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唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-02 23:07


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂心理学写作小组: MORGAN_DORY
审校 | 唧唧堂心理学写作小组: WEN
编辑 | 悠悠



This study examines how the laudable behavior of employee volunteering can lead to deviant workplace behavior. We draw on the moral licensing and organizational justice literatures to propose that the relationship between employee volunteering and workplace deviance is serially mediated by moral license (moral credits and moral credentials) and psychological entitlement. Results from 2 multiwave survey studies of full-time employees from a variety of organizations and industries confirm that moral credits and psychological entitlement serially mediate this relationship, although the proposed mediating role of moral credentials was not supported. Organizational justice moderates the impact of psychological entitlement on workplace deviance; the indirect relationship between employee volunteering and workplace deviance weakens when perceptions of organizational justice are high. This study demonstrates a potential dark side to employee volunteering and also contributes to the moral licensing and behavioral ethics literatures.

参考文献:Loi, T. I., Kuhn, K. M., Sahaym, A., Butterfield, K. D., & Tripp, T. M. (2020). From Helping Hands to Harmful Acts: When and How Employee Volunteering Promotes Workplace Deviance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(9), 944-958. doi:10.1037/apl0000477



Recent research on the role of general mental ability (GMA) and specific abilities in work-related outcomes has shown that the results differ depending on the theoretical and conceptual approach that researchers use. While earlier research has typically assumed that GMA causes the specific abilities and has thus used incremental validity analysis, more recent research has explored the implications of treating GMA and specific abilities as equals (differing only in breadth and not subordination) and has used relative importance analysis. In this article, we extend this work to the prediction of extrinsic career success operationalized as pay, income, and the attainment of jobs with high prestige. Results, based on a large national sample, revealed that GMA and specific abilities measured in school were good predictors of job prestige measured after 11 years, pay measured after 11 years, and income 51 years later toward the end of the participants' work lives. With 1 exception, GMA was a dominant predictor in incremental validity analyses. However, in relative importance analyses, the majority of the explained variance was explained by specific abilities, and GMA was not more important than single specific abilities in relative importance analyses. Visuospatial, verbal, and mathematical abilities all had substantial variance shares and were also more important than GMA in some of the analyses. Implications for the interpretation of cognitive ability data and facilitating people's success in their careers are discussed.

参考文献:Lang, J. W. B., & Kell, H. J. (2020). General Mental Ability and Specific Abilities: Their Relative Importance for Extrinsic Career Success. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(9), 1047-1061. doi:10.1037/apl0000472


当组织继续追求实现多样性和包容性的目标时,如何提出和展示努力,以最大限度地获得支持和减少阻力,仍然是一个挑战。本研究以说服的归因分析(the Attributional Analysis of Persuasion)为理论基础,研究了多元化促进者的人口统计学特征如何通过对促进者自身利益的认知与他人的支持态度和行为相关。通过一个实验范式(研究1),我们发现白人促进者被认为比黑人促进者更少利己,这进而预示着更积极的态度和对促进努力的支持。通过对工作场所重大事件的抽样研究(研究2),我们发现,那些在人口统计学上与他们所倡导的群体相匹配的多元化推动者,比那些在人口统计学上与他们所倡导的群体不匹配的多元化推动者被认为更利己。最后,本研究讨论了理论和实践意义,以及研究的局限性。

As organizations continue to pursue achieving diversity and inclusion goals, how to propose and present efforts so as to maximize support and minimize resistance remains a challenge. The present set of studies, grounded in theory on the Attributional Analysis of Persuasion, examined how the demographics of diversity promoters relate to supportive attitudes and behaviors of others through perceptions of promoter self-interest. Via an experimental paradigm (Study 1), we found that White promoters were perceived as less self-interested than Black promoters of a diversity initiative, which in turn predicted more positive attitudes and support for the promoted effort. Using a sample of workplace critical incidents (Study 2), we found that diversity promoters who were demographically matched to the group for which they were advocating were perceived as more self-interested than those advocating for causes for which they were not demographically matched. Theoretical and practical implications, as well as study limitations, are discussed.

