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英语筑梦师  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-09 06:06












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来源2024年9月07日《The Economist》


Monster vehicles

What to do about America's killer cars

The country's roads are nearly twice as dangerous as the rich-world average. It doesn't have to be that way

THE NEXT time you are stuck in traffic, look around you. Not at the cars, but the passengers. If you are in America, the chances are that one in 75 of them will be killed by a car—most of those by someone else's car. Wherever you may be, the folk cocooned in a giant SUV or pickup truck are likelier to survive a collision with another vehicle. But the weight of their machines has a cost, because it makes the roads more dangerous for everyone else. The Economist has found that, for every life the heaviest 1% of SUVs or trucks saves in America, more than a dozen lives are lost in smaller vehicles. This makes traffic jams an ethics class on wheels.

Each year cars kill roughly 40,000 people in America—and not just because it is a big place where people love to drive. The country's roads are nearly twice as dangerous per mile driven as those in the rest of the rich world. Deaths there involving cars have increased over the past decade, despite the introduction of technology meant to make driving safer.

Weight is to blame. Using data for 7.5m crashes in 14 American states in 2013-23, we found that for every 10,000 crashes the heaviest vehicles kill 37 people in the other car, compared with 5.7 for cars of a median weight and just 2.6 for the lightest. The situation is getting worse. In 2023, 31% of new cars in America weighed over 5,000lb (2.27 tonnes), compared with 22% in 2018. The number of pedestrians killed by cars has almost doubled since 2010. Although a typical car is 25% lighter in Europe and 40% lighter in Japan, electrification will add weight there too, exacerbating the gap between the heaviest vehicles and the lightest. The Ford F-150 Lightning weighs around 40% more than its petrol-engine cousin, because of the battery that moves all those lithium ions from cathode to anode.

This poses a giant collective-action problem. Individually, it is rational for people to buy bigger cars. As Tony Soprano once said to his son A.J. when discussing SUVs, "So you want to be the sucker in a regular car who gets decapitated?" Yet the sum of those decisions is much more lethal roads, as well as more expensive car insurance.

In theory, regulators could insist that vehicles were lighter. Good luck with that. Pickup drivers love sitting behind the wheel of a huge truck. Running for election on a platform of banning massive cars would be a metrosexual caricature. In America it is hard enough to persuade gun owners to embrace sensible gun laws, because of a mistaken belief that guns make people safer. For big cars that argument is even harder to make, because up to a point it is actually true.

What, then, could make roads safer? As people become aware of the risk their choices impose on everyone else, attitudes to owning gigantic cars may change. This need not come at any cost to their drivers' safety. We estimate that if the heaviest 10% of vehicles in America's fleet shrank by roughly 1,000lb, road fatalities in multi-car crashes would fall by 12%, or 2,300 a year, without sacrificing the safety of the heavier cars.

Attitudes can be nudged with reforms. Bizarrely, the government body that rates cars for safety did not propose taking the safety of pedestrians or other vehicles into consideration until last year. Because of a trade dispute with Europe over exports of poultry, many lighter foreign-made trucks are not even sold in America, a wrinkle known as the "chicken tax". Tax deductions for working vehicles encourage people to buy trucks. Fuel standards, introduced in the 1970s to boost efficient vehicles, gave pickups a carve-out, inadvertently boosting their sales. The gradient could even tilt in the other direction. In 2022 France introduced a surcharge on new vehicles of €10 ($11) per kg over 1,800kg (4,000lb). In 2023 Norway began taxing car buyers at a rate of NKr12.50 ($1.17) per kg over 500kg.

Yet even if all those things were to change, consumer preferences are so strong that adjustments to fuel-efficiency standards would probably not be enough. That suggests another line of attack: as well as making cars lighter, you can make accidents rarer and less deadly.

In America the first step should be to redesign the road system. In the early 1990s the French were about as likely as Americans to die in a car crash (which worked out as being about twice as likely to die per mile). Now they are three times less likely. Driving in Mississippi is four times as dangerous as in Massachusetts. In both cases the design of roads explains much of the difference.

It may seem arcane, but the lack of roundabouts in suburban and rural America is a big cause of deaths. Replacing intersections would save thousands of lives a year. The spread of stroads, four-lane highways that sit next to shopping malls, mixing pedestrians and cars turning out into traffic with heavy vehicles travelling at 50mph, is dangerous too. American highway engineers tend to associate wide lanes with safety. In fact, space encourages people to drive faster.

That points to a second step relevant everywhere: getting people to slow down. Because the energy—and hence destructive power—of a moving vehicle rises with the square of its velocity, finding ways to limit speed has an outsize effect. A good start would be to enforce the laws on speed limits that actually exist. Instead, plenty of American states ban speed cameras. More ambitious (meaning less popular) would be differential speed limits for heavier cars. Imagine the indignity of being overtaken by a Prius as you sit behind the wheel of your Chevy Silverado pickup, because you must travel 5mph more slowly to avoid being fined or losing your driving licence.

