豆瓣时间今日更新《邪典电影本纪》第24期,来自伦敦的戏剧人、资深电影与漫画极客David House,为你娓娓讲述他眼中星战与邪典的渊源。本期开放免费试读,全文附上~
爱星战文化的你千万不要错过啦 ;p
✪ “星战”与超级英雄都曾是“邪典”,然而通过衍生品消费,“邪典”被主流收编✪ 《星球大战》的家庭话语叙事内核与西方观众的情感印刻
What quantifies a cult movie? Is it the alternative? Adistinct oddness? Sometimes it’s the film’s relative obscurity. But always,there’s an unwavering loyal fan-base who will like a film regardless of itscritical and creative merit. Does StarWars qualify as a cult film? Certainly there’s cult devotion. One sect offans will even say their religion is Jedi.Star Wars has lost much of its cult status as it has essentially taken overthe world. But a long time ago in a decade now far, far away, Star Wars was a cult phenomenon. Anunusual blend of science fiction and fantasy by a relatively unknown filmmakerand a principally unknown cast. Star Wars would generate a level of cultishdevotion that few properties, if any, have reached. It’s that hard core devotionfrom its fans that maintains Star Wars’ cult status.
But Star Wars has transcended cult. It has practicallybecome a fairy-tale in the west. A modern day folk tale that people share withtheir children and their children share with them, passing down through thegenerations. In the East, May the 4th could be Buddha’s birthday, overin the West, it’s Star Wars Day and to many a westerner, it is a day ofcelebration.
Only I like Star Wars! No one else is cool and edgyenough to get it like I do!
My first memory of Star Wars was at Christmas. EmpireStrikes Back was on ITV. I was playing with my Marvel superhero toys. I guess Iwas about five or six years old. Iron Man was taking on Spidey and Venom in abox of Roses Cadbury chocolates. We hadn’t caught the beginning of the moviebut had got it from when the AT AT Walkers were just gearing up to destroy theHoth base. The first Rebel loss that would spell out the tone of the wholemovie; the dark one in the Star Wars story. It didn’t take long for me to dropmy superhero toys and leave Iron Man buried in gold, silver and purple sweetwrappers. Like Disney, I may have dabbled with superheroes, but it was StarWars that would really be the biggest thing to consume my world.
首次触电《星球大战》,是个圣诞节。《星球大战2:帝国反击战》(Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back)正在电视上播放着。五、六岁的我正沉浸在我的漫威玩具中,钢铁侠托着蜘蛛侠,毒蜘蛛倒在巧克力盒子里。我错过了电影的开头,但是碰巧看到了ATAT Walker正在摧毁虎斯基地(Hoth base)。这场残酷的反击战第一次勾勒出了“星战”系列的暗黑基调,没多久我就丢开了手中的玩具,完全被它夺去了注意力——我或许会涉猎迪士尼的超级英雄,但是只有《星球大战》才能让我交付身心。
My brother was nine years older than me. He was bornin ’77 and was a true Star Wars boy. He had the original toys. Those scrawnyfigures and incredible vehicles. He had posters, a cuddly teddy bear Ewok andStar Wars pillows.
Star Wars had always been there. But it was thisChristmas afternoon where Star Wars grabbed me. I remember the crashed SnowSpeeder, Luke jumping out of the way of the AT AT’s landing foot and thensinglehandedly taking out an AT AT Walker by grappling up underneath, slicing ahole inside with his lightsabre and throwing a thermal detonator inside. Iremember the ‘Gee whiz that got him!’ the Hoth Wampa and of course the Luke andVader battle and the incredible revelation, ‘No Luke, I am your father.’ Perhaps one of the most popular scenes in allWestern cinema.
