The Trinity of Market Participants: Taking Sides on Return Predictability
Linear Betas in the Cross-Section of Asset Returns
Do Digital Coins Have Fundamental Values?
Evidence from Machine Learning
1、The Trinity of Market Participants: Taking Sides on Return Predictability
Working paper
issued in July 2019.
David McLean,
Georgetown University
Jeffrey Pontiff,
Boston College
Christopher Reilly,
Boston College
We study how various investors trade with respect to 131 stock return anomalies. Retail investors and institutions accumulate shares in stocks that become anomaly-shorts and reduce holdings in stocks that become anomaly-longs. In contrast, firms that issue shares become anomaly-shorts and firms that repurchase shares become anomaly-longs. All three types of investors continue to trade in the same direction once anomaly information is public. Retail buys are associated with lower future stock returns, institutional trades do not predict returns, while firm trades predict returns in the intended direction. The results suggest that firms are the smart money.
2、Linear Betas in the Cross-Section of Asset Returns
Working paper
issued in July 2019
Francesca Bastianello,
Harvard University
Paul Fontanier,
Harvard University
This paper evaluates a specification for conditional beta models following Fama and French
(2019). It rejects the Fama and French model using betas conditional on characteristics in
favor of a linear conditional beta model following Shanken (1990). The tests used allow the
data to select either the Fama and French (2019) model or the more flexible linear specification.
Model-implied zero-beta rates are particularly sensitive to the choice of specification, and the
linear conditional beta model provides a more stable, and more realistic, rate.
3、Do Digital Coins Have Fundamental Values?
Evidence from Machine Learning
Working paper
issued in July 2019.
Jinfei Sheng,
University of California-Irvine
Yukun Liu,
University of Rochester
Wanyi Wang,
University of California-Irvine