专栏名称: 财经早餐
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Femorning Daily 3.4.2017

财经早餐  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2017-04-03 06:03


1On April 2nd,Xiong County held an emergency meeting torelease the signal that real estate speculation is not allowed, not fullyunderstanding the policy will cause a huge loss, all real estate sales behaviorshould be immediately stopped. In Anxin County, regardless of thecounty or the village, all construction projects have been stopped, those that areunder planning but haven’t started must be stopped, those that are in the half wayof construction, especially those without sufficient certificates, also must bestopped. In addition, the WeChat public account of Rongcheng Propaganda releasedan article saying that, Rongcheng County Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued "an open letter to the vasthousing purchase households", reminding buyers to be rational.



2SecuritiesTimes news, Board Chairman of Alibaba, Jack Ma, said that the real economy has infact never been easy, it was not easy ten years ago, those who survived said it’seasy, while those who failed said it is difficult. The Internet shouldnot be a scapegoat for the real economy being not good.In thenext 3 to 4 years, the world does not belong to Internet companies, but belongto the companies that can make good use of Internet technology.



3Caixin.com news, Li Yanhong, Baidu’s founder and CEO, said that atpresent, the internet is just an appetizer, the real main dish is artificialintelligence. Artificial intelligence is not part of the internet, nor is itthe third stage of the internet, it is a new technological revolutioncomparable to the industrial revolution. Now the deep learning algorithm is still veryprimitive, but the machine will never be able to achieve the kind of cognitiveability like human.



4China Business Network Co., Ltd. (CBN) news, Sheng Songcheng, counselorof THE PEOPLE’S BANK OF CHINA (PBC), said that regulation on demand is short-term, but it will stimulate theexpectations of housing price rise. Supply regulation is more focused on medium and longterm, and can help stabilize public expectations. However, in recent years, onthe supply level, the state-owned construction land supply area has showed adownward trend year by year, of which real estate land area decreased more.



5PEOPLES DAILY news, State Council of the People's Republicof China recently issued overall programs for 7 pilot free trade zones ofLiaoning, Zhejiang, Henan, Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan and Shaanxi, these 7provinces and cities held opening ceremony on April 1st respectively. To createan open high ground is the common core essence for the seven new pilot freetrade zones. Although the pilot free trade zones have their own characteristicsin the aspects of fields and scope and different emphasis in the pilot patterns,they alwaysfocus on the theme of opening up, serving the construction of "Road andBelt”.



6XinhuaNews Agency reported, last week, the domestic spot steel price composite indexclosed at 132.56 points, down 2.52% a week. Influenced by the steel futuresmarket’s fall, the spot steel prices continue to decline, the market turnoveris relatively low, under the pressure to lowerinventory and circulate funds, businesses continue to loose prices in order toincrease shipment.



7ChenZhaoxiong, vice minister of Ministryof Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, said that in recent years, China'sIT industry has maintained a steady and rapid development trend, its supportingrole for economic and social development has kept getting stronger. Last year, China's mainbusiness income of product manufacturing in the electronic information industrywas 9.82 trillion yuan,products of mobile phones, color TV and computer ranked first in the world.



8XinhuaNews Agency learned from Administrative Committee of Tianjin Economic andTechnology Development Area that the region signed 25 newprojects in the first quarter of this year, a total investment of 9.2 billionyuan. As of February this year, the actual use of foreigninvestment in Tianjin Development Zone totaled $57 billion. Tianjin DevelopmentZone is China's first batch of state-level development zones, it is also thefirst development zone with domestic GDP exceeding 300 billion yuan.



9CCTV financialnews, recently, Office of the Central Leading Group forCyberspace Affairs received tips-off from internet users that there are illegalactivities from 18 live applications including "Hongxing live" and"peach show". After verification of evidence, Office of theCentral Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs withdrew theapplications from application stores and shut down the services with relevantdepartments in accordance with the law.



10XinhuaNews Agency learned from CHINARAILWAY that China’s railway isexpected to send 12.69 million passengers per person per time on April 2nd.During the holidays, the railway passenger traffic will continue to run high, China’s railway isexpected to send 45.2 million passengers per person per time, an increase of3.93 million passengers year-on-year, an increase of 9.5%.


