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中国文化 | the charm of traditional Chinese kites (中国传统风筝的魅力)

每日英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-10-26 07:30


For Chinese people, the kite, a toy that carries countless childhood memories, is not just a form of entertainment but a microcosm (缩影) of China’s ancient culture. Let us soar into the world of kites together and experience their charm.


The craftsmanship of kite-making


The making of traditional Chinese kites is a handicraft that requires not only high skill levels from the maker but also artistic creativity. The materials for making kites are diverse, from bamboo and silk to paper, and the choice of each material reflects the maker’s artistic taste. The most critical steps in the process are making the frame and pasting. The frame is usually made of bamboo, which must be both strong and lightweight; pasting involves tightly attaching the chosen paper or silk to the frame, ensuring the overall strength and flight performance of the kite.
Different regions have their own distinctive kite-making characteristics. For example, Beijing-style kites are known for their extremely beautiful details, while Weifang kites are renowned for their flying performance. Kite-making is not just a technical task but also an artistic creation.

Kite culture and art forms


During traditional Chinese festivals, such as Qingming and Mid-Autumn Festival, kite-flying is an important activity. Kites not only represent people’s wishes for freedom but also symbolize health and longevity. In ancient times, it was believed that kites could carry away diseases and disasters, so people flew kites on specific days with the hope of keeping away from evil and misfortune.
The art forms of kites are diverse, ranging from simple single-line kites to complex multi-line controlled kites, each with its unique charm. In kite design, Chinese kite artists have shown great creativity. They have combined traditional calligraphy and painting with kite-making to create a series of kites with national characteristics. Many kites are painted with beautiful patterns, such as dragons, phoenixes, flowers, birds, and traditional totems (图腾) that are aesthetically pleasing (美观的) and rich in cultural meaning.

These kites are not only loved domestically but also have a high reputation internationally, becoming a calling card for Chinese culture.

编辑:李   云   排版:李晨晖
一校:孙   星   二校:樊翠芳   三校:史俊艳
初审:尚继明   复审:李晨晖   终审:张   

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