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机器学习研究会  · 公众号  · AI  · 2017-03-25 19:10




Deep neural networks and Deep Learning are powerful and popular algorithms. And a lot of their success lays in the careful design of the neural network architecture.

I wanted to revisit the history of neural network design in the last few years and in the context of Deep Learning.

For a more in-depth analysis and comparison of all the networks reported here, please see our recent article. One representative figure from this article is here:

Reporting top-1 one-crop accuracy versus amount of operations required for a single forward pass in multiple popular neural network architectures.


It is the year 1994, and this is one of the very first convolutional neural networks, and what propelled the field of Deep Learning. This pioneering work by Yann LeCun was named LeNet5 after many previous successful iterations since they year 1988!

The LeNet5 architecture was fundamental, in particular the insight that image features are distributed across the entire image, and convolutions with learnable parameters are an effective way to extract similar features at multiple location with few parameters. At the time there was no GPU to help training, and even CPUs were slow. Therefore being able to save parameters and computation was a key advantage. This is in contrast to using each pixel as a separate input of a large multi-layer neural network. LeNet5 explained that those should not be used in the first layer, because images are highly spatially correlated, and using individual pixel of the image as separate input features would not take advantage of these correlations.

LeNet5 features can be summarized as:

  • convolutional neural network use sequence of 3 layers: convolution, pooling, non-linearity –> This may be the key feature of Deep Learning for images since this paper!

  • use convolution to extract spatial features

  • subsample using spatial average of maps

  • non-linearity in the form of tanh or sigmoids

  • multi-layer neural network (MLP) as final classifier

  • sparse connection matrix between layers to avoid large computational cost

In overall this network was the origin of much of the recent architectures, and a true inspiration for many people in the field.

The gap

In the years from 1998 to 2010 neural network were in incubation. Most people did not notice their increasing power, while many other researchers slowly progressed. More and more data was available because of the rise of cell-phone cameras and cheap digital cameras. And computing power was on the rise, CPUs were becoming faster, and GPUs became a general-purpose computing tool. Both of these trends made neural network progress, albeit at a slow rate. Both data and computing power made the tasks that neural networks tackled more and more interesting. And then it became clear…

Dan Ciresan Net

In 2010 Dan Claudiu Ciresan and Jurgen Schmidhuber published one of the very fist implementations of GPU Neural nets. This implementation had both forward and backward implemented on a a NVIDIA GTX 280 graphic processor of an up to 9 layers neural network.


In 2012, Alex Krizhevsky released AlexNet which was a deeper and much wider version of the LeNet and won by a large margin the difficult ImageNet competition.

AlexNet scaled the insights of LeNet into a much larger neural network that could be used to learn much more complex objects and object hierarchies. The contribution of this work were:

  • use of rectified linear units (ReLU) as non-linearities

  • use of dropout technique to selectively ignore single neurons during training, a way to avoid overfitting of the model

  • overlapping max pooling, avoiding the averaging effects of average pooling

  • use of GPUs NVIDIA GTX 580 to reduce training time

At the time GPU offered a much larger number of cores than CPUs, and allowed 10x faster training time, which in turn allowed to use larger datasets and also bigger images.

The success of AlexNet started a small revolution. Convolutional neural network were now the workhorse of Deep Learning, which became the new name for “large neural networks that can now solve useful tasks”.


In December 2013 the NYU lab from Yann LeCun came up with Overfeat, which is a derivative of AlexNet. The article also proposed learning bounding boxes, which later gave rise to many other papers on the same topic. I believe it is better to learn to segment objects rather than learn artificial bounding boxes.