《星球大战》一直在我们的成长背景中,直到那个圣诞节,它彻底走入了我生活的台前。我记得翻到的雪地战车(Snow Speeder);卢克在AT AT的巨掌下闪躲奔跑,光剑从它身下斩出一个洞从而一人干掉一架AT AT;记得雪地怪兽丸帕(Wampa);以及西方电影史上最经典的一幕:达斯·维达的那句“我是你爸爸(I am your father)”。
Of course Star Wars isn’t really cult cinema. Notanymore. Once you’ve sold your movie rights to the biggest company in the worldfor four billion dollars, you can’t really call yourself a cult director. Butthere was a time long ago when the prospect of being the world’s mostfinancially successful filmmaker did indeed seem far, far away to Mr. GeorgeLucas. Star Wars was a gamble. A space opera about a farmer come Galactic hero.It was a fairy tale in space which seemed quirky and out there, as all cultcinema is. And when we consider cult cinema and the personal connection itsaudience feels for their favourite cult film, what better example is there thanwhat impact Star Wars has on its biggest fans? Recent research has revealedthat the average Star Wars fan will spend about £800 on Star Wars. This will bethrough multiple screenings, events, costumes, furniture, Tupperware andgeneral household items, cleaning products and unfortunate tattoos. Or growingup collecting at least one toy of every single character (and vehicle) in everysingle frame of at least one of the currently eight movies, not to mentionvarious TV shows, videogames, novelizations and comic books.
Now, in the west at least, EVERYONE likes Star Wars.If you don’t, you’re the weird one. In fact, it’s more cult, to not likeStar Wars. In our post truth, post cult Star Wars age you don’t know if peopleare telling the truth when they say they don’t like The Force Awakens, or ifthey’re just saying it to be alternative. The Force Awakens is too Disneyfiedthey’ll say; a cheap rehash of a New Hope to win over new fans. They willhowever love Rogue One, the alternative, edgier Star Wars film, the cult StarWars of the now Disney owned mainstream Star Wars saga. Star Wars has lost itsedge, its unique cult status. It has become a fully commercial product. Forsome, no longer is it really Star Wars.
在今日的西方社会,人人都爱“星战”,不喜欢的人才是怪咖。事实上,现在不喜欢星战的人貌似更有“邪典”气质。在我们身处的多重真相、后“星战”邪典化的时代,你搞不清人们说自己不喜欢《原力觉醒》(TheForce Awakens)是出于真心还是故作高冷。他们声称《原力觉醒》过于迪士尼化,是对《新希望》(New Hope)的廉价复刻,试图吸引脑残的年轻人观众。但是他们或许会对《侠盗一号》(Rogue One)青眼有加,这部边缘感更强的“星战”作品,在迪士尼控股的主流作品中显得有些不一样。对于一部分铁粉而言,《星球大战》已经丧失了边缘的邪典性,而变成彻头彻尾的消费社会文化商品,更严重地说,重启的“星战”已然不再是“星战”。
That’s not only an opinion among the elite, orhighbrow of Star Wars fandom, but also of its original creator. After therelease of The Force Awakens, GeorgeLucas lamented on his decision to sell StarWars off to the highest bidder. In a somewhat awkward interview he toldAmerican talk show host Charlie Rose “These were my kids … all the Star Wars films … and I sold them to thewhite slavers who take these things.” He also said that his own version of thenew Star Wars films was rejected by Disney and what we now have are no longerhis stories:
上述观点并不只是来自精英人群,或者爱卖弄的“原教旨主义”铁粉,“星战之父“本人也是这样认为的。《原力觉醒》上映之后,乔治·卢卡斯曾悲叹过自己把《星球大战》卖给竞价最高者的决定。在一次脱口秀节目上,他有些别扭地对主持人CharlieRose坦言:“它们是我的孩子……所有的 ‘星战’作品……然而我却把它们卖给了白人奴隶主。”他也爆料自己版本的新“星战”故事剧本被迪士尼否决了,现在的版本和自己一毛钱关系都没有:
“They looked at the stories, and they said, ‘We want to make something for the fans … They decided they didn’t want to use those stories, they decided they were going to do their own thing. … They weren’t that keen to have me involved anyway … And so I said, ‘OK, I will go my way, and I’ll let them go their way.” “它们看了故事大纲,说: ‘我们想做一部讨好粉丝的作品……’ 最终他们否决了我的故事,决定自己开发点新的内容……他们也不是很想让我参与,然后我说: ‘行,拿去吧,你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥’。”
It’s a sad thing to consider that the new filmsare no longer George Lucas’ stories, but while George Lucas may lament the masscommercialisation of his spiritual children, it was a process that he himselfhad started long before he sold Star Wars to Disney.
Toys, toys, toys! The great Star Wars revival and theemergence of Cult into the mainstream.
