专栏名称: 吾布斯言
吾布斯言,吾布,斯言。备份微博 《吾布斯》,备份号 Amazingdoctor
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吾布斯言 | 宇宙大神刘慈欣

吾布斯言  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-02-20 12:31



备份号《吾布斯学》| Amazingdoctor |

“我有一个计划,你只需要相信 我!”


今晚,我请你们选择伟大,Never become a socialism country!


这两天,电影《流浪地球》在春节档斩获颇丰,这部由爱国主义Obscenity film《战狼》导演吴京所拍摄的科幻片,票房已经突破40亿,据说预期会达到53亿,而原著作者刘慈欣也将以1.3亿的 版税,超越脑残网文生产商唐家三少成为文娱届的一颗新星。

刘慈欣曾经说过,“科学是在大灾难面前唯一能拯救人的东西”,“只要科学技术在不断地发展,人类就有光明的未来。就这一个条件,不需要别的条件,不需要什么泯猪、人的道德提升、人有精神寄托,都不需要,只需要这一个条件,就 够了。”

看到这段话,我们突然明白了《战狼》系列和《流浪地球》为什么能一路飘红。 查看中文完整版请发送 【订阅】 邮件至 [email protected] 免费获取 果然,“含咪率”高和“含京量”高的,都应该离远点。

刘慈欣式科幻哲学的逻辑是,先假设存在足以导致文明毁灭级别的宇宙级大灾难,因为在给定的时间范围和科技树条件下无解,所以问题的解决必须依赖于普世规律崩塌 后的Totalitarian take control。Through this setting, the darkest evil things in real life, such as totalitarian dictatorship and slavery, have become the most radiant choice.

Using the current enemy as an excuse to induce people hand over their power, and then the state enters totalitarian rule. Historically, this kind of despicable trick to attack against humanity  with the banner of saving humanity has been staged all the time when the dictatorship faced political and economic diplomacy and other comprehensive internal and external difficulties.

Whenever a country’s political and economic crisis occurs, the flag of patriotism will scent again. In the anti-totalitarian masterpiece "1984", the Oceanic State gave life politics legitimacy through the normalization of war emergency. In "Wandering Earth", the Rebels questioned the "Stray Earth" plan of the coalition government based on the obove conclusion. 当然,他们在大刘的不可逆式硬科技设定下可耻地失败了。

The political imagination of "Wandering Earth" is to demand the sacrifice of "people" in the name of "humanity." For the breakthrough and progress of science and technology, not only the system, morality, human rights, etc. can leave the historical stage, the "last human" itself is only the existence value of the biological body, and the personality attribute attached to it has disappeared.

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当然, this kind of logic may only be the need of propaganda of these sinister thieves, and they will certainly become coward before they completely destroy their own situation. What it truly believes is that those who master the most advanced technology have the power to rule everything. In short, the reason for the supremacy of science and technology is that "smart is more important than goodness", because it is reasonable for anti-human behavior once it has the "scientific first" aura. 查看中文完整版请发送 【订阅】 邮件至 [email protected] 免费获取

历史学家福柯将 life politics 定义为“一种新的 authority 技术”,不同于至高 authority ,生命 authority 并不旨在使你死即死亡威胁,而是通过干预个体生活的形式致力于如何使你活即扶植生命。在现代国家中,生命在个体与群体这两个层面上都已深层次地受控于生命 authority ,作为个体的人和作为物种的人类都被纳入了政治之域,被置于诸种“ authority 装置”隐秘却极其有效的操纵之下。

在20世纪60年代的中国,Life politics finally ha d an oppotunity under twisted strongman system. T his naked and cruel sociological practice was at the cost of tens of millions of people dead. At this time when the nuclear winter of the political darkness and humanity annihilated swept across China, Liu Cixin was a teenager. 查看中文完整版请发送 【订阅】 邮件至 [email protected] 免费获取

在一片漆黑的森林里,一个人不知道在不远处隐藏着的力量是敌是友,武力多强,因此“唯一”选择是,一旦发现这种力量在运动就必须直接进行毁灭性打击。 In the era of Cultural Revolution that humanity disappered, “唯一”选择是不要相信任何人, 查看中文完整版请发送 【订阅】 邮件至 [email protected] 免费获取

黑暗森林中的刘慈欣, 查看中文完整版请发送 【订阅】 邮件至 [email protected] 免费获取

刘慈欣并不是一个人,其身后代表了一大批cowards that have deep fear but dare not resist the cruel history of extermination of humanity。刘已经不是一个科幻作家,而是代表了一股要把extremist ruls such as autocratic autocracy and totalitarianism, 查看中文完整版请发送 【订阅】 邮件至 [email protected] 免费获取

刘慈欣之所以在科技圈里拥有超多粉丝和极高声望,是因为在他的视野中,人类与其他生物并无不同,而动物世界的主要目标一是物种延续,二是强者生存,为实现上述目标即使导致 moral darkness 也应在所不惜。这种没有受过人文主义熏陶的直男思考模式, 查看中文完整版请发送 【订阅】


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