What is universally hated?
1. Labels on steelware and glassware that almost never fade away
2. Line cutters
3. The snsation and sound of nails scratching a chalkboard.
4. Traffic
5. Software Upgrades
There is an important meeting in few minutes. You need to complete something before that and wait software you are working on started upgrading. Why on earth at this time.
6. Exams
No matter you are good at studies or bad, everybody hates (or at least not enthusiastic about exams).
7. Tangled earphones
You know the many times when you put your earphones in your pocket? Or your bag? And when you take them out, it comes out like this?
8. School assemblies
Most of us can probably all agree just how boring these can be. Many of us probably also struggled to stay awake, listening to the principal or dean just drone on and on for who knows how long.