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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  考研狗之家

必读 | MBA英语提前面试问题集锦:交大同济财大篇(三)

考研狗之家  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-06-20 23:32






15 你对于MBA详细的学习计划?

Well I think I do, though it’s not as detailed as my daily timetable.

I guess my MBA study will fall into 3 steps.

For the first couple of months, I will basically focus on textbooks. I mean I will try my best to learn elementary MBA courses, like management science, the art of decision making, finance, marketing and alike. Through the first step, I expect to lay a solid theoretical foundation for my further learning.

During the second step, I will find chances to put my knowledge into full play. There are actually a lot of ways to do it, like case study, management practice, forum, simulation, intern and etc. By doing these, I expect to have some hands-on experience of how these theories can be best used in real world,

As to the last step, I will try to position myself in the working world by what I have learnt. Say, I find out I’m especially good at finance, so why not join famous companies like Morgan Stanley? 

focus on textbooks             

elementary MBA courses


management science


decision making


lay a solid  foundation


put …... into full play


hands-on experience



16 你认为你会在MBA学习中受益吗?


The benefits are:

My strengths will be strengthened and my weakness will be weakened. 


Seriously, Ireckon I will benefit in the following.

To start with, my business knowledge will be enriched. Bylearning those scientifically designed curriculums, like economics, management,finance and marketing, I will more deeply than ever understand how the businessworld really goes around.

Second, I guess my mindset will be changed. I mean I willhave a brand new way of looking at problems, by learning new approaches ofdecision makings. One more thing, my leadership skills will be promoted and Iwill know better how to conduct business in my future work.

Last, my business network will be expanded by getting toknow many talented classmates, and I will have clearer ideas of how to developmy career in the future.


enrich  business knowledge

scientifically  designed curriculums

mindset  will be changed

develop  ones career

conduct  business

business  network

new  approach of decision making



17 你在将来5年的职业规划如何?

This is apersonal question, and I can’t guarantee it’s what you want.


  • 5years from now, I would see myself as one of the major players in a giantmultinational company.

  • Iexpect to become a CEO of a financial firm 5 years later.

  • Idesire to become a CFO of a stated-owned enterprise in 5 years.

  • Iset my goal of becoming the senior manager in a consulting firm 5 years fromnow.

Why do you desire to become a CFO of a stated-owned enterprise in 5years?

First, I’ve always been hugely interested in financial job, so I guess Iwill take finance-related jobs after MBA graduation.

Second, I want to take some positions of real and bigresponsibilities, 



Future is unpredictable, but it’s never bad to have a plan, isn’t it?It’s my dream that I want to run my own business after this MBA program. Whatexactly I want to do is that I will probably open an e-business company all bymyself. I think I’m doing the right thing at the right time, since interneteconomy is the most promising industry today, and more and more people willflock to the internet to shop. To answer your question just now, I expectmyself to be the CEO of a private-owned e-business company 5 years later.


I expect  to become

I desire  to become

I set my  goal of becoming

I want  to run my own business


18 工作经验对于MBA来说重要吗?

Well, as faras I see it, working experience is important, but not prerequisite for MBAstudy.

Working experience is important because, first of all, students withexperiences will have clearer targets of what they want to learn during theirstudy. For example, a student with a technical background will focus on thelearning of economic and managerial knowledge.

Secondly, students with work experience will choose to look at andanalyze problems in a different way. A financial formula which is no differencefrom a pure mathematical equation to a college student will convey deeperunderlying meanings to a MBA student.

A college student wonders why he has to learn this or that, but a MBAstudent knows exactly why. A college student wonders how to use the knowledgein real world, but a MBA student does.

So workingexperience serves as a guide in MBA study. 


19 如何看待英语在MBA中的重要性的?

There is no doubt that English is very very important in MBA study.

To begin with, almost all of the modern economic andmanagement theory is coming from the developed English speaking countries. Ifwe better master this language, we will not only feel easier to learn theknowledge, but will also much more deeply understand them.

Secondly, MBA students usually have classes given byforeign teachers. What’s more, students with better English ability will havemore opportunities to be selected as exchange student to other countries foracademic activities.

Lastly, students with good English will be more likelyto find better jobs with higher salary after graduation. As we know, most ofthe top international companies usually have high requirements of Englishproficiency. 


modern  management theory

English  speaking countries

master  this language

deeply  understand

be more  likely to

have  more opportunities to


20 MBA毕业后一定会找到更好的工作吗?

First of all,I want to make sure that I apply for MBA not because I expect to find a betterjob. The real reason for my application is that Idesire to improve my management knowledge and other related skills during these2 years,

What’s more,it’s not easy to say if we can find better jobs or not. Finding a job is a mutual choice, with companiesopening positions and looking for the qualified candidates, and with studentsmaking detailed self-assessment and trying to find the best employers. Betterjob is obtained only if these two demands are perfectly matched.

Last, the job market is always changing, according to the overallwell-being of the economy, If the entire business is good, the demand for MBAwill also increase, and vice versa.

Anyway, my point is that: when you are improving the right things at theright time, there will always be right positions for you right after yourgraduation.


21 交通状况,采用什么交通工具上班?

How do you get to work ? Are you a commuter? What do you about thetraffic in Shanghai ?

 Key words : commute, drive traffic jam overpass trafficvideosurveillance  电子警察 Silent cop, subway, sky train, bus, be flooded with,


1.Well, actually I go to workby subway, I have to take line ___ from­___station and then switch toline___at People square .Well morning commuting is usually verypainful because 

a.of the large flocks of people floodinginto to the subway system in order to get to work on time .

b.tons of /lots of people are trying to get to work on time through the subwaysystem.


2.As far as traffic in shanghaiis concerned , I think ,during the rush hour ,traffic can be really terrible.Cars couldbarely move on the overpass ,and subway system is flooded with commuters.However,weekends are much better off with fewer cars on the streets ,fewer peoplecommuting .









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