In 1996 when I was ten, pretty bored of my brother’sold Star Wars toys, with their paint fading and collecting dust, I saw somebrand new and shiny toys of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in the home retailstore, Westgate House. Made by Kenner, these toys were pretty strange. Luke,Han and even Leia were freakishly muscular. I guess it was to cash in on themacho boys’ toys and fandoms of the time.
十岁的时候(90年代中)不满足于我哥哥褪色和灰尘满布的玩具,我开始了自己的“星战”收藏。Westgate零售商店里,躺着崭新的卢克、韩和蕾娅。由Kenner生厂商生产,这些玩具看起来出奇得健美,我想着或许是为了迎合当时的“猛男”审美(macho boys’ toys,想来阿诺·施瓦星格也是彼时正当红,译者注)。
What’s more, lots of children, like me, with olderbrothers and action loving dads, had been brought up on a macho movie diet of80’s cult action. Back in the glory days of VHS, many movies were not certifiedwhen they came out for home release, meaning you could get away with lettingyour kids watch all manner of inappropriate cult stuff from the 80’s and early90’s. Any given day in my childhood, I’d watch cult action classics like Commando, Terminator, Predator, Rambo, Alienand Robocop. These were my action heroes. Larger than life characters.Musclebound beefcakes taking on incredible odds. But for Star Wars, whose characters were certainly not of the 80’s and 90’saction hero variety, thesemuscle bound action figures were pretty strange.
The toys were there because Star Wars was about to bere-released in the cinemas with updated effects and added scenes. Star Wars was no longer going to be athing that I adopted from my dad and older brother’s cult devotion, much likethe action heroes were. It was about to be renewed, remolded for the newgeneration. In short, Star Wars was about to become mine. And I had to haveevery single toy there was. No matter how freakishly muscular.
Star Wars was back and about to be bigger than ever,and alongside it, sci-fi and cult cinema in general would become huge businessin the 90s. The truth is cult exploded in the 90s, when the alternative, thestrange, cult, would increasingly become more and more popular. This wasa gradual trend which in some ways started as far back as the incrediblepopularity and following that Planet ofthe Apes garnered way back in 1968. A franchise that would, like Star Wars after it, spawn near onendless sequels, TV shows and all manner of merchandising and is still makingbig money at the box office today. Then,Star Wars, in ‘77 followed swiftly by Alien,released two years later in 79, would ensure that sci-fi and cult cinema werehighly bankable. Cult would continue to blossom in the 80’s with thecontinuation of the Star Wars saga,the continuing sequels of Alien andall manner of cult sci-fi and action, such as Predator, Robocop and the films of John Carpenter and the Mad Max series.
至此,“星战”在90年代实现回潮,同时伴随着科幻片和“邪典”电影成为真正意义上的大热门。事实上,“邪典”在90年代实现了爆炸式的激增,“非主流”、怪异、“邪典”日益变成时髦。从70年代的问世,到90年代的爆红,“星战”的发展轨迹和1968年的《人猿星球》(Planet of Apes)有些相似,后者孵化出数不清的相关电视剧集以及衍生品,而且重启的新版依然赚得盆满钵满。1977年问世的第一部《星球大战》和稍后一点的《异形》(1979)证明了科幻邪典片是非常有利可图的类型,80年代加入这个行列的《铁血战士》、《机械战警》以及约翰·卡朋特(JohnCarpenter)的系列作品与“疯狂的麦克斯”系列,都预示着科幻片是电影市场的下一片“红海”。
The late 90’s would see a mass resurgence of cultpopularity with the re-release of the original Star Wars films in ‘97, followed by the Phantom Menace in ‘99. But what really made cult huge in the 90s,was The Matrix. The release of which made geekiness and the alternative cool.Cult had always been loved particularly from the 80’s but the emergence of The Matrix, the reissue of Star Warsfollowed swiftly by the prequels and the popularity of Tarantino meant cult hadreally exploded into the mainstream. Geekiness became cool. Widely accepted bymass audiences, financially viable, mainstream. The alternative boomed and hascontinued to boom as mainstream trend has converged with cult cinema. It wasthe 90s that saw Tarantino soar with his alternative cult style and what wouldfollow into the noughties would be a mainstream fascination with cult cinema.Particularly in sci-fi and grindhouse cinema through Tarantino’s and Rodriguez’exploration into Grindhouse cinema with Death Proof and Planet Terror.
