300033, HiThink RoyalFlush Information Network, up 10%. Internet Finance stocks soared today. The company provides online financial data, data analysis software, and other financial software system.
000839, CITIC Guoan Information, up 8.08%. The company installs, tests, and operates cable TV and satellite telecommunication networks. It also develops real estate properties. In addition, it designs network integrated systems and application software, and provides advertising services.
600637, Shanghai Oriental Pearl Group Co Ltd, up 10.03%. The company provides wired internet services. It offers internet protocol televisions, home video games, online videos, multimedia choreographies, and other services. It also operates television tower facilities leasing, industrial investments, real estate development, and other businesses.
300630, Hainan Poly Pharm, up 9.25%. New drug has been approved by Dutch Drug Evaluation Committee.