch / impact  / be exposed to,这些都是过去几年从《经济学人》中积累的,大家可以整理下来。




CHEN FENG was in fine spirits① as his Parisian guests, midway② through a banquet of lobster and candied duck, toasted his success. The chairman of HNA, a Chinese conglomerate that began as a small airline just over two decades ago, was in France for③ the firm’s “international week”, featuring④ glitzy events ranging from a golf tournament to a fashion show. The gala⑤ on June 26th coincided with Mr Chen’s turning 64. Wearing a Chinese suit, he stood on stage at the Petit Palais (pictured), as enormous sparklers blazed on a display beside him. The revellers, aided by opera singers, offered a chorus of “Happy Birthday”.



① in fine spirits,也可以说 in good/high/great spirits,表示“兴高采烈”。

② midway,有两个意思,第一个意思是:when half a period of time has passed

表示“〔一段时间〕在中间(的),到一半(的)”,也就是文中的意思。它的同义词是 “halfway”,后面常加介词 through,例如:

Leeds scored midway through the first half.


    第二个意思,指:between two places, and the same distance from each of the,表示“在中途(的),在半路(的); 在中间(的)”,同义词也是 halfway,但是介词跟 between,例如:

The city is midway between Edinburgh and London.


③ for the firm’s “international week”,这句话的意思是,“在法国参加'国际周‘’”,但我们看英文,却没有“attend”一词,其实这体现了中英文的一个表达差异:英文重介词,而中文重动词,学好了英文的介词就拿下了半壁江山。栗子还有很多,比如今天早上中文国际上有关卡塔尔断交风波里有这么一句话:


④ feature,英文解释是:to include someone or something as an important part ,即,主要有,主要包括,以…为特色。举几个栗子:

The film features James Dean as a disaffected teenager.


This week's broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence.


⑤ gala,盛会。比如“春节联欢晚会”就是:Spring Festival Gala.


In normal times the evening would have been notable for what it revealed about a new kind of ambitious Chinese company, eager to make a global name① for itself. But the circumstances were abnormal. A few days earlier word had leaked② that China’s regulators wanted banks to check③ their loans to HNA and three other fast-growing companies. This had caused panic among holders of the firms’ shares and bonds. Analysts wondered whether the companies’ global shopping spree④ would screech to a halt⑤. The good cheer displayed by Mr Chen and his colleagues seemed designed to reassure people that in HNA’s case, it would not.



① make a name for someone,成名,出名,make a global name, 在全球范围内出名,闻名于全球。

② word had leaked,“有消息说......”“有传言称......”,注意:word 表示“消息”时为不可数名词,无需加复数。

    关于 word 的一些搭配,在这里补充一下:

have/exchange words


We exchanged a few words as we were coming out of the meeting.


A word spoken is past recalling.


③ check,常见的意思是“检查”,此外,还有“遏制”的意思,这个意思同样比较常见。表示“遏制”的词语有很多,之前补充过,考虑到新粉,再补充一次:restrain, hold back/in, keep back, repress, suppress, fight back, check, keep in check, control, rein in, contain, bridle, subdue, keep a/the lid on. 熟读即可。

④ shopping spree,收购狂潮。西方有个节日,叫黑色星期五,每到11月的最后一个星期五,大家都会掀起一阵抢购狂潮,“抢购狂潮”也可以用 shopping spree 来表达。

    关于 spree 的搭配,主要有以下几个:

go on a drinking/shopping/spending spree 


go on a killing spree


恐怖袭击发生时,恐怖分子通常会 go on a killing spree.

