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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-10-26 14:24


近日,《王牌特工2:黄金圈》 Kingsman: The Golden Circle 在内地热映。

仅用两天时间,《王牌特工2》就斩获2亿,登顶周末票房排行榜(box office charts)。

Over the weekend, Kingsman: The Golden Circle grossed 200 million yuan ($30 million) to top the box office charts.

冲着“脸叔”科林·费尔斯(Colin Firth)的颜值、马强叔(Mark Strong)的长腿、塔伦·埃格顿(Taron Egerton)的西装……

再加上这个系列标志性的超酷间谍武器装备(the set of cool spy gadgets),预计本周五另两部好莱 坞大片上映前,《王牌特工2》还是可以独领风骚。

这个系列,在第一部《王牌特工:特工学院》 Kingsman: The Secret Service 2015年上映之时,就惊艳了网友和评论圈。仅在中国,该片就斩获4.9亿元的票房,而且在豆瓣上取得8.4的高分。

The earlier movie, Kingsman: The Secret Service , was also a commercial success in China, bringing in around 490 million yuan in 2015 and obtaining a score of 8.4 points out of 10 on the country’s popular film review site Douban.

还记得脸叔那句经典台词么:Manners maketh man(不知礼无以立也)


Its success could partly be attributed to the fact that many people had become bored with traditional spy movies such as the James Bond franchise.




能飞、能变身、能缩小成蚂蚁、或是天神“二代”,这些听起来特《西游记》的特征,串连起漫威(Marvel)和DC的电影宇宙(cinematic universe),占据了好莱坞大公司的计划拍摄表,也成就了票房食物链上最卖座的英雄群像。

Superheroes have now overtaken spies to dominate the big screen. And for such movies, the must-have action does not need to feature guns, cars, branded wines or beautiful women, but physical transformations, shrinking characters that become the size of an ant, or being born into a god’s family – characteristics seen in the Marvel and DC superhero films.

因此,改编自漫画的《王牌特工》的出现,仿佛突然涌现的一股清流,用 另类的暴力美学和风度翩翩的英伦绅士范儿 ,用真实世界的设定、但又超脱于真实的轻快劲儿,迅速笼络了观众的心。

In the Kingsman series, suave British agents stole the show. And Kingsman: The Secret Service , adapted from a popular comic, won over audiences with its freshness.

对于“王牌特工”的导演马修·沃恩(Matthew Vaughn)而言,“王牌特工”这个系列,是他写给黄金时代间谍片的情书(love letter),也是他首次“破禁”执导续集(sequel)电影。

这个月早些时候,双语君 (微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile) 有幸在上海专访了沃恩。



导演马修·沃恩(Matthew Vaughn)



In a recent interview in Shanghai, Matthew Vaughn, who directs the Kingsman movies, said: “Nowadays science is so advanced that a lot of weapons and gadgets can be made. One of the interesting things today is that some science fiction has turned into science fact, so we designed scenes that we thought can happen in the future.”


Speaking of the latest movie, he said: “I think James Bond movies have become very serious, but Kingsman is a celebration of British culture that has a quite unique sense of humor. I want this humor in my films… Besides, it (the latest Kingsman film) is a comedy, fun movie with a lot of action.

《王牌特工2》到底如何植根于英国文化、又融入好莱坞商业体系之中,这个固然需要粉丝们自己去影院一探究竟。但借着这股热度,双语君也想顺道儿,简单地聊聊“间谍片”(spy movie)这个独特的类型(genre)在好莱坞的前世今生。


A look into the history of spy movies shows that Britain was the pioneer in producing such films.

《锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍》( Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy ) 海报

早在默片时代(the era of silent movies),间谍已经成为银幕上的主角。当时,第一次世界大战(1914-1918)所带来的阴影,也折射在文艺创作之中。


比如1914年的黑白默片《德国间谍危机》( The German Spy Peril ),虽然只有短短7分钟,情节很紧张。影片讲述一个因体检不合格未被征召入伍的爱国义士,无意中偷听到德国间谍讨论要炸掉英国议会大厦,挺身而出,阻止了这场阴谋。

《德国间谍危机》( The German Spy Peril

而其他同时期的几部间谍片,如《超级大救援》( OHMS: Our Helpless Millions Saved )和《为君上效力》( On His Majesty's Service ),也都是关于阻止德国间谍行动的故事。


Such movies may have limited appeal in terms of art, but they served as propaganda to inspire armed forces enlistment.

到了上世纪20年代后期,奥地利电影大师弗里兹·朗(Fritz Lang)的长达178分钟《间谍》( Spies )让间谍片终于作为一个类型,终于有了雏形。

The 178-minute feature Spies (1928) by the Austrian master Fritz Lang marked a breakthrough in the espionage genre.

《间谍》( Spies
