专栏名称: 鲁柏祥博士
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鲁柏祥博士  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-18 08:38


编者按: 最近,香港黑衣示威者到处上街破坏,还诅咒并恐吓警察的孩子。一位警嫂就给孩子写了一封信,教育孩子明辨是非,懂得保护自己。信中句句流露出一个香港妈妈对孩子和这座城市的爱。


Letter of a mother to her child

Dear child,

Recently, groups of violent rioters broke the peace of Hong Kong. Only when I hear your innocent laughter, can I have a moment of happiness. Only when I look at your sweet sleeping face at night, can I have a moment of peace.


That afternoon, you called me and cried in panic. It was through the window of your home that you saw the demonstrators in black on the street passing by the entrance to the building. I told you it was safe to stay home. I didn't tell you that your father's colleagues who live in the dormitory of the police force left their elders and children home when he went out on duty at night. Their windows were smashed and they wept in each other’s arms and spent an anxious night. My child, in fact, many people in Hong Kong have been recently crying, but as I told you on weekdays, do not indulge in self-pity. After crying, wipe away your tears, and stand up for yourself.

很快就開學了,你可能不知道,最近網上有很多仇恨的言論,要傷害警察的家人。是的,你的爸爸是警察,這是不變的事實。面對詛咒、恐嚇和暴力,別害怕,怕也沒有用。我們會否受到傷害,你會否在學校受到欺凌,沒人說得準,但爸爸媽媽會盡一切努力保護你。最近和你講完Bed Time Story後,我都加插了一番話,我知道你或多或少聽得明白。我說,我們在面對困難時,自己要堅強一點,別人欺負我們,要懂得保護自己,同時要記住,我們沒有做錯。

School will start soon. You may not know that there is a lot of hate speech recently on the internet. Cuss words target policemen’s families. Yes, your father is a policeman. That fact won’t change. Amid abuses being hurled, intimidation and violence, don't get scared. It's useless to get frightened. No one knows for sure whether we will be hurt or whether you will be bullied at school, but mom and dad will do everything we can to protect you. Recently, after I finished my bedtime story with you, I added a few words. I know you can more or less understand it. I said, when we face difficulties, we should be strong, when others bully us, we should know how to protect ourselves, and remember that we haven’t done anything wrong.