American car-nage

Ultimately, carmakers can innovate away a problem they have done so much to create. Better crash-avoidance technology and more pedestrian-protection systems with airbags would help. True self-driving cars, when they eventually become common, will greatly reduce the number of accidents and hence the death toll, even with heavy vehicles. Unfortunately, that could be years away. In the meantime, the task of saving lives will fall mainly to road engineers and traffic cops. ■



THE NEXT time you are stuck in traffic, look around you. Not at the cars, but the passengers. If you are in America, the chances are that one in 75 of them will be killed by a car—most of those by someone else's car. Wherever you may be, the folk cocooned in a giant SUV or pickup truck are likelier to survive a collision with another vehicle. But the weight of their machines has a cost, because it makes the roads more dangerous for everyone else. The Economist has found that, for every life the heaviest 1% of SUVs or trucks saves in America, more than a dozen lives are lost in smaller vehicles. This makes traffic jams an ethics class on wheels.

下次你遇到堵车时,不妨环顾周围。不要只盯着车辆,多观察一下(同在堵车中的)乘客。如果你身处美国,那么每75人中大约就有一个会死于车祸,而且多数情况是由他人的车辆造成的。无论你身在何地,那些坐在最大型的SUV(运动型多功能车)或皮卡中的人,在与其他车辆发生碰撞时,生存几率更高。但是,这些车辆的重量也有其代价,它们增加了道路对其他人的危险性。《经济学人》(The Economist)发现,在美国,最重的1%的SUV或卡车虽然在某种程度上能够挽救一些生命,但相对地,会有十多个人在较小的车辆中丧生。这使得交通堵塞成了一堂现实中的道德课。


stuck /stʌk/


  • 英文释义:unable to move or be moved.

  • 例句:She felt stuck in her current job with no opportunities for growth. 她感到在目前的工作中陷入了困境,没有成长的机会。

  • 同义替换:trapped 被困住的

cocoon /kəˈkuːn/


  • 英文释义:wrap in a protective or comforting way.

  • 例句:The child was cocooned in a warm blanket, feeling safe and secure. 孩子被一条温暖的毯子包裹着,感到安全和舒适。

  • 同义替换:envelope 包围

be likelier to


  • 英文释义:more likely to happen or be true.

  • 例句:Students who study regularly are likelier to succeed in their exams. 经常学习的学生更有可能在考试中成功。

  • 固定搭配:be likelier to happen 更有可能发生

  • 同义替换:be more inclined to 更倾向于

survive /səˈvaɪv/


  • 英文释义:continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship.

  • 例句:The hiker managed to survive three days lost in the wilderness. 这名远足者设法在荒野中迷失三天后幸存下来。

  • 固定搭配:survive a disaster 幸存于灾难

  • 同义替换:endure 忍受

collision /kəˈlɪʒən/


  • 英文释义:an instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another.

  • 例句:The collision between the two cars resulted in severe damage to both vehicles. 两辆车的碰撞导致两车严重受损。

  • 固定搭配:avoid a collision 避免碰撞

  • 同义替换:crash 碰撞

traffic jams


  • 英文释义:a situation in which large numbers of vehicles are prevented from moving freely.

  • 例句:We were stuck in traffic jams for hours due to the accident on the highway. 由于高速公路上的事故,我们被困在交通拥堵中数小时。

  • 同义替换:congestion 堵塞,gridlock 交通阻塞

ethics /ˈɛθɪks/


  • 英文释义:moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.

  • 例句:The company's ethics committee reviews any potential ethical issues that may arise. 公司的道德委员会审查可能出现的任何道德问题。

  • 固定搭配:ethical standards 道德标准


Each year cars kill roughly 40,000 people in America—and not just because it is a big place where people love to drive. The country's roads are nearly twice as dangerous per mile driven as those in the rest of the rich world. Deaths there involving cars have increased over the past decade, despite the introduction of technology meant to make driving safer.



roughly /ˈrʌfli/


  • 英文释义:approximately; not precisely or exactly.

  • 例句:Roughly 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water. 地球表面大约70%被水覆盖。

  • 固定搭配:roughly estimate 粗略估计

  • 同义替换:approximately 大约,about 大约

introduction /ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃən/


  • 英文释义:the action of presenting something for consideration or use for the first time.

  • 例句:The introduction of new policies led to a significant change in the company's culture. 新政策的推出导致公司文化发生了显著变化。

  • 固定搭配:formal introduction 正式介绍

  • 同义替换:unveiling 揭幕

technology /tɛkˈnɒlədʒi/


  • 英文释义:the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

  • 例句:Advancements in technology have revolutionized the way we communicate. 技术的进步彻底改变了我们的沟通方式。

  • 固定搭配:emerging technology 新兴技术


Weight is to blame. Using data for 7.5m crashes in 14 American states in 2013-23, we found that for every 10,000 crashes the heaviest vehicles kill 37 people in the other car, compared with 5.7 for cars of a median weight and just 2.6 for the lightest. The situation is getting worse. In 2023, 31% of new cars in America weighed over 5,000lb (2.27 tonnes), compared with 22% in 2018.



be to blame


  • 英文释义:be responsible for a mistake or problem.

