专栏名称: 青年电影手册
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青年电影手册  · 公众号  · 电影  · 2017-08-15 09:06


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在这样的背景下,于汾阳贾家庄举办的86-0358电影短片交流周便显得十分可贵。“0358”是汾阳当地的电话区号,“86”则代表着中国,我们以生动的数字为名,希望电影文化交流能突破僵硬的 地域限制,希望电影能够进一步赋予这个村落文化氛围和新面貌。


The Introduction: Jia Zhangke

In the past two years, I have made two short films. In coincidence, both of them were shot in the countryside.

Three Chinese colliers who have lost their jobs eager to find new ones but run into snags at every turn inThe Hedonists, which was made during the Chinese Spring Festival in 2016; A Chinese couple worry about the age and the costs to give birth to the second baby in REVIVE made in the spring of 2017. The people in both the two stories are all get in trouble; however, they can embrace the trouble in cheerful mood with all their unassumingness and the inherent sense of humour. Personally I enjoy living in the countryside to write and film. The local residents bring me the beautiful imagination and I am able to catch a brand new vision with creativity during my work here too.

In fact, not only does the countryside bring the new inspiration and vision to my filmmaking, but also the films give the countryside a possibility to change and develop. In November 2016, Mountains May Depart-Home Restaurant, which is located in Jiajiazhuang of Fenyang, Shanxi province, began to hold the salons of film culture named “Video Halls in Home Restaurant”. Within short span of several months, 37 films have been screened and more than 40 directors, actors and other film makers have communicated with the audience after watching the films, which make the atmosphere of the village change vividly at the same time.

Nowadays, although we are all enjoying a active period of making film here in China, the cultural resources are still always concentrated to the big cities and rarely have chance to flow to towns and villages. Relatively speaking, the residents in small towns and villages are lack of real artistic experiences and spiritual life. But they desire the multi-culture life in the same way and are fully filled with longing for the world outside. They are eager to share the films coming from all around the word for feeling their own lives in another aspect.

Against this background, the 86-0358 Short Film Festival which will be held in Jiajiazhuang becomes particularly precious. The number “0358” is the area codes of Fenyang and the “86” stand for the country codes of China . We name the festival with the lifesome numbers to wish the communications of film culture could break through the rigid boundaries and endow the countryside with cultural atmosphere and new image.

On the other hand, all the works in this festival will be the short film, which is the most flexible and freest form to screen. It will definitely let more local audience have more fresher aesthetic experience. We are looking forward that the Festival could excavates more short films with excellent innovativeness and unique vision and encourage more filmmakers to express them with short films.



开幕片Invitational Section

二蛋的梦想 / Mr. Egg’s dream

竞赛单元入围片目Competition Section

边缘 / On the Edge

春梦了无痕 / When Dreams End

河 / River

不二 / Daddy

有病 / Illusion

飘 / Floating

外婆家之味 / Dream Home

猎枪 /  Shotgun

根 / Descendants

人间景象 / Scence

事情是这样的 / This is how it happened

月光旅人 / The Long Way Home

边缘 / On the Edge

春梦了无痕 / When Dreams End

不二 / Daddy

有病 / Illusion

飘 / Floating

外婆家之味 / Dream Home

猎枪 /  Shotgun

月光旅人 / The Long Way Home

展映单元片目Showing Section

坏小孩 / The left
晨光辰光 / The moring of Shanghai
小羊小羊 / Father and Son
瘾 / Addiction
美丽城旧事 / Once upon a time in Belleville
杀猪匠 / The Butcher
吻 / Kiss
新房客 / The Newcomer

策展人 / 徐志鹏,山西汾阳人。青年独立电影导演、“家厨录像厅”电影文化沙龙策展人。

联合策展人 / 辛奇,湖北十堰人。现任北京以上东方文化传媒有限公司高级合伙人&副总经理,柯首映主要负责人。

评 委 Jury Compositio

王小鲁 电影学博士,影评人,策展人,《经济观察报》《南方周末》专栏作家,毕业于北京电影学院,现供职于中国电影艺术研究中心,曾参与策展北京新青年影像年度展、中国独立影像展、英国格拉斯哥大学稻田影展、西安亚洲民间影像节等多个展览,曾策划有《野生或第一代——2000年后中国电影新力量》《“多面向”台湾纪录片展映》等有影响的电影学术活动。出版有电影研究专著《电影与时代病》《电影政治》

程青松 《青年电影手册》主编、导演、作家、编剧。毕业于北京电影学院电影文学系。编剧的电影有《沉默的远山》《电影往事》等。著作有《国外后现代电影》《我的摄影机不撒谎》《看得见的影像》《在光影中旅行》《关不住春光》《导演的起点》等。曾担任多个国内外电影节评委,并创办了青年电影手册年度华语十佳影片奖。

梁景东 ,演员、电影美术指导、山西传媒学院戏剧影视美术专业教师。曾担任《小武》《任逍遥》《世界》《三峡好人》等电影美术设计工作。参演电影《站台》《明日天涯》《山河故人》,执导《从前,有座山》等动画短片。


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