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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-05-23 20:40


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This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English . com .

这里是 bbclearningenglish . com 英语六分钟节目。

Alice : Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English : we'll be talking about a story in the news and learning some vocabulary along the way . I'm Alice and joining me today is Rob . Hi Rob .

大家好,欢迎来到 BBC 英语六分钟:我们将谈论一篇新闻故事并学习一些单词。我是爱丽丝,今天和我一起主持节目的是罗伯. 你好罗伯。

Rob : Hi there Alice .


Alice : Now , Rob are you a cyclist ?


Rob : Yes I ride a bicycle .


Alice : Even on the mean streets of London ?


Rob : I do indeed London streets are very dangerous for cyclists . Over 110 cyclists have been killed on the UK's roads in 2012, 13 of them in London .


Alice : That's quite a lot for one city . Although there are many cycle paths painted onto roads in London , bikes are rarely separated from the traffic . And many roads are very narrow . But some people think it's the cyclists themselves who are to blame for accidents . A documentary called 'The War on Britain's Roads' has been investigating the issue . Before we find out more , a question for you Rob . The website Bicycling . com has made a list of what it thinks are the best cities for cycling in in the world . Only one in the top five isn't in Europe . Can you guess where it is . Is it : a . Beijing , China b . Tokyo , Japan c . Bogota , Colombia

这对一个城市来说已经很多了。尽管伦敦的道路上画有很多自行车专用线路,但自行车却几乎没有从交通中分离出来。而且很多道路非常狭窄。但一些人认为骑自行车的人应对这些事故负责。一部叫做“英国公路之战”的纪录片正在对此进行深入调查。在我们继续探讨之前,罗伯,我有一个问题要问你。骑车网把世界上最适合骑自行车的城市进行了排名。在前五名中,只有一个城市不在欧洲,你知道是哪个城市吗? a ,中国北京 b ,日本东京 还是 c ,哥伦比亚波哥大?

Rob : I haven't a clue really . But at a guess I'd probably say Tokyo .


Alice : As usual we won't hear the answer till the end of the programme . Now more about this 'battle' between cyclists and motorists on Britain's roads .


Rob : Now come on Alice , is it really a 'battle' ?


Alice : Well some people think so . Here's Jan Etherington a journalist and comedy writer who thinks cyclists in London behave like gladiators in lycra that's the stretchy material a lot of cyclists wear .


It's not the mode of transport , it's the people . I think there are motorists and there are cyclists , who wake up in the morning not thinking if I can help somebody as I go along my way , but finding their inner gladiator . They immediately , in the cyclists case , put on the helmet and lycra and go out to war . And it's a minority , but it's the noticeable aggressive minority that I think the cycling community should recognise and address .


Alice : Journalist Jan Etherington who thinks that cyclists are to blame for dangerous cycling . She thinks that some cyclists put on their helmet and lycra and go out to war .


Rob : Ah but she did say that it's a minority so not all cyclists .


Alice : Yes she said it's the aggressive minority the small number of cyclists who cycle in an aggressive manner .


Rob : Aggressive ; so that's in a dangerous and challenging way .


Alice : Yes . Jan Etherington