  • 例句:The lack of communication between departments is to blame for the project's failure. 部门间沟通不畅是导致项目失败的原因。

  • 同义替换:be responsible for 对...负责

crash /kræʃ/


  • 英文释义:a violent collision, typically of one vehicle with another or with an object.

  • 例句:The crash on the highway caused a major traffic jam. 公路上的交通事故造成了严重的交通拥堵。

  • 固定搭配:car crash 汽车碰撞;plane crash 飞机坠毁

  • 同义替换:collision 碰撞;accident 事故

situation /ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃən/


  • 英文释义:the set of circumstances or state of affairs affecting an environment.

  • 例句:The economic situation in the country is becoming increasingly unstable. 该国的经济形势越来越不稳定。

  • 固定搭配:difficult situation 困境

  • 同义替换:circumstances 环境;condition 条件


The number of pedestrians killed by cars has almost doubled since 2010. Although a typical car is 25% lighter in Europe and 40% lighter in Japan, electrification will add weight there too, exacerbating the gap between the heaviest vehicles and the lightest. The Ford F-150 Lightning weighs around 40% more than its petrol-engine cousin, because of the battery that moves all those lithium ions from cathode to anode.

自2010年以来,被汽车撞死的行人数量几乎增加了一倍。虽然在欧洲(Europe)和日本(Japan),标准汽车的重量分别比美国轻25%和40%,但电动化趋势也将使它们的重量增加,这将进一步扩大最重和最轻车辆之间的重量差距。例如,福特F-150 Lightning(Ford F-150 Lightning)比它的汽油引擎版本重约40%,这主要是因为它的电池需要在阳极和阴极之间转移大量的锂离子。


pedestrian /pəˈdɛstrɪən/


  • 英文释义:a person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle.

  • 例句:The city has built more pedestrian walkways to improve safety for walkers. 该城市建造了更多的人行道,以提高行人的安全性。

  • 固定搭配:pedestrian crossing 斑马线;pedestrian zone 步行区

  • 同义替换:walker 步行者

electrification /ɪˌlɛktrɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/


  • 英文释义:the process of converting a system or region to the use of electric power.

  • 例句:The electrification of the railway system has led to faster and more efficient train services. 铁路系统的电气化使得火车服务更快速和高效。

  • 固定搭配:railway electrification 铁路电气化

exacerbate /ɪɡˈzæsərˌbeɪt/


  • 英文释义:make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

  • 例句:The lack of rain exacerbated the drought conditions in the region. 缺乏降雨加剧了该地区的干旱状况。

  • 固定搭配:exacerbate a situation 加剧情况

  • 同义替换:worsen 恶化;aggravate 使恶化

lithium ions


  • 英文释义:positively charged ions of lithium.

  • 例句:The rechargeable battery relies on the movement of lithium ions to store and release energy. 可充电电池依赖于锂离子的移动来储存和释放能量。

cathode /ˈkæθoʊd/


  • 英文释义:the negatively charged electrode by which electrons enter an electrical device.

  • 例句:The cathode of the battery is where the reduction reaction occurs. 电池的阴极是发生还原反应的地方。

  • 固定搭配:electrolytic cathode 电解阴极

anode /ˈæˌnoʊd/


  • 英文释义:the positively charged electrode by which electrons leave an electrical device.

  • 例句:Electrons flow from the anode to the cathode in an electrical circuit. 电子在电路中从阳极流向阴极。


This poses a giant collective-action problem. Individually, it is rational for people to buy bigger cars. As Tony Soprano once said to his son A.J. when discussing SUVs, "So you want to be the sucker in a regular car who gets decapitated?" Yet the sum of those decisions is much more lethal roads, as well as more expensive car insurance.

这带来了一个重大的集体行动问题。对个人来说,购买大型车辆似乎是理性的选择。正如托尼·索普拉诺(Tony Soprano)在和他儿子A.J.讨论运动型多功能车(SUV)时所说:“你希望自己开着普通车,在事故中遭遇不幸吗?”但是,所有这些个体决策的总和,却使得道路变得更加危险,同时车险的成本也相应增高。


pose /poʊz/


  • 英文释义:to present or constitute (a problem, danger, or difficulty).

  • 例句:The pandemic poses a significant threat to public health. 大流行病对公共卫生构成重大威胁。

  • 固定搭配:pose a challenge 构成挑战;pose a risk 带来风险

  • 同义替换:present 提出;create 创造

collective-action problem


  • 英文释义:a situation in which individuals are reluctant to act cooperatively in a group setting due to conflicting interests.

  • 例句:Solving climate change requires addressing the collective-action problem of reducing carbon emissions. 解决气候变化问题需要解决减少碳排放的集体行动问题。

individually /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəli/


  • 英文释义:separately or considered one at a time.

  • 例句:Each student will be assessed individually based on their performance. 每位学生将根据自己的表现单独评估。

  • 固定搭配:work individually 单独工作

  • 同义替换:separately 分开;singly 单独地

rational /ˈræʃənl/


  • 英文释义:based on or in accordance with reason or logic.

