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饥饿英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-06-12 20:33




some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


The time we are now in is an information era where more information means more possibility to succeed, especially in scientific field. Though it is of great sense to share cutting-edge scientific information, some core technologies deserve being kept secrets for a period to stimulate a better development of science.

An open and transparent scientific information environment will be beneficial to the improvement of individual’s living conditions. Science in this modern society is a popular field where the more information is shared the more novel ideas can be created, acting as the sources of direction of further scientific researches, the results from which can be applied for the public. For example, the invention of vaccines for some epidemics should be released to the whole world to protect everybody on this planet from contracting the diseases. If only a minority of people can have access to the vaccines, the world would be unimaginably a disaster.

Notwithstanding, it is reasonable some scientific information to be classified for protecting the security of the whole society. Usually scientific researches and technologies, those about military in particular, are highly confidential as they matter a lot for the nation as well as the whole world, so they are too dangerous for sharing. If everyone knows how to build a gun, the individual safety can never exist, let along the peaceful life we are now living. The best way to prevent such situation is keep those kinds of information known within a small group of experts, thus the wellbeing of ordinary people will be maintained.

In my view the scientific information should be categorised according to its purpose and then it can be decided as shared or classified. As it talked above, it is not suitable for all the information shared without any restrictions. So if releasing some particular information would cause chaos to the society, the government should not let it happen, and if not, the sharing is fine to be done.

To sum up, whether the scientific information should be shared or not is decided by its own purpose.







这里分数很低,这个学生用了很多很奇怪的表达,of great sense, source of direction, build a gun等等


定语从句很多都有问题,as it talked above是什么东西?

Research 不可数



nowadays information are expected to be shared freely to publicsometimes it is important to share advanced technologies and academic articleswhich have a huge influence on our living standards

many people advocate that we can gain knowledge and sum up experiences from shared informationthis can help us perfect these informationthere is an example that scientists always published articles in magazines or did experiments in the public in the pastbecause of this people can use carstrains and planes now as they were all shared freely for the first timebased on these informationpeople can revise and perfect them and apply them to the daily life

howeversome people argue that information should be protected by copyrightif people share their research results freely to everyonethey cannot apply for copyright and people cannot realize the importance of copyrightfor instance there are many trade secrets about a private company if these information are shared freelyit may cause unpredictable consequences

in my viewit is not a great idea to share information freelymany information are private wealthmeaning that people can create the value of information and drive industry developmentif information can be shared freely in scientific research, business and the academic worldmany people will lose their own wealth and there will have no competition in any industry









语法错误太多,主要的缺陷,information不可数,前面一直写these, many

总分:5.5-6 (提高语法稳拿6)



我写的作文(考官评分7.5-8分,TR 8, CC 8,LR 7-8,GRA 8

Globalisation, along with the application of digital technology, has facilitated the information sharing among academics and businesspeople, regardless of nationality and whereabouts. I agree that the easy access to valuable information can foster innovation and address some problems worldwide, despite the risk that some information can be misused.

We can find solutions to problems easily if we have unlimited access to different databases, such as those which contain information about how to cure diseases, prevent famines and alleviate air pollution. This kind of knowledge is not adequately possessed by people living in some poorest sections of the world, and this is why they are still afflicted by some preventable diseases and problems that can otherwise be avoided.

Some people have a conservative attitude towards this because they are afraid that their knowledge and intellectual properties can be exploited. This is particularly understandable in the business world, where companies are not willing to place information about their managerial skills, software and patented products on the Internet. Their competitiveness would be undermined if their global competitors could acquire such information.

I would, however, view this issue in a positive light. While it is up to business owners to decide what information should be withheld, they should exchange their ideas with their peers in the same industry. It can create an atmosphere worldwide, in which designers, inventors and engineers can mine each other’s information with permissions and come up with creative solutions, without having to advance their research alone through trial and error.

In conclusion, it may not be practical to require all people to give up the ownership of their essential knowledge, but they should accept that sharing in a globalised world is better than concealing information.








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