90年代晚期见证了邪典从小众变为潮流。1997年重新发行“星战”正传三部曲,紧接着1999年上映了“星战”前传三部曲的第一部《魅影危机》(Phantom Menace)。《黑客帝国》(The Matrix)让“邪典”真正走到主流市场的聚光灯下,极客成为一种时髦。随着《黑客帝国》的兴起,“星战”前传的开拍,以及塔伦蒂诺的走红,曾经的“邪典”在审美上为大众所喜闻乐见,经济上有利可图,很难讲是主流文化对“邪典”进行收编,还是“邪典”主动汇入了主流文化。观众对“邪典”的兴趣日益高涨,科幻片与磨坊电影(grindhousecinema)如雨后春笋,最具代表性的便是塔伦蒂诺与罗德里格兹恶搞翻拍的B级片《金刚不坏》(Death Proof)和《恐怖星球》(Planet Terror)。
The fact is that Star Wars was cult. So wereSuperheroes. As well as the genres that have now pushed their way into or beenexploited, depending on how you want to view it, by the mainstream. Thealternative genres of fantasy, sci-fi and dystopia have become the mainstreamgenres. Cult has become cool, has become hip and has become financially viable.Cult cinema is big business. If George had kept making them, Star Wars wouldremain cult. With all the hallmarks that come with the genre. As the prequelsdid: Ropey dialogue; check. Poor visuals that age terribly; check. Nonsensicalmoments and yet still garnering a cultish devotion among the fringes of thecinema going public? ‘We want our Ewan McGregor Obi Wan Kenobi film now!’ …Check, check, check.
Vader Was My Father: Star Wars and the Oedipus Complexin western family
Cult cinema stays with you. Even if you forget aboutit for a time, your cult love will come right back to you when you need itbecause your girlfriend dumped you, or your brother left home for universitywhen you were nine and he was your whole life and the saga of Luke Skywalkerfilled that void in his absence. To me, Vader was my father. He’d messed uppretty bad and we’d had fights. But he was still my dad and there was good inhim. I knew it.
My brother was Han Solo. The loveable rogue who had togo his own way but would always come back. When it was time for him to leavehome and go to university so that he had to put me off for a year. He used StarWars to explain it to me. ‘Just one more season Luke. And you can join theacademy next year.’ He was still my ticket off this damn rock. My wretched hiveof scum and villainy wasn’t the Mos Eisley spaceport; it was Peterborough.
我哥哥就像韩·索罗。惹人喜爱的独行侠,时而远去,但是在关键时刻会回到我身边。当他离开家去上大学的时候,他引用“星战”中的台词安慰我:“再几年,卢克,然后你也可以加入星际学院了。”我仿佛每天都站在岩石上,等着夕阳余晖中的星舰到来,老家变成了破败的莫斯艾斯利(Mos Eisley)。
In any givenscenario, there can be a Star Wars’ quote or moment that will see me though theday and help me find a positive outcome from the situation. When I remember,there’s a nostalgic joy that fills my heart. Forget the ships and lightsabers,when it comes down to it, Star Wars is a philosophical tale about family. It’sthat, which makes people love it and connect to it so much; the familiar motif offamily drama that has been told and re-told through literature and popular art.Filtered and obscured through a spaceship extravaganza. And so entwined withthe characters are the series’ fans, that the connection felt for them is adeep one. When Carrie Fisher, the series enigmatic heroine, passed away lastyear, it was a loss that cut many to the core. We didn’t just lose a film’sPrincess. We lost our Princess.
My cultishdevotion to Star Wars was dominated by the series’ dramatic comeback in the 90s’when I was a child. Now it is time for the next generation to explore andlocate their own self-projection in the Disney patented Star Wars. It’s aprofound world, with a potentially limitless vertical climb of perspectives andinterpretations. In this sense, Star Wars is cult with infinite potential.
“秘密电影”(Secret Cinema)对于《星球大战2:帝国反击战》的浸没式现场重现
《黑客帝国》(The Matrix, 1999, 美国)dir.Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski
《回到未来》(Back to the Future, 1985, 美国)dir.Robert Zemeckis
《第五元素》(The fifth Element, 1997, 法国)dir.Luc Besson