专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-25 09:54


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,西北欧卷材买家表示,交货期长,已经延长到第二季度末。新冠疫情的发展可能会改变这一状况,但其影响难以评估。

Buyers of coil products in north-western Europetell Kallanish that lead times are already long, and already stretchinguntil the end of the second quarter. That picture may be altered by theevolving coronavirus issue, but its projected influence cannot easily beassessed.

一家服务中心的经理称,钢厂的产能利用率高,而在此之前, 2019 年底 “……库存处于历史最低水平”。今年早些时候,所有服务中心都紧急补充了库存。“……因此,我们暂时面临 4 周的交货期。我从来没见过这种情况,”他告诉 Kallanish

The high degree of utilisation at the mills waspreceded by what one service centre manager calls a “… historic low ininventories” at the end of 2019. Earlier this year, all service centres hadrestocked with some urgency, “… so that temporarily we were facing lead timesof four weeks. – I have never seen that,” he tells Kallanish.

第二季度产品几乎售罄,因此他表示:“……在 7 月之前你什么都买不到,所有卷材都是如此。”其他消息人士大致同意该观点,尽管程度可能不同。一些消息人士称,如果需求迫切,那就是价格问题。他们认为,这可以解释价格差异。

The secondquarter appears to be practically sold out so, “… you won’t get anything beforeJuly, and that applies to all coil categories,” he says. Other sources largely agree, although maybe to a different extent.Some say it is a question of price if volumes are required urgently. This wouldexplain the price spread, they suggest.

钢厂最近表示,热轧卷可成交价为 520 欧元 / 吨( 561 美元 / 吨)出厂价,热镀锌可成交价为 620 欧元 / 吨,但许多买家对此予以否认。在紧急情况下,很可能会达到这样的峰值,而在其他情况下,对于大买家,目标价可能分别为 480 欧元 / 吨和 580 欧元 / 吨。“真相可能在中间,”这位经理说。他表示:“价格上涨趋势目前已停止两周,但钢厂仍不愿讨论降价。

Mills recently claimed that €520/tonne($561/t) ex-works was a viable price for HRC and €620/t for HDG, whichmany buyers deny. Such peak values are quite likely achieved in urgent cases,while otherwise €480/t or €580/t respectively are a more likely target for bigbuyers. “The truth is probably in the middle,” the manager says. “The upwardtrend in prices has halted for two weeks now, but mills are still not willingto discuss price reductions,” he observes.

德国顾问 Andreas Schneider 指出,产能利用率良好并不能说明长期的实际市场需求。他认为这主要是补充库存周期的繁忙阶段,与这位经理的看法一致。

German consultant Andreas Schneider points out thatthe good utilisation says little about real market demand in the longer run. Inaccord with the manager, he suggests that it is mainly the busy end of arestocking cycle.



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