参考文献:Gardner, D. M., & Ryan, A. M. (2020). What's In It for You? Demographics and Self-Interest Perceptions in Diversity Promotion. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(9), 1062-1072. doi:10.1037/apl0000478

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研究工作满意度的研究人员通常采用三分模型,认为对工作的评估可以用潜在的认知和情感因素来解释。然而,在态度的文献中,联结主义理论家认为态度是由相互作用的认知评价中相互强化的因果力量所产生的突现结构。最近,因果态度网络(CAN; Dalege et al., 2016)提出的模型是将这两种观点与网络理论相结合。在这里,我们描述了CAN模型及其对理解工作满意度的影响。我们从态度和网络理论中延伸现有的文献。利用多个数据集和对工作满意度的测量,我们对这些想法进行了实证检验。首先,利用态度的功能方法,我们表明态度对象的工具-符号区别在工作满意度网络中是明显的。具体来说,更具工具性特征(如薪酬)的网络表现出稳定、高连通性,并形成单一的集群,而关于象征性特征(如主管)的网络则随着接触(如工作任期)而增加连通性,并形成基于效价和认知-情感区分的集群。结果显示,这些区别导致了符号特征的“小世界”网络,其中情感反应比认知反应更为中心,这与情感首因假说(the affective primacy hypothesis)相一致。通过在纵向数据中表明具有高中心性的项目更有可能影响整个态度网络的变化,并且与结构方程模型相比,网络模型能够更好地预测未来的自愿离职率,本研究展现了CAN的实际优势。最后,本文讨论了这一令人兴奋的新模式对研究和实践的影响。

Job satisfaction researchers typically assume a tripartite model, suggesting evaluations of the job are explained by latent cognitive and affective factors. However, in the attitudes literature, connectionist theorists view attitudes as emergent structures resulting from the mutually reinforcing causal force of interacting cognitive evaluations. Recently, the causal attitudes network (CAN; Dalege et al., 2016) model was proposed as an integration of both these perspectives with network theory. Here, we describe the CAN model and its implications for understanding job satisfaction. We extend the existing literature by drawing from both attitude and network theory. Using multiple data sets and measures of job satisfaction, we test these ideas empirically. First, drawing on the functional approach to attitudes, we show the instrumental-symbolic distinction in attitude objects is evident in job satisfaction networks. Specifically, networks for more instrumental features (e.g., pay) show stable, high connectivity and form a single cluster, whereas networks regarding symbolic features (e.g., supervisor) increase in connectivity with exposure (i.e., job tenure) and form clusters based on valence and cognitive-affective distinction. We show these distinctions result in "small-world" networks for symbolic features wherein affective reactions are more central than cognitive reactions, consistent with the affective primacy hypothesis. We show the practical advantage of CAN by demonstrating in longitudinal data that items with high centrality are more likely to affect change throughout the attitude network, and that network models are better able to predict future voluntary turnover compared with structural equation models. Implications of this exciting new model for research and practice are discussed.

参考文献:Carter, N. T., Lowery, M. R., Smith, R. W., Conley, K. M., Harris, A. M., Listyg, B., . . . Carter, D. R. (2020). Understanding Job Satisfaction in the Causal Attitude Network (CAN) Model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(9), 959-993. doi:10.1037/apl0000469


长期以来,研究一直强调,被信任是领导者关注的核心问题(Dirks & Ferrin, 2002),但一个有趣而重要的问题尚未被探究,即领导者是否感到被每个员工信任,以及他们感知到的信任是否准确。通过两项实地研究,我们考察了影响领导者信任感觉准确性的因素——或者信任元准确性——以及信任元准确性对领导者和员工之间关系冲突程度的影响。通过整合信任与人际知觉的研究,我们基于两种理论机制——外部信号机制和内部假定的互惠机制——发展并验证了假设,该理论建议塑造领导者的信任元准确性。与已有的关于感觉信任的文献相比,我们的结果显示,领导者信任元准确度是由内部机制和信任关系的假定互惠所塑造的。我们进一步发现,信任元准确性是否与领导者的正向关系结果相关,取决于员工对领导者的实际信任程度。我们的研究通过阐明信任元准确性背后的机制,并为那些试图准确理解员工信任程度的领导者提供实用的指导,从而促进了对感觉信任研究的兴趣。