  • 例句:Making a rational decision involves weighing the pros and cons carefully. 做出理性的决定需要仔细权衡利弊。

  • 固定搭配:rational choice 理性选择;rational behavior 理性行为

  • 同义替换:sensible 明智的

sucker /ˈsʌkər/


  • 英文释义:a person who is easily deceived or tricked.

  • 例句:Don't be a sucker for get-rich-quick schemes. 不要成为那些快速致富计划的受害者。

  • 固定搭配:fall for a sucker 上当受骗;be a sucker for something 对某事易上当

decapitated /dɪˈkæpɪˌteɪtɪd/


  • 英文释义:having had one's head cut off.

  • 例句:The decapitated statue lay in ruins on the ground. 被砍掉头颅的雕像破碎地躺在地上。

lethal /ˈliːθəl/


  • 英文释义:sufficient to cause death.

  • 例句:The snake's venom is highly lethal. 这种蛇的毒液极具致命性。

  • 固定搭配:lethal weapon 致命武器;lethal dose 致命剂量

  • 同义替换:deadly 致命的;fatal 致命的

insurance /ɪnˈʃʊrəns/


  • 英文释义:a practice or arrangement by which a company or government agency provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a premium.

  • 例句:Having insurance can help protect you financially in case of unexpected events. 拥有保险可以在发生意外事件时帮助你在经济上保护自己。

  • 固定搭配:health insurance 健康保险;car insurance 汽车保险

  • 同义替换:coverage 保险;assurance 保障


In theory, regulators could insist that vehicles were lighter. Good luck with that. Pickup drivers love sitting behind the wheel of a huge truck. Running for election on a platform of banning massive cars would be a metrosexual caricature. In America it is hard enough to persuade gun owners to embrace sensible gun laws, because of a mistaken belief that guns make people safer. For big cars that argument is even harder to make, because up to a point it is actually true.



regulator /ˈrɛɡjʊˌleɪtər/


  • 英文释义:a person or organization that regulates or controls something, especially a machine.

  • 例句:The financial regulator oversees the banking industry to ensure compliance with regulations. 金融监管机构监督银行业,确保遵守法规。

  • 固定搭配:regulatory body 监管机构

insist /ɪnˈsɪst/


  • 英文释义:demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal or opposition.

  • 例句:She insisted on speaking with the manager to resolve the issue. 她坚持要与经理交谈以解决问题。

  • 固定搭配:insist on doing 坚持做某事

  • 同义替换:assert 坚持

platform /ˈplætfɔːrm/


  • 英文释义:a raised level surface on which people or things can stand.

  • 例句:The political party released its platform outlining key policy objectives. 政党发布了其政纲,概述了关键政策目标。

  • 固定搭配:party platform 党纲

massive /ˈmæsɪv/


  • 英文释义:large and heavy or solid.

  • 例句:The construction project involved moving massive amounts of earth and rock. 这个建筑项目涉及移动大量的土地和岩石。

  • 固定搭配:massive structure 巨大结构;massive impact 巨大影响

  • 同义替换:enormous 巨大的;immense 巨大的

metrosexual /ˌmɛtrəˈsɛkʃuəl/


  • 英文释义:a usually urban heterosexual male given to enhancing his personal appearance by fastidious grooming, beauty treatments, and fashionable clothes.

  • 例句:He was known for his metrosexual style, always impeccably dressed and groomed. 他以都市男性的风格而著称,总是穿着得体,打扮整洁。

  • 固定搭配:metrosexual man 都市男性

caricature /ˈkærɪkəˌtjʊr/


  • 英文释义:a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.

  • 例句:The political cartoonist drew a caricature of the president that went viral. 政治漫画家画了一幅总统的漫画,迅速走红。

  • 固定搭配:political caricature 政治讽刺画

persuade /pərˈsweɪd/


  • 英文释义:cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

  • 例句:She managed to persuade him to change his mind about the project. 她成功说服他改变了对这个项目的看法。

  • 固定搭配:persuade someone to do 劝服某人做某事

  • 同义替换:convince 说服;influence 影响

embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/


  • 英文释义:accept (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.

  • 例句:The company decided to embrace new technologies to stay competitive. 公司决定拥抱新技术以保持竞争力。

  • 固定搭配:embrace change 拥抱改变

sensible /ˈsɛnsəbl/


  • 英文释义:chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence; likely to be of benefit.

  • 例句:It is sensible to save money for unexpected expenses. 为了应对意外开支而储蓄是明智的。

  • 固定搭配:sensible decision 明智的决定

  • 同义替换:prudent 谨慎的;reasonable 合理的

up to a point


  • 英文释义:to some extent but not completely.

  • 例句:I agree with her up to a point, but I still have reservations about the plan. 我在某种程度上同意她的观点,但我对这个计划仍然有保留。

  • 同义替换:to some degree 到一定程度


What, then, could make roads safer? As people become aware of the risk their choices impose on everyone else, attitudes to owning gigantic cars may change. This need not come at any cost to their drivers' safety. We estimate that if the heaviest 10% of vehicles in America's fleet shrank by roughly 1,000lb, road fatalities in multi-car crashes would fall by 12%, or 2,300 a year, without sacrificing the safety of the heavier cars.



become aware of


  • 英文释义:to come to know or realize something.

