专栏名称: 道略演艺
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道略演艺  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-07-19 19:45



编译 袁田

观众的视线与视野,易用程度和声学都使剧院座位布局极其精确,剧院解决方案公司(TSI)的团队 根据建筑师和设计师提供的在线资源的一部分, 编制了21个剧院座位布局示例的目录。 每个布局都很详细,有座位数,地板座位区和行间距的信息。这些布局一般分为3种类型。为了补充这些信息,除了TSI的图表,文中还举例了每种类型的利弊,以及使用每种格式的项目示例。

Audience sightlines, accessibility and acoustics all make theater seating a hugely precise art. As part of their setof online resources for architects and designers, the team at Theatre SolutionsInc (TSI) have put together a catalog of 21 examples of theater seatinglayouts. Each layout is well detailed, with information on the number of seats,the floor seating area and row spacing. These layouts fall under three generalforms; to supplement this information, alongside TSI's diagrams we've includedthe pros and cons of each type, as well as examples of projects which use each format.Read on for more.

End Stage

在这一形式中,全部观众都以一个方向面向舞台。视野非常开阔直接,这一类型的布局可以完美匹配演讲、电影及幻灯片演示的需求,传统的End stage以矩形设计为主。

In the End Stage form, the entire audiencefaces the stage in the same direction. Sightlines are kept simple, making theselayouts perfect for lectures, films and slide-based presentations. They alsofit well into conventional rectangular plans.


However, End Stages are not overly successful at creating a close relationship between performer and spectator.Theatres in this form also can’t be too large due to acoustic limits.


布莱思艺术中心---Stevens LawsonArchitects

Agora 剧院---UNStudio

Guarda市政剧院--- AVA Architects

Wide Fan


In this form, theatre seats are placed within a 130-degree angle of inclusion. This brings in the audience closer tothe performer, establishing a more intimate experience.


This angling also means that the form is better geared towards speech-related performances. Film presentations would be trickier in these spaces, with screens requiring proper positioning – perhaps further back from the stage, to compensate for seats that find their sightlinesdistorted.


中国国家大剧院---Paul Andreu


利摩日音乐厅---Bernard TschumiArchitects



3/4 arenas see a 180-270-degree angle ofinclusion. Hearing and visual contact between spectator and performer is improved, and as audience members can see each other when facing ahead, the sense of inclusion is increased even more.


However, conventional film presentationsare almost impossible and would require an alternative screen layout, such as anumber of smaller screens arranged throughout the space.


汉秀剧院---StufishEntertainment Architects


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