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| 当人提防贪心时,就能得着钱财方面的自由。
1 正当那时,有人将彼拉多使加利利人的血搀杂在他们祭物中的事,告诉耶稣。
Now there were some present at that time whotold Jesusabout the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with theirsacrifices.
2 耶稣说,你们以为这些加利利人比众加利利人更有罪,所以受这害吗?Jesus answered, 'Do you think that theseGalileans were worse sinners thanall the other Galileans because they sufferedthis way?
3 我告诉你们,不是的。你们若不悔改,都要如此灭亡。I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you toowill all perish.
4 从前西罗亚楼倒塌了,压死十八个人,你们以为那些人比一切住在耶路撒冷的人更有罪吗?Or those eighteen who died when the tower inSiloam fell on them--do youthink they were more guilty than all the othersliving in Jerusalem?
5 我告诉你们,不是的。你们若不悔改,都要如此灭亡。I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you toowill all perish.'
6 于是用比喻说,一个人有一棵无花果树,栽在葡萄园里。他来到树前找果子,却找不着。Then he told this parable: 'A man had a figtree, planted in his vineyard,and he went to look for fruit on it, but did notfind any.
7 就对管园的说,看哪,我这三年,来到这无花果树前找果子,竟找不着,把它砍了吧。何必白占地土呢?So he said to the man who took care of thevineyard, `For three years nowI've been coming to look for fruit on this figtree and haven't found any. Cutit down! Why should it use up the soil?'
8 管园的说,主阿,今年且留着,等我周围掘开土,加上粪。'`Sir,' the man replied, `leave it alone for onemore year, and I'll digaround it and fertilize it.
9 以后若结果子便吧。不然再把它砍了。If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, thencut it down.''
了解背景 耶稣在十二章的后半部提醒门徒,要分辨时代的征兆,判断什么是要紧的事并且行出来。不但如此,还吩咐他们要警醒等候,作主忠心的仆人。而耶稣提到“你同告你的对头去见官,还在路上,务要尽力地和他了结”(路12:58)的意思,是教导我们在面对永恒的审判之前,藉着悔改与神恢复美好的关系。第十三章以“正当那时”这句话开始,藉着今天的经文,耶稣指责不明白时代征兆者的愚昧,并提醒人们悔改的重要性和急切性。
▶ 神赐给我的信息
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