  • 例句:It is important to become aware of the potential dangers in the workplace. 意识到工作场所的潜在危险是很重要的。

impose on


  • 英文释义:to establish or apply as compulsory; to force someone to accept or put up with; to burden.

  • 例句:The new regulations impose strict penalties on companies that violate environmental laws. 新规定对违反环境法律的公司施加严格的处罚。

  • 同义替换:enforce 强制执行

gigantic /dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk/


  • 英文释义:extremely large; huge.

  • 例句:The construction site was filled with gigantic cranes and machinery. 工地上摆满了巨大的起重机和机械设备。

  • 同义替换:enormous 巨大的

fleet /fliːt/


  • 英文释义:a group of vehicles or ships controlled by one company or country.

  • 例句:The delivery company has a fleet of trucks for transporting goods. 运输公司拥有一支用于运输货物的卡车车队。

  • 固定搭配:naval fleet 海军舰队

fatality /fəˈtæləti/


  • 英文释义:an occurrence of death by accident, in war, or from disease.

  • 例句:The number of fatalities in the plane crash shocked the nation. 飞机失事中的死亡人数震惊了全国。

  • 同义替换:mortality 死亡率;death toll 死亡人数

sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/


  • 英文释义:to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person.

  • 例句:He sacrificed his career to spend more time with his family. 他牺牲了自己的事业,以便更多时间陪伴家人。


Attitudes can be nudged with reforms. Bizarrely, the government body that rates cars for safety did not propose taking the safety of pedestrians or other vehicles into consideration until last year. Because of a trade dispute with Europe over exports of poultry, many lighter foreign-made trucks are not even sold in America, a wrinkle known as the "chicken tax".

改革能逐步改变人们的观念。令人惊讶的是,负责评估汽车安全的政府机构,直到去年才开始考虑行人及其他车辆的安全。因为与欧洲在禽肉出口上的贸易纠纷,很多轻型的外国制造卡车甚至无法在美国市场销售,这种情况通常被称作“鸡肉税”(chicken tax)。


be nudged with


  • 英文释义:to be gently encouraged or influenced in a particular direction or behavior.

  • 例句:Public opinion can be nudged with effective marketing campaigns. 有效的营销活动可以激励公众舆论。

  • 同义替换:prompt 促使

bizarrely /bɪˈzɑːrli/


  • 英文释义:in a very strange or unusual manner.

  • 例句:Bizarrely, the solution to the problem was found in an unexpected place. 奇怪的是,问题的解决方案在一个意想不到的地方被找到。

  • 固定搭配:bizarrely enough 奇怪的是

  • 同义替换:strangely 奇怪地;peculiarly 古怪地

propose /prəˈpoʊz/


  • 英文释义:put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or discussion by others.

  • 例句:The committee will propose a new budget for the upcoming fiscal year. 委员会将提议下一个财政年度的新预算。

  • 固定搭配:propose a solution 提出解决方案

take...into consideration


  • 英文释义:to think about and include something when making a decision or judgment.

  • 例句:When redesigning the website, the team took user feedback into consideration. 在重新设计网站时,团队考虑了用户的反馈意见。

  • 同义替换:factor in 纳入考虑

dispute /dɪˈspjuːt/


  • 英文释义:a disagreement or argument.

  • 例句:The two parties are in a dispute over the ownership of the land. 两方就土地所有权问题存在争议。

  • 固定搭配:settle a dispute 解决争端

  • 同义替换:controversy 争议

poultry /ˈpoʊltri/


  • 英文释义:domestic fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese, raised for meat or eggs.

  • 例句:The farm specializes in raising poultry for sale at local markets. 这家农场专门养殖家禽,以便在当地市场出售。

  • 固定搭配:poultry farm 家禽养殖场

wrinkle /ˈrɪŋkl/


  • 英文释义:a slight line or fold in something, especially fabric or the skin.

  • 例句:The plan ran into a wrinkle when unexpected costs arose. 当额外费用出现时,计划遇到了困难。

  • 固定搭配:iron out wrinkles 去除困难

  • 同义替换:crease 皱纹;obstacle 障碍


Tax deductions for working vehicles encourage people to buy trucks. Fuel standards, introduced in the 1970s to boost efficient vehicles, gave pickups a carve-out, inadvertently boosting their sales. The gradient could even tilt in the other direction. In 2022 France introduced a surcharge on new vehicles of €10 ($11) per kg over 1,800kg (4,000lb). In 2023 Norway began taxing car buyers at a rate of NKr12.50 ($1.17) per kg over 500kg.



deduction /dɪˈdʌkʃən/


  • 英文释义:the action of deducting or subtracting something.

  • 例句:Tax deductions can help individuals reduce their taxable income. 扣除税款可以帮助个人减少应纳税收入。

encourage /ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒ/


  • 英文释义:give support, confidence, or hope to (someone).

