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英文早点丨1006 - 飞往火星,SpaceX的新野心揭露了什么?

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2019-10-06 07:01



2002年6月,“硅谷钢铁侠”埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)创办了SpaceX。2008年9月28日,猎鹰1号从马绍尔群岛的瓜加林环礁发射升空,首次成功进入地球轨道,这是第一枚私人公司研发的液体燃料运载火箭。到目前为止,SpaceX已经成功进行了78次发射,并开发出世界上唯一可重复使用的轨道类火箭和航天器——能够发射到太空,返回地球,然后再次飞行。9月28日星期六,马斯克向世界展示了公司闪亮的星际飞船原型,组装完成的Mk.1星际飞船是该公司朝着建造能够进行星际飞行的宇宙飞船迈出的决定性的第一步。用SpaceX自己的话说,“星际飞船”将为地球轨道、月球、火星等地的任务提供服务。

BGM:Paradise (Deniz Koyu Festival Mix) - Nicky Romero


Should keep in mind that our cause, needs is a hand, rather than the mouth.


As you drive east along Texas State Highway 4, it looks like a giant, shiny and pointy grain silo is rising out of the scrubby flatland at the tip of southern Texas. But it is the first version of a spaceship design that Elon Musk, the entrepreneur and founder of the rocket company SpaceX, hopes will be humanity’s first ride to Mars.

Within a month or two, he says optimistically, this prototype of the Starship spacecraft — without anyone aboard — will blast off to an altitude of 12 miles, then return to the ground in one piece. “It’s going to be pretty epic to see that thing take off and come back,” Mr. Musk said late on Saturday at a SpaceX facility outside Brownsville, Tex., where Starship is being built.

The update on his mega-rocket was timed to coincide with the anniversary of SpaceX’s first successful launch 11 years ago. SpaceX has a steady business putting satellites in orbit and carrying cargo to the International Space Station. But whether the company can meet its founder’s aims of taking people to Mars is yet to be seen.

文本选自 :The New York Times(纽约时报)

作者 :Kenneth Chang

原文标题 :SpaceX Unveils Silvery Vision to Mars: ‘It’s Basically an I.C.B.M. That Lands’

原文发布时间 :01 Oct. 2019



英 [ˈskrʌbi] 美 [ˈskrʌbi]

  • adj. 长满灌木和矮树的;灌木丛生的;低矮的;矮小的


英 [ˈprəʊtətaɪp]         美 [ˈproʊtətaɪp]

  • n. 原型;雏形;最初形态


英 [ˈepɪk]      美 [ˈepɪk]

  • n. 叙事诗;史诗;史诗般的电影(或书籍);壮举;惊人之举

  • adj. 具有史诗性质的;史诗般的;漫长而艰难的;艰苦卓绝的;宏大的;壮丽的;给人深刻印象的


英 [fəˈsɪləti]       美 [fəˈsɪləti]

  • n. 设施;设备;(机器等的)特别装置;(服务等的)特色;(供特定用途的)场所



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