⑤ screech to a halt"screech"一词用在这里非常生动、形象,原指“the tyres of a vehcile make an unplesant noise when it comes to stop”,即车辆停止前与地面摩擦所发出的尖锐噪音,既可做动词,亦可作为名词。用在此处活灵活现,海航集团如一辆“并购”货车,遇“红灯”戛然而止。

    与"screech"类似的还有类似的还有"grinding", "表示难以忍受的",“come to a grinding halt" 亦可表示“嘎然而止”。


The three other big companies named by the banking regulator were Dalian Wanda, a property developer that is building an entertainment business; Fosun, a health-to-tourism conglomerate; and Anbang, an insurer that has made a series of high-profile overseas deals. The regulator also mentioned a lesser-known① entity, Zhejiang Rossoneri, an investment company that bought AC Milan, a football club.

银监会点名的其它三家企业是 房地产及娱乐巨擘大连万达、医疗旅游集团复兴国际、以及进行了一系列高调海外收购的安邦保。监管部门也提及了一家知名度较低的企业:浙江罗森内里投资公司,该投资公司曾收购意大利足球俱乐部AC米兰。


① lesser-known英文解释为:not as popular or famous as something else,不太知名的,不很出名的。“鲜为人知”我们常用的是“little-known”,此处用的是“lesser-known”,程度上更进一步,表示“毫不知名,无人知晓”这个意思。举个栗子:

We stayed on one of the lesser-known Greek islands.





The regulator’s instructions were simply that the banks take a closer look at loans to these companies to guard against risks. But analysts looked for possible hidden meaning. The regulator often asks banks about their exposures to various industries, but it was unusual for it to specify firms by name. Rumours spread that banks were responding by halting loans to the companies and even selling their bonds. The firms denied this was happening, which may have helped the prices of their shares and bonds to recover somewhat.




① Rumours spread that,和 Word has leaked 意思一样,表示“有传言称”。


Several of the companies have connections to the ruling elite. This has led some observers to speculate that the regulator’s order might be related to factional struggles, or that it might signal an attempt by China’s president, Xi Jinping, to tighten his grip on the economy by toppling tycoons. But trying to take down so many business leaders at the same time would be an assault of unprecedented magnitude①, even by Mr Xi’s standards.




① magnitude,该词经常出现在有关地震的新闻报道中,意思是“震级”,比如:

The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3.


    文中的意思是:the great size or importance of something,巨大,庞大; 重要性。常见搭配为:of such / this / similar etc magnitude. 例如:

They didn't seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.



We did not think the cuts would be of this magnitude.



There is a better explanation, namely that the action is part of a broader campaign over the past six months to clean up the financial system: a “regulatory storm”, as many have described it. Officials have worked to close loopholes①, to stamp out② insider trading and to cut reckless borrowing. They have targeted predatory investors, describing them as “financial crocodiles”.



① loopholes,英文解释是:a small mistake in a law that makes it possible to avoid doing something that the law is supposed to make you do,指漏洞,空子,尤指法律上的,比如::

legal / tax loophole


② stamp out,英文解释为: If you stamp out something bad that is happening, you make it stop. 即 “根除,杜绝”的意思,后面可以加 problem,也可以加 a phenomenon,相当于 eradicate.

How do HNA, Wanda, Fosun and Anbang fit in? They have been China’s most aggressive investors abroad. Of the $230bn of overseas deals pursued by Chinese companies since the start of 2016, these four groups account for more than $60bn, according to S&P Capital IQ, a data provider. This poses① two risks. First, the cash exodus② has piled pressure on the yuan and forced the central bank to eat into③ its foreign exchange reserves to support the Chinese currency. Second, much of the investment has been funded by domestic borrowing. If the overseas assets perform poorly, the companies could be left with crippling debts at home.



① pose,表示 to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty,后面可以加 problem, threat, risk 等词。例如:

Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone.


The mountain terrain poses particular problems for civil engineers.


② cash exodus,资本外流,也可以说 capital drain, capital flight, capital outflow.

⑬ eat into,If something eats into your time or your resources, it uses them, when they should be used for other things,消耗,耗费(时间或资源)。例如:

Our holiday has eaten into the money we saved.


 • end • 

编辑 | Soren

图 | the economist










