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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-01-14 06:01



中国国民党(原名罗马化:Kuomintang;简称国民党、KMT;英文亦可直译作“Chinese Nationalist Party”)为孙中山所创建的一个中国政党。中国国民党是中国历史上第一个资产阶级政党。亦是中华民国与亚洲历史最悠久的政党之一。其前身最早为成立于1894年的兴中会,而后分别改组为中国同盟会、中国国民党及中华革命党,1919年10月10日经孙中山改组后改为现名。中国国民党从1928年北伐成功、国民政府统一全国起,至1948年改组中华民国政府。于1949年解放战争中失利,从中国大陆撤守至台湾岛,现为台湾省政党。

2016年1月18日,黄敏惠代理中国国民党主席。 2016年3月26日,洪秀柱赢得国民党主席选举。

From riches to rags


Taiwan’s Kuomintang party is broke and adrift


A new law has allowed the government to freeze its assets, leaving it unable to pay staff


Dec 17th 2016 | TAIPEI


THE Kuomintang (KMT) was once reputed to be among the world’s richest political parties. Its leaders fled mainland China in 1949 with shiploads of loot, including an estimated 138 tonnes of gold and the finest treasures of Beijing’s Forbidden City (see picture). The party then absorbed state property and other government assets that had been handed over by Taiwan’s departing Japanese colonial administrators in 1945. During the Kuomintang’s long single-party rule, which lasted until 1987, it amassed a vast business empire, complete with banks and television stations. So the fact that it is laying off 428 of its 738 employees for lack of money to pay them is, to say the least, a reversal.


At elections in January the independence-minded Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won a majority in Taiwan’s parliament for the first time, as well as the presidency. The DPP, naturally, thinks the KMT’s wealth gives it an unfair advantage in elections. Its staff, before the lay-offs, was five times bigger than the DPP’s. Moreover, the DPP considers the KMT’s wealth illegitimate, in that it stems from the party’s unfettered authority and the blurring of state and party assets during Taiwan’s 40-year dictatorship. Most of the KMT’s assets, the DPP believes, should be returned to the state, or in some cases to people or companies from which they were expropriated.

在一月的台湾大选中,有独立思想的民进党第一次赢得了议会的多数支持,同时也成为了新一届的领导团体。当然,民进党认为是国民党的财富让选举不公平但又是他们的优势。在裁员之前,国民党的工作人员是民进党的五倍,此外,民进党认为国民党的财产是非法的,因为国民党在台湾长达40年的独裁统治期间,利用党派的自由权利榨取了大量资金,从而政府和党派财产间的关系变得模糊不清。 (期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的读者试译详解哟~)

  • stem from: [stem] 出于,来自

  • unfettered: [ʌn'fetəd] adj.自由的,不受限的

In July the DPP passed a law that assumes that all the KMT’s property is ill-gotten, bar membership fees, donations and the funding political parties receive from the government. The law allows the government to freeze the KMT’s assets while a committee assesses whether the party is the rightful owner, and to seize them if it judges otherwise. The KMT will only be able to reclaim assets it can prove it obtained legitimately.


In late November the committee decided that the KMT should hand over two big holding companies, worth NT$15.6bn ($490m). One of them owns the party’s headquarters. In September, it had already frozen the party’s bank accounts, after KMT officials attempted to withdraw NT$520m. To pay staff in September and October, the KMT’s leader, Hung Hsiu-chu, was forced to take a personal loan of NT$90m. Half came from the ageing mother of Terry Gou, who heads Foxconn, the world’s largest contract manufacturer of electronic goods (it makes iPhones, among other things ) and half from an anonymous donor. The KMT, which argues that the committee is unconstitutional, found itself in the humiliating position of begging it to release some funds so that the party could pay taxes, among other things.


  • among other things:除了别的之外;

At the end of November the committee relinquished just enough money to allow the KMT to provide the severance pay required to lay off more than half its staff. The party has launched a frantic fund-raising drive among its 300,000-odd members. It says the DPP is on a politically motivated “witch hunt”; it is attempting to have the confiscations overturned in the courts.


But even the KMT concedes that its wealth is doing it more harm than good and that it needs to make amends for the way it enriched itself. A spokesman says it would consider making donations to charity as a form of restitution. Polling suggests that a little over half of Taiwanese see the new law as justified; only a third see it as a political ploy.



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