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招募 | 跟耶鲁哲学教授探讨生命的意义 Seminar: Death and The Meaning Of Life

MOOC  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-05-09 21:15


“A Weekend at Yale”:

Death and the Meaning of Life

With Shelly Kagan





Prof. Shelly Kagan/谢利·卡根教授

Shelly Kagan teaches ethics at Yale University, where he is the Clark Professor of Philosophy. Educated at Wesleyan and Princeton, his research focuses on questions within normative ethics, the part of moral philosophy that examines the main principles of morality and asks how we should live. A popular lecturer at Yale, the videos of his Open Yale Course on Death (available online at http://oyc.yale.edu/philosophy/death/ ) have been viewed worldwide and have garnered more than 3.5 million viewers in China. His book Death has been translated into both Korean and Chinese.

“Dressed in jeans and black Converses, Shelly Kagan, a professor of philosophy, sits on his desk, legs crossed, and occasionally springs down from his perch to pace the room. His intense, animated ruminations — the title of his course is “Death” — have brought fan mail from Mexico, Iraq, Korea and China.” – New York Times

谢利·卡根是耶鲁大学哲学教授。卡根教授在卫斯理安大学和普林斯顿大学完成学业,研究工作集中在规范伦理学,即道德哲学中探究道德原则与如何度过人生的部分。谢利·卡根在耶鲁大学广受欢迎,他教授的死亡课程已列入耶鲁大学公开课(在线观看地址为 http://oyc.yale.edu/philosophy/death/ ),在世界范围内广泛传播,在中国已经获得超过350万观众。基于该课程而编辑出版的《死亡》一书已被翻译为韩语和中文。



Seminar Description /研讨会简介

Everyone wants to live a meaningful and rewarding life. But is such a life even possible, given the fact that we will all eventually die? If it is, what exactly makes a life worth living? In this multi-day seminar, we will undertake a philosophical examination of these questions, asking about the significance of death, and what is really worth having in life. We will explore the nature of happiness, focusing on several possible elements of a good life—including love and friendship, accomplishment, and honesty. We will ask whether death can really be bad for us, whether suicide can ever be appropriate, and whether it even makes sense to talk about the meaning of life at all.

Many people never get the chance to reflect systematically on questions like these. We’ll do so in a seminar-like atmosphere, where participants share their views with one another, and critically examine the choices we make in life.



  • 生命中什么值得拥有

  • 幸福的本质

  • 幸福的要素:爱情、友谊、成就、诚实

  • 死亡的意义

  • 自杀可否成为合适之选

  • 探讨人生意义的行为本身是否有道理



  • Happiness and the Experience Machine

  • The Evil of Death

  • Love and Friendship

  • žCareer and Achievement

  • Having Children

  • žExtending Life

  • The Importance of Honesty

  • žThe Rationality and Morality of Suicide

  • The Meaning of Life