  • 例句:Her coach always encouraged her to do her best in every competition. 她的教练总是鼓励她在每一场比赛中尽力而为。

  • 固定搭配:encourage someone to do 鼓励某人做

  • 同义替换:motivate 激励;inspire 鼓舞

boost /buːst/


  • 英文释义:help or encourage (something) to increase or improve.

  • 例句:The new marketing campaign helped boost sales for the company. 新的营销活动帮助提升了公司的销售额。

  • 固定搭配:boost morale 提高士气

  • 同义替换:increase 增加;enhance 加强

efficient /ɪˈfɪʃnt/


  • 英文释义:working in a well-organized and competent way.

  • 例句:The new system is more efficient and saves time for employees. 新系统更高效,为员工节省了时间。

  • 同义替换:effective 有效的;productive 有成效的

carve-out /ˈkɑːrv ˌaʊt/


  • 英文释义:an exemption or exception included in a rule or regulation.

  • 例句:The regulation included a carve-out for small businesses with fewer than five employees. 该规定为少于五名员工的小企业设立了特殊情况。

  • 固定搭配:include a carve-out 包含特例

  • 同义替换:exception 例外

inadvertently /ˌɪnədˈvɜːrtntli/


  • 英文释义:without intention; accidentally.

  • 例句:She inadvertently deleted the important file while organizing her documents. 她在整理文件时无意中删除了重要文件。

  • 固定搭配:inadvertently cause 无意中导致

  • 同义替换:unintentionally 无意地

gradient /ˈɡreɪdiənt/


  • 英文释义:an inclined part of a road or railway; a slope.

  • 例句:The hikers struggled to climb the steep gradient of the mountain. 徒步者艰难地攀登山脉陡峭的坡度。

  • 固定搭配:steep gradient 陡峭的坡度

  • 同义替换:slope 斜坡

tilt /tɪlt/


  • 英文释义:move or cause to move into a sloping position.

  • 例句:The picture on the wall tilted slightly to the left. 墙上的图片稍微向左倾斜。

  • 固定搭配:tilt to one side 倾向一侧

  • 同义替换:slant 倾斜;lean 倾斜

surcharge /ˈsɜːrtʃɑːrdʒ/


  • 英文释义:an additional charge or payment over and above the usual price.

  • 例句:The hotel bill included a surcharge for room service. 酒店账单中包含了客房服务的附加费。

  • 固定搭配:impose a surcharge 征收附加费


Yet even if all those things were to change, consumer preferences are so strong that adjustments to fuel-efficiency standards would probably not be enough. That suggests another line of attack: as well as making cars lighter, you can make accidents rarer and less deadly.



preference /ˈprɛfərəns/


  • 英文释义:a greater liking for one alternative over another or others.

  • 例句:Her preference for tea over coffee is well known among her friends. 她更喜欢茶而不是咖啡的偏好在朋友中是众所周知的。

  • 固定搭配:personal preference 个人偏好

  • 同义替换:inclination 倾向

adjustment /əˈdʒʌstmənt/


  • 英文释义:a small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result.

  • 例句:The adjustment of the thermostat helped regulate the temperature in the room. 调节恒温器帮助调节了房间的温度。

  • 同义替换:modification 修改

accident /ˈæksɪdənt/


  • 英文释义:an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.

  • 例句:The car skidded on the wet road and had an accident. 汽车在湿滑的路面上打滑发生了事故。

  • 固定搭配:car accident 车祸;work accident 工伤事故

  • 同义替换:incident 事件


In America the first step should be to redesign the road system. In the early 1990s the French were about as likely as Americans to die in a car crash (which worked out as being about twice as likely to die per mile). Now they are three times less likely. Driving in Mississippi is four times as dangerous as in Massachusetts. In both cases the design of roads explains much of the difference.



redesign /riːdɪˈzaɪn/


  • 英文释义:to design (something) again in a different way, typically in order to improve it.

  • 例句:The company plans to redesign its website to enhance user experience. 公司计划重新设计其网站以提升用户体验。

  • 固定搭配:redesign a product 重新设计产品

  • 同义替换:revamp 改进


It may seem arcane, but the lack of roundabouts in suburban and rural America is a big cause of deaths. Replacing intersections would save thousands of lives a year. The spread of stroads, four-lane highways that sit next to shopping malls, mixing pedestrians and cars turning out into traffic with heavy vehicles travelling at 50mph, is dangerous too. American highway engineers tend to associate wide lanes with safety. In fact, space encourages people to drive faster.



arcane /ɑrˈkeɪn/


  • 英文释义:understood by few; mysterious or secret.

  • 例句:The ancient manuscript contained arcane symbols that puzzled scholars for decades. 这份古老的手稿包含着让学者们几十年来困惑不解的神秘符号。

  • 固定搭配:arcane knowledge 神秘知识

roundabout /ˈraʊndəˌbaʊt/


  • 英文释义:a road junction at which traffic moves in one direction around a central island to reach one of the roads leading from it.