Research has long emphasized that being trusted is a central concern for leaders (Dirks & Ferrin, 2002), but an interesting and important question left unexplored is whether leaders feel trusted by each employee, and whether their felt trust is accurate. Across 2 field studies, we examined the factors that shape the accuracy of leaders' felt trust- or, their trust meta-accuracy-and the implications of trust meta-accuracy for the degree of relationship conflict between leaders and their employees. By integrating research on trust and interpersonal perception, we developed and tested hypotheses based on 2 theoretical mechanisms-an external signaling mechanism and an internal presumed reciprocity mechanism-that theory suggests shape leaders' trust meta-accuracy. In contrast to the existing literature on felt trust, our results reveal that leader trust meta-accuracy is shaped by an internal mechanism and the presumed reciprocity of trust relationships. We further find that whether trust meta-accuracy is associated with positive relational outcomes for leaders depends upon the level of an employee's actual trust in the leader. Our research contributes to burgeoning interest in felt trust by elucidating the mechanisms underlying trust meta-accuracy and suggesting practical directions for leaders who seek to accurately understand how much their employees trust them.

参考文献:Campagna, R. L., Dirks, K. T., Knight, A. P., Crossley, C., & Robinson, S. L. (2020). On the Relation Between Felt Trust and Actual Trust: Examining Pathways to and Implications of Leader Trust Meta-Accuracy. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(9), 994-1012. doi:10.1037/apl0000474



This article proposes a new approach to modeling the antecedents of incongruence between 2 dependent variables. In this approach, incongruence is decomposed into 2 orthogonal components representing directional and nondirectional difference (DNDD). Nondirectional difference is further divided into components representing shared and unique variability. We review previous approaches to modeling antecedents of difference, including the use of arithmetic, absolute, and squared differences, as well as the approaches of Edwards (1995) and Cheung (2009). Based on 2 studies, we demonstrate the advantages of DNDD approach compared with other methods. In the first study, we use a Monte Carlo simulation to demonstrate the circumstances under which each type of difference arises, and we compare the insights revealed by each approach. In the second study, we provide an illustrative example of DNDD approach using a field dataset. In the discussion, we review the strengths and limitations of our approach and propose several practical applications. Our article proposes 2 extensions to the basic DNDD approach, including modeling difference with a known target or "true" value, and using multilevel analysis to model nondirectional difference with exchangeable ratings.

参考文献:Bednall, T. C., & Zhang, Y. C. (2020). Modeling (In)Congruence Between Dependent Variables: The Directional and Nondirectional Difference (DNDD) Framework. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(9), 1013-1035. doi:10.1037/apl0000475

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With the rise of jobs in the health care sector, research on emotional labor has become of increasing importance. In this study, we follow calls for scholars to include authentic emotional displays alongside the more traditionally examined emotional labor strategies (surface and deep acting) when examining the effects of employees' emotional performance at work. We theorize that dispositional empathy is an individual difference variable that influences whether and how employees regulate their emotional displays at work, and examine the indirect relationships between dispositional empathy and employees' self-reported job satisfaction, and objectively measured job performance and sickness absenteeism, through these emotional displays. Additionally, we examine how different types of job stressors (challenge and hindrance stressors) act as boundary conditions for the relationships of empathy with emotional displays and employee outcomes. Results from a study of 156 employees in a public hospital mostly supported our theoretical model. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.

参考文献:Aw, S. S. Y., Ilies, R., & De Pater, I. E. (2020). Dispositional Empathy, Emotional Display Authenticity, and Employee Outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(9), 1036-1046. doi:10.1037/apl0000471