  • 例句:The town installed a roundabout at the busy intersection to improve traffic flow. 镇上在繁忙的交叉路口安装了一个环形交叉路口以改善交通流量。

suburban /səˈbɜːrbən/


  • 英文释义:relating to or characteristic of a suburb.

  • 例句:Many families prefer suburban living for its quieter atmosphere and larger yards. 许多家庭喜欢郊区生活,因为那里的氛围更为宁静,而且有更大的庭院。

  • 固定搭配:suburban area 郊区;suburban neighborhood 郊区社区

intersection /ˌɪntərˈsɛkʃən/


  • 英文释义:a point or place where two or more things intersect, especially where two or more roads cross.

  • 例句:The accident occurred at the busy intersection downtown. 事故发生在市中心繁忙的交叉路口。

  • 固定搭配:traffic intersection 交通交叉口

  • 同义替换:crossing 十字路口

stroad /stroʊd/


  • 英文释义:a street/road hybrid, typically designed to move traffic quickly but not efficiently, often found in suburban areas.

  • 例句:The city's urban planning aimed to transform stroads into pedestrian-friendly streets. 城市的城市规划旨在将大道改造为适合行人的街道。

associate /əˈsoʊsieɪt/


  • 英文释义:connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind.

  • 例句:People often associate the smell of fresh bread with warm memories of home. 人们常常将新鲜面包的香味与家的温暖回忆联系在一起。

  • 固定搭配:associate with 联系

  • 同义替换:connect 连接


That points to a second step relevant everywhere: getting people to slow down. Because the energy—and hence destructive power—of a moving vehicle rises with the square of its velocity, finding ways to limit speed has an outsize effect. A good start would be to enforce the laws on speed limits that actually exist. Instead, plenty of American states ban speed cameras. More ambitious (meaning less popular) would be differential speed limits for heavier cars. Imagine the indignity of being overtaken by a Prius as you sit behind the wheel of your Chevy Silverado pickup, because you must travel 5mph more slowly to avoid being fined or losing your driving licence.

这引出了一个在各地都适用的重要措施:让人们减速。车辆的移动能量及其破坏力会随速度的平方而增加,因此限制速度的方法对安全影响极大。一个有效的起点是:严格执行现有的速度限制法规。然而,许多美国各州(American states)却禁止使用测速摄像头(speed cameras)。更具挑战性(也即更不受欢迎)的措施是对重型车设置不同的速度限制。想象一下,当你驾驶雪佛兰银色多(Chevy Silverado)皮卡时,因必须比别人慢行5英里以避免罚款或丧失驾照,结果被一辆普锐斯(Prius)超过,那种情景将是多么尴尬。


relevant /ˈrɛləvənt/


  • 英文释义:closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered.

  • 例句:It's important to provide relevant examples when explaining a concept. 在解释概念时提供相关的例子是很重要的。

  • 固定搭配:relevant information 相关信息;relevant experience 相关经验

  • 同义替换:pertinent 相关的

slow down


  • 英文释义:reduce one's speed or the speed of something.

  • 例句:Drivers should slow down in residential areas to ensure pedestrian safety. 驾驶员应该在居民区减速,以确保行人安全。

destructive /dɪˈstrʌktɪv/


  • 英文释义:causing great and irreparable harm or damage.

  • 例句:The hurricane brought destructive winds and flooding to the coastal region. 飓风给沿海地区带来了破坏性的风和洪水。

  • 固定搭配:destructive behavior 破坏性行为

  • 同义替换:devastating 毁灭性的;ruinous 破坏性的

velocity /vəˈlɑːsəti/


  • 英文释义:the speed of something in a given direction.

  • 例句:The velocity of the car increased as it went downhill. 车辆下坡时的速度增加了。

  • 固定搭配:high velocity 高速;constant velocity 恒定速度

  • 同义替换:speed 速度;rate 速率

outsize /ˈaʊtsaɪz/


  • 英文释义:larger or more extensive than usual.

  • 例句:The company invested in an outsize advertising campaign to promote their new product. 公司投资了一个超大型的广告宣传活动来推广他们的新产品。

enforce /ɪnˈfɔːrs/


  • 英文释义:compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation).

  • 例句:It's the responsibility of the police to enforce traffic laws. 执法是警察的责任,强制执行交通法规。

  • 同义替换:implement 实施

ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/


  • 英文释义:having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.

  • 例句:She has an ambitious plan to start her own business within the next year. 她有一个雄心勃勃的计划,在未来一年内开始自己的业务。

  • 固定搭配:ambitious goals 雄心勃勃的目标

  • 同义替换:driven 有野心的

differential /ˌdɪfəˈrɛnʃəl/


  • 英文释义:showing a difference or varying according to circumstances or relevant factors.

  • 例句:The company offers differential pricing based on the features of the product. 公司根据产品特点提供不同的定价。

  • 固定搭配:differential treatment 差异对待

indignity /ɪnˈdɪɡnəti/


  • 英文释义:an injury to a person's dignity; an affront or insult.

  • 例句:Being treated like a criminal at the airport was an indignity he had never experienced before. 在机场被当作罪犯对待是他从未经历过的侮辱。

driving licence /ˈdraɪvɪŋ ˈlaɪsns/


  • 英文释义:an official document or card that gives a driver permission to drive a vehicle.

  • 例句:Before driving, you must have a valid driving licence. 开车前,你必须持有效的驾驶执照。


American car-nage

Ultimately, carmakers can innovate away a problem they have done so much to create. Better crash-avoidance technology and more pedestrian-protection systems with airbags would help. True self-driving cars, when they eventually become common, will greatly reduce the number of accidents and hence the death toll, even with heavy vehicles. Unfortunately, that could be years away. In the meantime, the task of saving lives will fall mainly to road engineers and traffic cops. ■


归根到底,汽车制造商完全有能力通过创新来解决他们所造成的问题。进一步改善防撞技术和增加配备气囊的行人保护系统将提供帮助。当真正的自动驾驶汽车(self-driving cars)终于普及时,它们将大大减少事故数和相应的死亡人数,即使是在重型车辆中也将如此。不过,这可能还需要几年时间。在那之前,拯救生命的任务将主要依靠道路工程师和交通警察来完成。


ultimately /ˈʌltɪmətli/


  • 英文释义:finally; in the end.

  • 例句:Ultimately, the success of the project will depend on effective teamwork. 最终,项目的成功将取决于有效的团队合作。

  • 同义替换:eventually 最终;finally 最后

innovate /ˈɪnəˌveɪt/


  • 英文释义:make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods or ideas.

  • 例句:The company aims to innovate its products to meet changing consumer needs. 公司旨在创新其产品以满足不断变化的消费者需求。

  • 同义替换:revolutionize 革新

avoidance /əˈvɔɪdəns/


  • 英文释义:the action of keeping away from or not doing something.

  • 例句:The key to road safety is the avoidance of risky behaviors while driving. 道路安全的关键在于驾驶时避免危险行为。

airbag /ˈɛrˌbæɡ/


  • 英文释义:a safety device fitted in a vehicle that inflates automatically in the event of a collision.

  • 例句:The car is equipped with multiple airbags to protect passengers in case of an accident. 这辆车安装了多个安全气囊,以保护乘客在发生事故时。

eventually /ɪˈvɛntʃuəli/


  • 英文释义:at the end of a period of time or a series of events.

  • 例句:With perseverance and hard work, you will eventually achieve your goals. 经过坚持和努力,您最终会实现目标。

death toll


  • 英文释义:the number of deaths resulting from a particular incident, disaster, or cause.

  • 例句:The earthquake's death toll rose steadily as rescue efforts continued. 随着救援工作的进行,地震的死亡人数稳步上升。

In the meantime


  • 英文释义:during this time; meanwhile.

  • 例句:We will continue with our research. In the meantime, you can start preparing the report. 我们将继续研究。与此同时,你可以开始准备报告。

traffic cops


  • 英文释义:police officers who are responsible for controlling and directing traffic.

  • 例句:The traffic cops were busy managing the flow of vehicles during rush hour. 交警忙着疏导高峰时段的车流。



stuck;cocoon;be likelier to;survive;collision;traffic jams ;ethics;roughly;introduction;technology;be to blame;crash;situation;pedestrian;electrification;exacerbate;lithium ions ;cathode;anode;pose;collective-action problem;individually;rational;sucker;decapitated;lethal;insurance;regulator;insist;platform;massive;metrosexual;caricature;persuade;embrace;sensible;up to a point ;become aware of;impose on ;gigantic;fleet;fatality;sacrifice;be nudged with;bizarrely;propose;take...into consideration;dispute;poultry;wrinkle;deduction;encourage;boost;efficient;carve-out;inadvertently;gradient;tilt;surcharge;preference;adjustment;accident;redesign;arcane;roundabout;suburban;intersection;stroad;associate;relevant;slow down;destructive;velocity;outsize;enforce;ambitious;differential;indignity;driving licence;ultimately;innovate;avoidance;airbag;eventually;death tol;In the meantime;traffic cops


In suburban areas, traffic jams can exacerbate the daily commute, making it rough to survive the morning rush. The introduction of new technology in transportation, like smart traffic lights and better road redesigns, could help. Pedestrians often get stuck at slow-moving intersections, where the chance of a collision with high-velocity vehicles increases. If everyone followed the ethics of driving, such as not speeding and yielding the right of way, accidents could be reduced.

Traffic cops enforce laws to avoid crashes, but they can only do so much. The use of airbags has proven to be a lifesaver, reducing the death toll in severe crashes. Car manufacturers are encouraged to embrace more efficient technologies, such as electrification, which avoids the use of lethal lithium ions in batteries, making vehicles safer and boosting sustainability.

Ultimately, it's up to a community to insist on sensible traffic regulations. While technology can help, collective-action problems like imposing strict rules on driving behavior need to be tackled. Individually, one might feel like a sucker for driving slower or more cautiously, but when everyone does it, the roads become safer for all.

